UK Migration Newswire Archive
Inmigrants killed on Spanish-Moroccan border
30-09-2005 16:17
On the night of the 28th about 500 subsaharians inmigrants tried to crosss in masse the border between Marocco and Ceuta, 5 of them died.Police said it only used riot measures and that they must have died from injuries caused by the fences,now is revealed that they were shot with live amunition.Mass bordercrossing from Morocco to Ceuta (Spain)
29-09-2005 13:51
Tonight, 4-500 refugees from Morocco tried to enter the Spanish territory of the Exklave Ceuta. Spanish police has killed two with rubber projectiles. Prime Minister Zapatero asked for the deployment of soldiers.Vucaj family deported today - Protest, Saturday - Glasgow
29-09-2005 12:15
A march in rally in Glasgow city centre against racist deportations will have added anger and sadness this Saturday. The protest was called by school-friends and neighbours of the Vucaj family, imprisoned 2 weeks ago, deported today.stop racist deportations - Glasgow demo Sat. 1 Oct
28-09-2005 12:03

Calais - Pas-de-Calais - France - Europe [9/2005]
26-09-2005 22:49
Trois ans. Trois années bientôt que le camp de Sangatte a été fermé en grandes pompes médiatico-gouvernementale. Trois années qui sont passées vite, mais qui n'ont pas changé le bourbier calaisien. Terre de passage, le Calaisis, première porte vers l'Angleterre, connaît depuis maintenant une décennie l'arrivée de personnes migrantes, réfugiées et isolées. Très vite, avec ces personnes, sont réapparues des pratiques de contrôle policier qu'on pensait oubliées, car trop connotées historiquement, du moins en Europe et en France. Mais il a vite fallu se rendre à l'évidence que notre vocabulaire devait s'enrichir des mots "rafles", "traque", "chasse" ou "déportation".get clued up bout migration friday 30th september
26-09-2005 10:46

Friends of the Iraqi People -- Booksale and Autumn Social
25-09-2005 19:17
AUTUMN SOCIAL AND BOOK SALE (book donations welcome)
featuring Iraqi & Middle-Eastern FOOD & MUSIC
WHERE: The Place, Sherwood
WHEN: Saturday 1st October 2005
TIME: 7.30pm – 11.00pm
Campsfield demo this Saturday
22-09-2005 13:41
Demonstrate against the UK's detention of innocent people on your doorstep.In Memory of Manuel Bravo born 1970 - Died September 15th 2005
18-09-2005 12:01

Manuel Bravo, a national of Angola living in Leeds was 'snatched' by immigration officials with his son Antonio on the morning of Wednesday 14th September. In the early hours of Thursday the 15th September Manuel was found hanging in a stairwell at Yarl's Wood Removal Centre. Manuel and Antonio had been living in Armley, Leeds for the last three years after leaving war-torn Angola.
manuel bravo's death unnecessary with the court change
17-09-2005 10:25
The Independent today has a front-page exclusive on an asylum seeker based in Leeds, Manuel Bravo, who committed suicide in Yarlswood in order to prevent his son's deportation back to Angola. Their case had already been screwed by solicitors who took money and failed to represent them, and though they had not yet lost the case they were slammed into Yarlswood improperly to intimidate them - with this result. But there is a legal advance, the "court change", that all the big asylum groups have ignored and that would have made this disgusting injustice preventable.Vigil tomorrow for Manuel Bravo, driven to suicide in Yarl's Wood
16-09-2005 15:42
Vigil to be held tomorrow in memory of Manuel Bravo, born 1970 - Died September 15th 2005Another victim of the UK's "unjust and inhumane" immigration rules
Suicide at Yarl's Wood / Vigil this Saturday
15-09-2005 22:13
Manuel Bravo from Angola, detained in Yarl's Wood with his 13 years old son, committed suicide last night by hanging himself.A vigil has been called by Sady Campaign this Saturday, 16h September at noon in front of Yarl's Wood, to remember Manuel and in solidariety with the women hungerstrikers.
Man found dead at Yarl's Wood
15-09-2005 12:31
"A man has been found dead at the controversial Yarl's Wood immigration removal centre in Bedfordshire." - BBCAsylum seekers and Refugees family day Saturday 24th
14-09-2005 08:13
Join the Fun !At Windmill Allotments, Bobbersmill off Ascott Road
Saturday 24th September
12.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m.
Asylum seekers and Refugees family day
Face painting, Art work, Glass painting, Card making, Grow your own pot plant
Balbir Kaur, Youth Project Officer, Groundwork Greater Nottingham, Denman Street East, Nottingham, NG7 3GX
Tel: 0115 9788212
No Borders benefit night photos
10-09-2005 16:09

DSEi Noborder meeting: Refugees, Migrants and the Arms Trade
09-09-2005 18:18
London No One is Illegal and noborders have a meeting and discussion on Monday 12 September from 7pm, during the Disarm DSEi Conference in St. Matthias Center, Bullivant Street, E14 OER, near DLR All Saints. Food and refreshments available.Andrew Smith MP speaks to an Oxford women activist meeting
09-09-2005 12:31
.Iraq isn't safe - No Deportations - Sheffield Protest
03-09-2005 20:12

2 Ugandan women hunger strikers hospitalised
01-09-2005 19:45

Manda tus videos y cortos!!!
01-09-2005 17:02
Envia tus videos a la muestra internacional de cortometrajes!!!