UK Migration Newswire Archive
Arrested for swearing- pics of the infamous arrest at no borders camp
30-09-2007 18:05

Demo- in Solidarity with Miriam Rose and Persecuted Saving Iceland Activists
29-09-2007 21:48
1PM Tuesday 2nd October, Icelandic Embassy meet at Sloane SquareCome and show Solidarity with Miriam Rose, a Saving Iceland activist from the UK facing deportation from Iceland where she lives for being: "a threat to public order and security and fundamental societal values" also to show solidarity with Olafur Pall Siggurdson an Icelandic activist being framed for "Obstructing a Police Vehicle" following an attempt to run him over by a senior policeman.
Support migrant arrested during no borders demo at Lunar House, Croydon
28-09-2007 12:14

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Deportation Alert! Icelandic State Cracks Down on Saving Iceland Activists
28-09-2007 11:53

Unions responsible for harsh conditions facing temporary agency workers
27-09-2007 18:09
Tony Woodley, leader of the Transport and General Workers Union (T&G), used a column in the Guardian this week to set out his union’s campaign over the plight of temporary agency workers.Wanker
27-09-2007 14:49

What a wanker!
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Policing the No Border Camp
27-09-2007 13:25

Banner theatre - autumn tour
27-09-2007 13:08

"They get free mobiles . . . don't they?" busting the media-generated myths
about refugees and asylum seekers. See below for the tour schedule.
Demonstrate at Communications House Tue 2 October
27-09-2007 11:17
Show solidarity with asylum seekers.Protest against reporting and detention centres!
Demonstrate outside the UK Immigration Service
Communications House
210 Old Street, London, EC1V 9BR
(nearest tube – Old Street )
No deportations to DRCongo
25-09-2007 15:07
These are links to interviews done by Friction TV at the demonstration on 21 September outside the Country Guidance Tribunal into DRC.Calling all No Border campers from London!
25-09-2007 09:33
Come along to the London No Borders on Thursday!Just doing your job, officer
24-09-2007 19:38
Taking part in the NoBorders camp near Gatwick, this short piece reflects on two assaults, one robbery and a security alert all witnessed within the space of two short, but exciting hours as a trainee Legal Observer for the camp's action in Crawley town centre, raising awareness. Forget being a special copper, try legal observing. It's far better, and you get to choose your own notebook.Strategy meeting for those up for acting against detention profiteers
24-09-2007 18:15
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It's official - swearing's illegal!
24-09-2007 15:33
How an activist got arrested for swearing in Crawley.Report: Tyneside March in Solidarity Against Immigration Prisons
24-09-2007 00:05

actions against detention boats in the Netherlands
23-09-2007 12:31
Thursday evening All Included had a workshop at the noborder camp on actions against detention centres in the Netherlands.Crawley town centre to Tinsley House IRC 15 more pics
23-09-2007 06:29

More pics of the No Border march
23-09-2007 00:10

No Border campaigners march to Gatwick despite heavy policing
22-09-2007 22:48

Pics Saturday No Borders demo in Crawley.
22-09-2007 20:36

See report of the demonstration here: