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13-06-2016 16:41
Worldwide originator of reggae and champion of Rastafarianism, Bob Marley, professed global peace and love, among with freedom from exploitation. A civil rights leader as well as a pioneering musician, Robert Nesta Marley led the spiritual emancipation against racial oppression, and was a beacon of light for the African-American and African-Caribbean diaspora, and a source of hope for the motherland, Africa. During his worldwide career, professional music photographers joined him on his concert tours throughout the world. One of these, who has written extensively about her role snapping the great Bob Marley, is vile white supremacist #Brexiteer Lindsay Donald from the UK, her book, Portrait of a Legend and other Folks, released in 2013. Lindsay is an anti-Semitic Protocols-toting @voteleave (Labour Leave) supporter.
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13-06-2016 14:22
WESTBORO Baptist Church are openly supporting the mass murderer in the Orlando nightclub where fifty LGBT clubbers got murdered by the armed fanatic, tweeting that the killer came from God, and that the victims will "rot in hell". At the same time as the Florida shootings, another fanatic, this time a white, Christian fanatic, was tooled-up with automatic rifles, handguns and bombs, ready to do the same thing to LA pride, and yet, the media refuse to label the second man a terrorist, proving double-standards when it comes to reporting news which does not correspond with a global anti-Islam agenda, and the War On Terror.
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12-06-2016 14:30
Once more, repeating the pattern of the entire Murdoch reign, the British people have been hoodwinked into supporting Conservative Party oppression by a deceitful and manipulative media hell-bent upon persuading turkeys to vote for Christmas. Brainwashed by racism and xenophobia drip-fed over decades by Britain's shameful rightwing press, gut-reaction racism has swung the #EU vote in favour of #Brexit, the moment when the ghost of deadly Thatcherism is reincarnated into a hybrid of a police state and a sweatshop / workhouse. Instead of immigrants doing the low-paid jobs, once immigration is stopped, and EU workers are switched to visas and repatriated, it will be the misled British worker crushed into the ground by global capitalism, using the UK as a source of cheap labour once all workers rights have been repealed "to make Britain competitive again".
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09-06-2016 16:16
UKIP's female fascist demi-fuhrer - Pegida's low-budget version of Eva Braun - Anne-Marie Waters of UKIP, is hosting a neo-nazi "Sharia Watch" anti-Muslim rally on Saturday the 20th of August, close to Parliament Square provocatively entitled "ISLAM KILLS WOMEN!", aimed at encouraging divisions in London's multicultural population. Waters was the London mayoral candidate before UKIP stood her down, however she is still to a paid-up UKIP member, despite her anti-Islamic posturing, which speaks volumes about the lack of integrity of Nigel Farage, who, himself last weekend accused refugees of being rapists, a grotesquely offensive accusation for which he never apologised. A former Labour councillor in Brighton, Waters was radicalised by Pam Geller, who encouraged her Mosleyite switch to the extreme right, however with pictures of Suffragettes on her Twitter profile, she is still deceiving herself that she is not a reactionary bigot. Just for her interest, Fascism has killed far more women than ISIS ever has - including 2.5 million women and children in the Holocaust.
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06-06-2016 14:34
PROLIFIC CHRISTIAN white paedophile Richard Huckle who raped and sexually abused hundreds of young children throughout Asia was today sentenced for life imprisonment. Described by the court as the United Kingdom's worst paedophile, repeating for the sake of the EDL, Breitbart, Pegida, Nigel Farage, the BNP, Britain First, the NF and National Action, Britain's worst ever paedophile, worse even than the notorious Jimmy Savile was a practising Christian white man called Richard Huckle. Huckle from Ashford, Kent, had travelled the world as a family photographer and religious teacher abusing children throughout Asia, from Malaysia to Bangalore, and was discovered with over 20,000 images of abuse on his computer after a tip-off from Australian police. There were no
drunken protests outside the courthouse, no anti-Christian abuse on Breitbart's twitter account, and Nigel Farage failed to use Huckle as cheap publicity for his Brexit fascist bandwagon, purely and simply because Huckle was a white Christian man, and white Christians from Kent cannot do no wrong, especially when his victims were dark-skinned foreigners. Had baby rapist Huckle been a Muslim of Pakistani origin, all hell would have broke loose...........
