#ALERTA #ANTIFA: MARK COLLETT @slatukip @dubdanu @misscheeky666 @avionpar @JLRFB
ANTIFA YORKSHIRE | 23.05.2016 14:14 | Anti-racism | Indymedia | Migration | Liverpool | World
The Yorkshire Evening Post Leeds newspaper recently uncovered ex-BNP Youth Leader Mark Collett and his swastika-tattoed girlfriend Eva Housen hosting Vote Leave information stalls along Briggate in Leeds. Since the story broke, Collett has been continuing to promote Vote Leave in Leeds, over the last few days, undeterred by the expose, photographed outside a different shop in Briggate with Wayne Jarvie from Joshua Bonehill's past dalliance - National Action, of all people.
Fired up with revenge after being exposed by the Leeds newspaper, Jarvie has posted a vile anti-Semitic wibble on the Yorkshire Evening Post website, accusing it of being "under Jewish Control". The fact that Collett has now been joined by another Adolf Hitler lover in Vote Leave's official #Brexit campaign proves that the Conservative Party's anti-European wing is happy to endorse full-blown neo-nazis to do their bidding on the streets.
Fired up with revenge after being exposed by the Leeds newspaper, Jarvie has posted a vile anti-Semitic wibble on the Yorkshire Evening Post website, accusing it of being "under Jewish Control". The fact that Collett has now been joined by another Adolf Hitler lover in Vote Leave's official #Brexit campaign proves that the Conservative Party's anti-European wing is happy to endorse full-blown neo-nazis to do their bidding on the streets.
Collett with Fellow Hitler Lovers Eva and Wayne Jarvie

Vote Leave is the official #BREXIT campaign of the UK Conservative Party, a party which has taken an audible stance against anti-Semitism in the Labour Party. However, when it comes to welcoming hardcore neo-Nazis into its very own anti-EU camp, there is not so much as a raised eyebrow.
Anybody out in Leeds, keep a regular ANTIFA watch along Briggate for Adolf Hitler devotees. The national media have sadly failed to pick up on this story.
The scumbags will be there each and every week until mid-June.
Just to remind recent additions to anti-fascism, Mark Collett is a horrific national socialist, worse even than Wayne Jarvie. He called AIDS " a friendly disease" for killing black and gay people, and spoke out regularly in support of Adolf Hitler whilst BNP Youth Wing Chairman.
At around time of the disintegration of the BNP, Mark Collett was accused, along with treasurer David Hannam by several leading BNP members of sexually abusing underage girls at a Blackpool Hotel. Google will provide researchers with more info about his life as an alleged BNP nonce, which is something that should have been reported to the police at the time, but wasn't. Seeing as though police forces in England and Wales now conduct regular investigations into historical child abuse, ever since Jimmy Savile, officers should ask to speak to the former security team at the BNP at the time, to take statements. Reportedly, two tearful underage girls were removed from Hannam and Collett's bedroom, in a "breach of security", in the middle of the night. Whilst Hannam later committed suicide (perhaps out of a guilty conscience) Collett is still politically active, now with Vote-Leave.
Collett and Hannam admitted their guilt in a letter to the BNP Disciplinary Team, and this letter is in black and white: -
See the following fascist blogs for the extremely serious allegations never investigated by the authorities like they should have been: -
In December 8th, 2006, Hannam and Collett received their final warning from Nick Griffin.
Alas Smith and Jones Fascist Blog: -

Never once has this extremely serious incident of far right noncery been examined by the Lancashire Constabulary.
Whether their abuse is connected with the BNP paedophile murder ring who murdered Paige Chivers, is anyone's guess, but the Lancashire Constabulary seem hopelessly unconcerned at investigating the BNP.
It is not only Rotherham where the police (allegedly in the case of Blackpool) failed to act to protect children from abuse. They don't seem interested in