UK Migration Newswire Archive
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Demonstrate - Iraq isn't safe - No Deportations
01-09-2005 12:44
No Detentions, No Deportations – Iraq is not SafeDemonstrate Saturday September 3rd at 2pm
Peace Gardens Sheffield city centre
Organised by Campaign Against Detention and Deportation of Iraqis
No Borders Actions - Saturday August 27th, Xanthi, Greece
29-08-2005 10:51
28th August 2005 NO BORDERS ACTIONNoborder Action Bulgaria - Greece
27-08-2005 10:31

Thereby long delays happened because of the Bulgarian border police, who searched 2 cars for hours.
Today the greek part of the “Noborder Action Days” started with an antirascist demonstration in Xanthi.
Campsfield detainees on hunger strike - protest Sat 27th August
26-08-2005 17:25
26 August 2005Campsfield detainees on hunger strike and demonstrators protest at
imminent deportations to Iraq - 12 noon Saturday 27th August at Campsfield House, Kidlington, near Oxford
Nottingham Police Station :: Forced Deportations Continue
26-08-2005 10:39

He was taken to Nottingham magistrates court and is being held in their cells awaiting deportation. It is believed that this young man has been given no legal advice nor has his family been informed of what is happening to him.
Welfare workers - defy don’t comply! Refuse to implement section 9!
25-08-2005 16:46
immigration control, oppression, conflict, war and human rights issues
1) Social Workers Should Not Be Forced To Break Up Families
2) First “failed” asylum seekers lose benefits
3) Welfare workers - defy don’t comply! - listen to children!
Nottingham Protest against Deportations to Northern Iraq (Kurdistan) :: Pictures
22-08-2005 12:44

Stop the deportation of Susan Mataawe
20-08-2005 21:03
19-year-old Ugandan Susan Mataawe is to be deported Saturday evening 10.45pm, 20 August, Ethiopian Airways, Heathrow,Next Phase of Ugandan Hunger Striker deportations
19-08-2005 23:40
Two more Ugandan Hunger Strikers are to be deported this weekend, despite concerns for health and human rights issues.To die by mistake
19-08-2005 12:16
A text from Brazil by Urariano Mota, brazilian writer and journalist, about the killing of Jean Charles de Menezes.MEETING AGAINST ALL DEPORTATIONS. Meeting 2-4 pm Saturday September 3rd
18-08-2005 19:43

Meeting 2-4 pm Saturday September 3rd
Friends Meeting House, Mount St, Manchester Centre
Protest at Market Square against Deportations to Northern Iraq (Kurdistan)
18-08-2005 15:06
There is to be a demonstration in Market Square this Saturday (12 to 3pm) in support of Kurdish and Iraqi people who fear deportation to Northern Iraq.Ugandan hunger striker deportation stopped
16-08-2005 19:32
The deportation of Ugandan hunger Striker known as C has been halted.stop deportations - demo - Glasgow 18 Aug
16-08-2005 15:32
Raposo Family - Still here, Still FightingAttempts to remove the family last Friday were stopped
Demonstration Thursday the 18th August 2005 12noon - 2pm
Home Office Building, Brand Street, Govan, Glasgow
Global Solutions Limited (GSL) - criticised again by Anne Owers HMCIP
16-08-2005 14:39
==========NCADC News Service
Global Solutions Limited (GSL) - criticised again by Anne Owers HMCIP
"We have now inspected 12 short-term holding centres: the first time these facilities have been exposed to independent scrutiny. Our inspections have identified some important shortcomings in the conditions and treatment of detainees held there."
Deportation Prison in Basel
15-08-2005 10:30

Iraqi/Kurds - Charter Flight to Erbil on Tuesday 16th August!
14-08-2005 23:34
There will be a number of removals of Iraqi/Kurds to Erbil in the Kurdish Autonomous Zone of Iraq on Tuesday 16th August.It has been known for some time that the International Organization for Migration (IOM) is intent on establishing 'Charter Flights' direct to Erbil. We do not know at this time if the flight on Tuesday is a 'Charter Flight'.
Stop UK Immigration deporting women on hunger strike in Yarl's Wood to Uganda
14-08-2005 18:00
Uganda is as unsafe as any other country that people are fleeing and UK immigration must be made to acknowledge that.