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06-06-2016 12:44
PROLIFIC CHRISTIAN white paedophile Richard Huckle who raped and sexually abused hundreds of young children throughout Asia was today sentenced for life imprisonment. Described by the court as the United Kingdom's worst paedophile, repeating for the sake of Breitbart, Pegida, Nigel Farage, the BNP, Britain First, the NF and National Action, Britain's worst ever paedophile, worse even than the notorious Jimmy Savile was a practising Christian white man called Richard Huckle. Huckle from Ashford, Kent, had travelled the world as a family photographer and religious teacher abusing children throughout Asia, from Malaysia to Bangalore, and was discovered with over 20,000 images of abuse on his computer after a tip-off from Australian police. There were no protests outside the courthouse, no anti-Christian abuse on Breitbart's twitter account, and Nigel Farage failed to use Huckle as cheap publicity for his Brexit fascist bandwagon, purely and simply because Huckle was a white Christian man, and white Christians from Kent cannot do no wrong, especially when his victims were dark-skinned foreigners. Had baby rapist Huckle been a Muslim of Pakistani origin, all hell would have broke loose...........
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05-06-2016 17:11
UKIP leader and Brexiteer in-Chief Nigel Farage has blatantly copied the language of the EDL, Britain First and BNP with a mightily repulsive far right rant about immigrants, accusing them of being rapists, making reference to Cologne (an incident which was investigated and not linked to refugees), in the same week Rupert Murdoch's Sun utilised neo-nazi white supremacist language is (incorrectly) describing the BBC as "Anti-white". Arrogant, domineering and overtly racist, Farage has proven once and for all that UKIP are a trojan horse for the thuggish far right.
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04-06-2016 16:43
The Retirement Club For Ageing Nazis (AKA Pegida UK) held their 80-strong United Beer Gut stroll through Rotherham, joined by a handful of hoodwinked worse for wear Shitian First nazis specifically invited by Tommy Tit on the hope he could pick a nationalist pocket or two, his bank account perilously low after snorting away all previous takings. The South Yorkshire Casuals turned-up hoping for a piece of the action, but there wasn't any, so they ended up pestering their fellow marchers for "spare change and a light", not that anyone had any pennies left after being accosted by Tommy's "Bucket Fannies", bucket-wielding Pegida pests in yellow vests emptying the pockets of the neo-nazi faithful for every penny they had. Out of breath, the unfit rabble of binge drinking little Tommyites wandered ungainly, cans of lager in hands, continually reassuring themselves the world gave a shit, and they were not walking, talking lumps of racist human faeces living meaningless lives, but they fooled no-one, not even themselves.
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03-06-2016 14:49
This Saturday, the openly racist and homophobic neo-Nazis of the South West Infidels and their cohorts in the EDL goosestep through the multicultural streets of Bristol in the misguided belief that Hitler sympathisers are in the majority in South West Britain. Led by German SS fetishist Ed Dowden, a loner who spends all day trolling his local newspaper the Bristol Post posting hatred against Bristol's Somalian community, his legion of straight-arm saluters are well and truly set for humiliation by local antifascists who, like the vast majority of Bristolians, well and truly reject fascism outright, and will not stand for a moronic rabble of drunken fascist imbeciles shouting obscenities at non-white people, Muslims and refugees. Whilst are SWI are openly homophobic, many are believed to be closet homosexuals, and according to the Bristol Post, their march will coincide with the arrival of a fleet of stark-bollock-naked hunky, well-toned male cyclists on a protest bike ride, a "timely coincidence" will put immense pressure upon the bigots to keep their sexuality under wraps.
