UK Migration Newswire Archive
Uk activist update from USA/Mexico No Borders camp
14-11-2007 18:19
2 people released from custody.1 person remains in custody.
Facing life in prison or deportation to Colombia, was also denied medication in solitary confiment.
15 Nov, London: Battlefields Without Borders - Iraq's Refugee Crisis
14-11-2007 00:38
Public meeting and film premiere with renowned US peace activist Kathy Kelly.Meltem, emergency demo tomorrow at 12 noon
13-11-2007 19:20
To put pressure on Germany we are having a demonstration in front of German Embassy,23 Belgrave Square
nearest tube Sloane Square
tomorrow Wedesday 14th November 12.00 noon.
Meltem, 14, and her mother, deportation Thursday
13-11-2007 12:32
Meltem Avcil and her mother Cennet, who have been held in Yarl'sWood detention centre for almost three months, are facing removal to
Germany on 07.30 Hrs, Thursday 15 November. Meltem is just 14, and has
been living in this country for six years. We visited her last week and
saw how depressed and scared she was. Her mother and father were
persecuted in Turkey for being Kurds, and she and her mother are in a
terrible state at the prospect of being deported to Germany from where they
fear they will be sent on to Turkey.
Protesters beaten & pepper sprayed at No Borders Camp - Mexicali.
12-11-2007 19:14
Uk activists report from No Borders Camp Mexicali/Calexico.Peaceful protesters beaten & pepper sprayed.
Urgent : Maud Lennard, Zimbawean woman on hunger-strike, removal tonight
12-11-2007 15:37

Reminder - Defend Harmondsworth 4 meeting in London this Tuesday
11-11-2007 23:31
Defend the Harmondsworth 4!Public meeting called by No Borders London, supported by by Barbed Wire Britain: the Network to End Migrant and Refugee Detention, and Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!
7pm, Tues 13th Nov, at the Institute of Race Relations, 2-6 Leeke Street, London WC1X 9HS
No Borders anti-deportation stall, 10/11Cardiff
10-11-2007 20:12

Papers for All fundraising party
10-11-2007 13:01
Friday November 16th at the RAMPART SOCIAL CENTRE in Whitechapel.Music and dance from aound the world: SOFIA BUCHUCK(Peruvian Singer), DEMONS IN PARADISE (electro acoustic) RUBEN H & THE LANDING SKY (indie rock) & ABLEDEI UK (African Drumming & Dance).
call 07 900 405 787 if you have questions or want to become involved.
£5 suggested donation
Iraqi Kurds Protest Against Detention and Deportations today in London
10-11-2007 01:03

Support Amdani Juma
07-11-2007 10:44

Falode Family Belong to Belfast
06-11-2007 06:22

Clan Ebor demonstration Saturday November 3rd
06-11-2007 00:18
A bright Saturday morning saw around a hundred people turn out in support ofthe 60 families targeted by the Home Office, as part of the Clan Ebor Pilot
project for fast track deportation.
Fundraising Benefit for a newspaper for migrant voices
05-11-2007 18:16

We are doing a fundraising to publish a newspaper that gives voice to immigrants in the UK
please pass the information to your networks
Please help Zola - Threatened with deportation after 16 years in the UK
05-11-2007 06:50

Keep Constance and Andreas in Cardiff
05-11-2007 06:34

Christian Rodrigue Mbianga / Needs Your Urgent Help
05-11-2007 06:30

Picket of Border and Immigration Agency, Cardiff - Nov 6th
04-11-2007 23:24
A third picket is planned for the Cardiff branch of the Home Office's 'Border and Immigration Agency'...Defend the Harmondsworth 4!
03-11-2007 10:15
In January four detainees will go on trial charged with criminal damage following riots in Harmondsworth in November 2006. There is a public meeting in London on Tuesday 13th November to discuss how we can support the four before, during and after the trial.Meltem Avcil, aged 14, refused bail four times, self-harms in Yarl's Wood IRC
30-10-2007 19:43