UK Migration Newswire Archive
noborder/precarity thoughts from the South of Spain
24-10-2005 18:14
This weekend, Hamburg welcomes various European Mayday promoters and collectives to share their evaluations about the first Euromayday and to eventually begin to imagine the Euromayday´06.Here is the evaluation of the collective Entránsito (Málaga), published in castilian here:


2º congress of the african inmigration and the black communities
24-10-2005 13:01
2º congreso-celebración de el décimo aniversario de la a million men march, y 4 años de la conferencia de durban...Anti-deportation march in Cardiff
22-10-2005 14:20

Defend Eucharia and Timeyi Campaign - PUBLIC MEETING AGAINST ALL DEPORTATIONS!
21-10-2005 23:56
The Defend Eucharia and Timeyi Campaign (DETC) will be holding a public meeting on Tuesday 8th November 2005, at 7pm in St. George's Church, on Abbey Hey Lane, Abbey Hey in Gorton. Speaking will be members of the DETC, supporters and members of other campaigns!No One is illegal - 29th Oct Tyneside Mobilisation
21-10-2005 10:16

callout: european day of action for migrant rights 29th october.
19-10-2005 14:37

a call for a europe-wide day of actions against the deaths and brutality occuring as a result of the fortress europe border regime. adapted from a call put out by the a migrants collective in malaga.
Ugandan Hunger Striker to be deported today
18-10-2005 11:19
Charity's removal is scheduled for today 18th October. Charity's life will be in danger if she is returned to Uganda.Nottingham Solidarity Sisters at Sheffield No Borders Tour (part 2)
15-10-2005 21:38

Today the Solidarity Sisters (from Nottingham) went over to Sheffield to help out with the Magical Mystery tour, to spread the message of soldarity with refugees and those seeking asylum in the uk. The 'Solidarity Sisters' are a new project of the group that mobilsed the Geishas of Gaiety at the G8 summit. This new radical art collective, with Mischief Makers as its working title, have lots more planned... To get in touch, email

Nottingham Solidarity Sisters at Sheffield No Borders Tour (part 1)
15-10-2005 21:27

Some photos from the Magical Mystery Tour - a tourist jaunt through the city centre of Sheffield, taking in various places and buildings where magical mystery policies of exclusion are implemented through state agents or private cooperations.
Sheffield No Borders Tour (part 2)
15-10-2005 20:59

Sheffield No Borders Tour (part 1)
15-10-2005 20:54

Morocco: Deportations going on!
14-10-2005 22:49
People from Africa are trying to enter Spanish territory; many have been deported to the desert, battle is still going on; death of several persons has been approved. Help needed.Migrant testimonies: murders in Nador, deportations to Sahara desert
10-10-2005 07:35
Testimonies by subsaharian migrants about recent events at Melillia speak of 36 deaths and an indeterminate number of disappeared.Ceuta border-crossing: Solidarity demos in Paris
09-10-2005 20:22
On the night of the 28th about 500 subsaharian inmigrants tried to cross en masse the border between Marocco and Ceuta. 5 of them were shot by the police. See
Protests took place at several spanish and moroccan embassies across Europe. Here is a report from Paris:
Birmingham Women 'rescued' by police from massage parlour to be deported
04-10-2005 17:53
Six of the 10 women 'rescued' by Birmingham police from Cuddles massage parlour last Friday, where they had been held aginst their will and forced into prostitution, are now being held in Yarl's Wood detention centre facing imminent deportation. Please make your opposition to this hypocracy and continued human rights abuse known.800 March in Glasgow on Saturday against deportations
02-10-2005 09:46
800 people marched in Glasgow against deportations and detentionsThis report aken from BBC News Saturday 1st October 2005.
Anyone got any links to photos or reports from the participants point of view?
London Communications House: Close this Racist Prison!
02-10-2005 00:35
London, 1 October. Noborder activists unfurled a large banner in Old Street, East London, across the front of communications house, as part of a day of action against detentions and deportations [pics] Communications House is a "reporting and enforcement centre" of the Immigration and Nationality Department, in fact a prison for asylum seekers in the heart of London [irr-report]. An activist says: "Streams of people were registering. The action wasn't the most dramatic thing, it was like a beginning of something."
No Deportations Demo - Bolton
01-10-2005 20:14

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No Borders demo at communications house
01-10-2005 17:33

Today's demo was called to draw attention to what is happening inside the building. More to follow.
Magical Mystery Tour
30-09-2005 19:28

On Saturday, October 15th, Sheffield no-borders collective invites you to assemble at 1pm on Cathedral Square, City Centre, for an extraordinary event....
The magical mystery tour -