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02-06-2016 14:49
With Brexiteers gaining in online polls, and in some instances pushing into the lead due to a narrow Thatcherite #Brexit agenda based solely around immigrants and immigration, the future looks frighteningly bleak for the United Kingdom post-Brexit, especially as racist pornographer Richard Desmond, Dacre and Murdoch are all-set to continue to use the fear and loathing they single-handedly helped incubate towards the European Union to turn on EU migrants, before turning their emphasis upon halting all immigration including refugees fleeing death and destruction. Once our extreme rightwing media megalomaniacs get a taste of blood, like sharks circling a wounded swimmer, the unelected yet ultra-opinionated thought-makers will pick off one target after another, as the clock is turned back decade after decade, reversing every last vestige of social progress back into the dark ag
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02-06-2016 13:13
With the Brexiteers gaining in online polls, and in some instances returning to the lead, due to a narrow #Brexit agenda based solely around immigrants and immigration, the future looks frighteningly bleak for the United Kingdom post-Brexit, especially as racist pornographer Richard Desmond, Dacre and Murdoch are all-set to continue to use the fear and loathing they single-handedly helped incubate towards the European Union to turn on EU migrants, before turning their emphasis upon halting all immigration including refugees fleeing death and destruction. Once our extreme rightwing media megalomaniacs get a taste of blood, like sharks circling a wounded swimmer, the unelected yet ultra-opinionated thought-makers will pick off one target after another, as the clock is turned back decade after decade, reversing every last vestige of social progress back into the dark ages.
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01-06-2016 15:19
WELCOME TO YOUR WORKHOUSE merry Brexiteers. Your sadomasochistic, self-oppressive and ill-thought out wishes about to come true, prepare to turn back the clock to the oppressive Victorian times that the Daily Mail made you long for, the pseudo-halcyon days of a quaint but patriotic that never really existed. From the chilling moment a perma-drunken Nigel Farage goosesteps onto the BBC news studio arm in arm with Ian Duncan Smith and Boris Johnson, and celebrates the final and lasting destruction of Britain's poor, indoctrinated working class Sun, Express and Mail turkeys will have lastingly voted for Christmas. Punchdrunk on jingoism, xenophobia and racial hostility, you might feel inclined to join the permanently inebriated Farage and pop open a bottle or three to celebrate the Brexit Reich, thinking you have long since become upwardly mobile ever since completing that self-satisfying little survey about class status in the Mail on Sunday, however, unfortunately for you, earning just over minimum wage, with bills to pay, does not make you upper class.
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01-06-2016 15:11
WELCOME TO YOUR WORKHOUSE merry Brexiteers. Your sadomasochistic, self-oppressive ill-thought out wishes about to come true, prepare to turn back the clock to the Victorian times that the Daily Mail made you long for, the pseudo-halcyon days of a quaint but patriotic that never really existed. From the chilling moment a perma-drunken Nigel Farage goosesteps onto the BBC news studio arm in arm with Ian Duncan Smith and Boris Johnson, and celebrates the final and lasting destruction of Britain's poor, indoctrinated working class Sun, Express and Mail turkeys will have lastingly voted for Christmas. Punchdrunk on jingoism, xenophobia and racial hostility, you might feel inclined to join the permanently inebriated Farage and pop open a bottle or three to celebrate the Brexit Reich, thinking you have long since become upwardly mobile ever since completing that self-satisfying little survey about class status in the Mail on Sunday, however, unfortunately for you, earning just over minimum wage, with bills to pay, does not make you upper class.
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25-05-2016 11:58
The lunatics have taken over the "asylum", hardcore Hitler-salivating, rabid neo-Nazis that even the likes of the EDL had thought were history, returning with a vengeance in Leeds, taking over the Vote Leave campaign in the city, much to the stonily silent indifference of Michael Gove and the Official Conservative Party. Ignore it and it will go away, is the attitude of the Vote Leave bigwigs, who have assumed ostrich mode as damage limitation, even though the story refuses to go away, and more and more hardcore Hitler-lickers are gathering each and every week on Briggate, Leeds creating a dangerous situation for Jewish and ethnic minority shoppers.
Wayne Jarvie AKA Jorvik Son, was out campaigning with Vote Leave last Saturday - a horrific old-school neo-nazi who sickeningly celebrated the Middle Ages genocide of Jewish people in Clifford's Tower, York, before his appalling anti-Semitic account got taken down by Twitter.
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23-05-2016 14:14
The Yorkshire Evening Post Leeds newspaper recently uncovered ex-BNP Youth Leader Mark Collett and his swastika-tattoed girlfriend Eva Housen hosting Vote Leave information stalls along Briggate in Leeds. Since the story broke, Collett has been continuing to promote Vote Leave in Leeds, over the last few days, undeterred by the expose, photographed outside a different shop in Briggate with Wayne Jarvie from Joshua Bonehill's past dalliance - National Action, of all people.
