UK Migration Newswire Archive
Solidarity demo at the deadly Colnbrook immigration prison
05-08-2011 17:45

UK Detention estate: 3 dead in one month, the tip of the iceberg
03-08-2011 13:14

Press Release – Campaign to Close Campsfield - Suicide in Campsfield House
03-08-2011 11:29
A man has been reported dead at Campsfield House. He was found hanging in the toilets, according to a Guardian article today. We will mark this event by a vigil in Carfax, Oxford with flowers and placards, today, Wednesday 3rd August, at 6pm.Second death in 3 days in UK migration prisons
03-08-2011 10:09
Another man died in a UK migration prison yesterday, Tuesday 2 August. According to fellow prisoners at Campsfield IRC he killed himself rather than be deported. This follows the death at the weekend in Colnbrook IRC. How many more must die?Death in London detention centre at weekend
02-08-2011 19:56
Second death in a month at a London detention centre brings detention back into the spotlight.Two escape from Morton Hall migration prison
31-07-2011 09:20
Two men successfully escaped last Thursday from Morton Hall IRC in Lincolnshire. Report from local newspaper. Freedom!Namaste update & call for support - help asylum seekers
28-07-2011 22:46
Namaste encourages and supports local volunteers to offer a spare room to an asylum seeker who would otherwise be destitute. People may choose to host a guest for a few weeks, or a few months, or in some cases longer. Throughout, Namaste offers support to both the host and the guest.No Borders Demonstration in Haywards Heath, Sat 30 July
24-07-2011 13:23

Please join us on Saturday 30th July with banners, placards and instrument to call for an end to detention and deportation. Gather at Muster Green park in Haywards Heath at 1pm.
Calais: "Welcome to Fortress Europe" action at City Europe
23-07-2011 18:38

Right-wing blogs admit Anders Behring Breivik is linked to EDL
23-07-2011 11:26
Right-wing blogs admit Oslo killer Anders Behring Breivik is linked to EDL14 Juillet in Calais
15-07-2011 09:45

Calais: three No Borders comrades acquitted
13-07-2011 12:14

Housing Contract Group 4 Info
11-07-2011 10:50
This is the info we gathered during a housing consultation in Cardiff about Group 4 running UKBA housing. This is for general use so that people can start campaigning etcFollow the Money: Repression, Collectivization and Progress in Medellín, Colombi
11-07-2011 10:22
The focus of development discourse on technical solutions to rural development draws attention away from the real issue holding back small farmers from improving ther livlihoods: denial of their basic human rights highlighted by the murder of land activist Ana Fabricia Cordoba last month. This represents a dated tradition of displacing our problems to the 'third world' that must be dropped by politicians, academia, the press and me and you.Deaths from Self-Harm in immigration detention, murder, undetermined
09-07-2011 12:14
Remember the dead - Justice for the Living - End Immigration Detention NowMuhammed Shuket born 1964 - died in Colnbrook IRC 2nd July 2011
09-07-2011 12:06
Another death in Immigration Detention. At the moment there are no hard facts, not even the cause of death of Muhammed Shuket and the Home Office after the 63 word statement below have *shut up shop, until after the inquest.Social cleansing in Calais: Massive crackdown following Home Sec's visit
06-07-2011 20:47

G4S housing consultation disrupted
05-07-2011 12:39
Activists in Cardiff disrupt a G4S consultation aimed at G4S running migrant and asylum seeker accommodation. And a call out for further action.No Borders blockade Calais detention centre
04-07-2011 18:31

Dale Farm eviction notice served -- Camp Constant to be set up from Sat. Aug 27
04-07-2011 16:39
Today, some 90 families at Dale Farm, the UK's largest Traveller community, were hand-delivered a final notice of eviction giving families until midnight on August 31 to abandon their homes, or face their entire community being bulldozed. The central government and Basildon Council have set aside over £18m for the eviction battle that could last three weeks. It will be the biggest clearance of its kind involving the ploughing up of 54 separate plots created on a former scrap-yard purchased by the Travellers ten years ago.