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Picket of Border and Immigration Agency, Cardiff - Nov 6th

dim ffiniau | 04.11.2007 23:24 | Migration

A third picket is planned for the Cardiff branch of the Home Office's 'Border and Immigration Agency'...

No Borders South Wales ( calls for a 3rd picket of the Border and Immigration Agency office at General Buildings, 31-33 Newport Road, Cardiff on Tuesday 6th November at 12 noon

-Asylum seekers must regularly attend this office in order to 'sign in', while their cases are being decided upon. Each time they attend, they face the risk of being detained in readiness for their deportation

-This location is also where Immigration Agency "snatch squads" operate from. With the help of local police, Immigration Officers leave from this building to carry out dawn raids on sleeping families, where asylum seekers and their children are taken from their homes to be detained and deported.

Please join us to highlight this agency's role in the UK's racist and brutal immigration regime.

dim ffiniau
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