Fired up with revenge after being exposed by the Leeds newspaper, Jarvie has posted a vile anti-Semitic wibble on the Yorkshire Evening Post website, accusing it of being "under Jewish Control". The fact that Collett has now been joined by another Adolf Hitler lover in Vote Leave's official #Brexit campaign proves that the Conservative Party's anti-European wing is happy to endorse full-blown neo-nazis to do their bidding on the streets.
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19-05-2016 04:51
We talk with refugees coming to the Greek island of Samos. They have much to say about the crazy and cruel world around us. It pays to listen!
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11-05-2016 12:12
MARK COLLETT, lover of Adolf Hitler and AIDS, and hater of black and Jewish people, is back, and out campaigning in the streets of Leeds for Vote Leave's Brexit campaign. Having left the BNP a good few years ago, following paedophilia allegations from fellow BNP members, the Leeds-based former BNP Youth Leader from Leicestershire is back in public life, as a Brexit campaigner, with full approval from Conservatives in the Vote Leave campaign, handing out leaflets along Briggate in Leeds. Describing Adolf Hitler as a "great man", his swastika-tattooed partner Eva Van Housen was also participating at the stall. It says a lot for the Brexit campaign when they allow hardcore neo-nazis to do their bidding......
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07-05-2016 14:45
IAN ALDERSON, Bradford UKIP committee member and a senior employment advisor with ethnic minority skills and advice group QED Bradford (set up by Mohammed Ali OBE), and a youth and community organiser for the Church of England-funded youth scheme for Eccleshill, has tweeted to serial bigot Katie Hopkins a racial slur aimed at Bradford's Muslim population, using a "goat" analogy (goats a common theme for the often obscene fabrications of the British far right). On Facebook, Alderson is a supporter of neo-Nazi BNP-offshoot "Lionheart GB" and the English Defence League (EDL) anti-Muslim page "Proud To Be Kaffir", alongside plenty of other rightwing pages, including the libellous anti-Labour far right Facebook page "Labour Party Exposed", which calls Labour Party members "traitors and paedophiles". This story is extremely worrying, for Alderson is a trusted senior youth, community and employment worker in Bradford, who helps co-ordinate projects with Bradford Council. The Church of England will also be extremely unhappy to discover Alderson also wants our meagre British budget of 0.7% foreign aid to cease, so starving and wartorn people around the globe will not access life-saving facilities and emergency aid, and will die., which is very #unchristian of Mr Alderson!
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05-05-2016 13:30
#BLUEHAND have begun tweeting racist snuff porn, including photos of beheaded children and babies, including, self-defeatingly, tagging in Twitter support in the self-defence of banned pub singer from Liverpool, "Les" Seavor, who threatened to violently assault female Twitter users. Posting such pictures is against UK law, so most of the #Bluehand Snuff Porn gang are American patriotic "soccer moms", who believe the First Amendment will stop them from being arrested, much like American "freedom of speech" regulations permit the sharing of paedophilia photographs. If the law won't stop racists posting pictures of beheaded Muslims including babies on Twitter, because American laws are an absolute ass, Twitter has a moral obligation to ban such individuals who post such vile pictures of dead bodies online, including dead Muslim kids, the evil neo-nazi scum!
Anybody who posts a picture of a beheaded baby (or adult) on social media, is an absolute disgrace to humanity. The mere fact that self-declared voters of Donald Trump think it is perfectly acceptable to share snuff porn, should serve as a warning to anybody who thinks the comparison between Adolf Hitler and Donald Trump is not legitimate.
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04-05-2016 15:58
COWARDLY ageing Hitler admirer Les Seavor from Huyton, Liverpool, has been sending death threats to fellow Twitter users, who he has promised to track them down and "give them a kicking".
Everybody must report him ASAP to the Merseyside Police. His address and phone number are listed in the telephone directory, 192.com, so he will be extremely easy to arrest and take into custody.
Everybody must also remember to contact Twitter to ensure Les does not get his neo-nazi account www.twitter.com/ublocks back.
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