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Video: Make Borders History - 3rd July Glasgow - A walking tour of Migration

devish may / fuzz edit | 05.07.2005 06:30 | G8 2005 | Anti-racism | Globalisation | Migration | Birmingham

The Make Borders History tour of Glasgow. The make border tour-ists split up in 6 groups of 30 to 100 people to explore the border regime as it manifests itself in the Scottish city.

The tour guides were from: no one is illegal, noborder network, noborder manchester group, brides without border, and someone from the glasgow committee to welcome refugees.

devish may / fuzz edit
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Display the following 4 comments

  1. Sexism — sue
  2. Brides and Borders — A Glasgae Keelie
  3. problems saving this video — imc israel
  4. re: problems viewing film — at home I feel like a tourist