Christian Rodrigue Mbianga / Needs Your Urgent Help
John O | 05.11.2007 06:30 | Migration | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements
Christian Rodrigue Mbianga from Cameroon, was arrested and detained by Glasgow Immigration on Wednesday 31 October 2007 when he attended for reporting. He is currently in detention facing forced removal on Kenya Airways Flight KQ101 to Cameroon on Monday 5 November 2007 at 19:00hrs.
Model letter to Jacqui Smith
- application/msword 42K
Christian fled Cameroon and sought asylum in UK on 12/3/07 because of his political activities for Social Democratic Front and also because of his position and actions with the political party Cameroon Diaspora Coalition (CDC). Christian suffered when he was targeted by the Cameroonian authorities as a consequence of his politics. He was taken into detention and is a victim of torture in Cameroon.
USA: Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - Cameroon 2006
Poor understanding of human rights has contributed to abuses in the country. The government's human rights record remained poor, and it continued to commit numerous human rights abuses. Security forces committed numerous unlawful killings; they regularly engaged in torture, beatings, and other abuses, particularly of detainees and prisoners. Impunity was a problem in the security forces. Prison conditions were harsh and life-threatening. Authorities arbitrarily arrested and detained anglophone citizens advocating secession, local human rights monitors and activists, and other citizens. The law provides for the arrest of homosexuals and persons not carrying identification cards. There were reports of prolonged and sometimes incommunicado pretrial detention and infringement on citizens' privacy rights. The government restricted citizens' freedoms of speech, press, assembly, association, and harassed journalists. The government also impeded citizens' freedom of movement. The public perceived government corruption to be a serious problem. Societal violence and discrimination against women; trafficking in persons, primarily children; discrimination against indigenous Pygmies and ethnic minorities; and discrimination against homosexuals were problems. The government restricted worker rights and the activities of independent labor organizations, and child labor, slavery, and forced labor, including forced child labor, were reported to be problem
Whilst in UK, Christian has been active with his politics by helping CDC leader Brice Nitcheu to organise demonstrations and meetings in protest at the current Cameroon government.
Christian will suffer further persecution and human rights abuses if sent back to Cameroon.
Since being in Glasgow, Christian has made an effort to integrate into the community. He goes to Anniesland College where he is doing very well with his course and is well-thought of by his tutors and classmates. Christian is also very much an active member of CAMASS - Cameroon Association in Scotland. He is law-abiding and has always complied with Home Office reporting procedures. He feels safe and settled here for the first time in his life, and knows that if he is sent back to Cameroon his life will be in danger once the Cameroonian authorities know he is back in the country of Cameroon.
As a victim of torture, Christian should not be sent back to his Cameroon. The UK Home Office should in fact be trying to protect Christian from further abuse and persecution, not condemning him to the risk of detention or death because of his political ideaologies.
Glasgow friends of Christian are fighting to keep him in Scotland.
What you can do to help!
1.) Please send urgent faxes immediately to Rt. Hon. Jacqui Smith, Secretary of State for the Home Office asking that Christian Rodrigue Mbianga be granted protection in the UK. Please use the attached "model letter" (MbiangaJS.doc) you can copy/amend/write your own version (if you do so, please remember to include the HO ref: M1347980).
Fax: 020 7035 3262 (00 44 20 7035 3262 if you are faxing from outside UK)
2. Fax, Sam Okwulehie, Group Area Manager Kenya Airways and urge him not to carry out the forced removal of Christian Rodrigue Mbianga - you can use the model fax 'MbiangaKA.doc' attached. You can copy, amend or write your own version - please quote Kenya Airways Flight KQ101 to Cameroon Monday 5th November 2007 at 19:00hrs.
Fax: 0178 488 8299 - from outside the UK + 44 1784 888 299
Please notify the Campaign of any faxes sent:
Glasgow friends of Christian
House 96
15 Grafton place
G1 2TE
Inquiries/further information
Geraldine MacVicar
078 8194 8859
End of Bulletin:
Source for this Message:
Glasgow friends of Christian
USA: Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - Cameroon 2006
Poor understanding of human rights has contributed to abuses in the country. The government's human rights record remained poor, and it continued to commit numerous human rights abuses. Security forces committed numerous unlawful killings; they regularly engaged in torture, beatings, and other abuses, particularly of detainees and prisoners. Impunity was a problem in the security forces. Prison conditions were harsh and life-threatening. Authorities arbitrarily arrested and detained anglophone citizens advocating secession, local human rights monitors and activists, and other citizens. The law provides for the arrest of homosexuals and persons not carrying identification cards. There were reports of prolonged and sometimes incommunicado pretrial detention and infringement on citizens' privacy rights. The government restricted citizens' freedoms of speech, press, assembly, association, and harassed journalists. The government also impeded citizens' freedom of movement. The public perceived government corruption to be a serious problem. Societal violence and discrimination against women; trafficking in persons, primarily children; discrimination against indigenous Pygmies and ethnic minorities; and discrimination against homosexuals were problems. The government restricted worker rights and the activities of independent labor organizations, and child labor, slavery, and forced labor, including forced child labor, were reported to be problem
Whilst in UK, Christian has been active with his politics by helping CDC leader Brice Nitcheu to organise demonstrations and meetings in protest at the current Cameroon government.
Christian will suffer further persecution and human rights abuses if sent back to Cameroon.
Since being in Glasgow, Christian has made an effort to integrate into the community. He goes to Anniesland College where he is doing very well with his course and is well-thought of by his tutors and classmates. Christian is also very much an active member of CAMASS - Cameroon Association in Scotland. He is law-abiding and has always complied with Home Office reporting procedures. He feels safe and settled here for the first time in his life, and knows that if he is sent back to Cameroon his life will be in danger once the Cameroonian authorities know he is back in the country of Cameroon.
As a victim of torture, Christian should not be sent back to his Cameroon. The UK Home Office should in fact be trying to protect Christian from further abuse and persecution, not condemning him to the risk of detention or death because of his political ideaologies.
Glasgow friends of Christian are fighting to keep him in Scotland.
What you can do to help!
1.) Please send urgent faxes immediately to Rt. Hon. Jacqui Smith, Secretary of State for the Home Office asking that Christian Rodrigue Mbianga be granted protection in the UK. Please use the attached "model letter" (MbiangaJS.doc) you can copy/amend/write your own version (if you do so, please remember to include the HO ref: M1347980).
Fax: 020 7035 3262 (00 44 20 7035 3262 if you are faxing from outside UK)
2. Fax, Sam Okwulehie, Group Area Manager Kenya Airways and urge him not to carry out the forced removal of Christian Rodrigue Mbianga - you can use the model fax 'MbiangaKA.doc' attached. You can copy, amend or write your own version - please quote Kenya Airways Flight KQ101 to Cameroon Monday 5th November 2007 at 19:00hrs.
Fax: 0178 488 8299 - from outside the UK + 44 1784 888 299
Please notify the Campaign of any faxes sent:
Glasgow friends of Christian
House 96
15 Grafton place
G1 2TE
Inquiries/further information
Geraldine MacVicar

078 8194 8859
End of Bulletin:
Source for this Message:
Glasgow friends of Christian
John O