UK Migration Newswire Archive
Pegah Emambakhsh Must Stay
23-08-2007 11:17

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No Border Camp Benefit, 2 Sept, Newcastle
23-08-2007 00:24
Films Without Borders presents a day of information, films and music in support of the Gatwick No Border CampBritish Ambassador promises: "We will not deport Pegah Emambakhsh"
22-08-2007 16:21
Unfortunately the case records would leave us to doubt it. Theimpression we get is that it is an attempt to demonstrate the absurdity
of the situation, that is, that Pegah will not endure any form of persecution
in Ahmadinejad’s Iran and the ruthless Islamic courts!
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Political Policing outside Harmondsworth Detention Centre.
22-08-2007 14:17

Action Committee To Get The People Their Money Back
22-08-2007 14:06
As we [ACTION COMMITTEE TO GET THE PEOPLE THEIR MONEY BACK] have pointed out before, a number of individuals got on TV and other media making promises that they were doing something tangible and that the people would get their money back from the perpetrators who acted by using the name 'First Solution'. The victims have been low-income, mainly expatriate Bangladeshis in the UK. The 'publicity' has been mainly given to divert attention away from the shoulders of the perpetrators, the individuals who took the money and who controlled the taking and misappropriating of the cash.Who wants Pegah’s Blood?
21-08-2007 23:50
The case of Pegah Emambakhsh is the umpteenth case of violation of human rights by our governments.
The EveryOne Group, the activists and the politicians who have joined the appeal for her life have obtained a postponement until 28th August. But we must not be deceived, the government is just waiting for public opinion to be distracted by other events in order to force Pegah up the plane steps and send her to her death.. Similar deportations have already taken place, even in recent times, in the United Kingdom and other countries which like to be defined “democratic”. If we abandon Pegah, we will surrender our humanity and “they” will win.
Nottingham demo called against deportation charter flight to DR Congo
21-08-2007 13:36

WHEN? Join demonstration on Tuesday 28th August 2007 starting at 12 o'clock.
WHERE? Old Market Square (outside the Council House), Nottingham, NG1 2DT.
CALLED BY : Nottingham Congolese Community.
XL's cage rattled
21-08-2007 06:55
XL Airways has threatened the National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns (NCADC) with legal action following the publication of an article on NCADC's website implying that XL might be operating a charter flight scheduled for 30 August to 'remove' a number of failed asylum seekers to DR Congo. The charter airline had their legal representatives serve the campaigning organisation with a Notice of Intent, dated 15 August 2007, threatening to seek an injunction against NCADC if they did not remove "any mention of [their] client" from the concerned article by the end of Friday, June 17th.
A number of Congolese detainees had received Removal Directions for Thursday, 30 August, stipulating Flight Number PVT616 and Operation Castor, the operational name given to a previous charter flight, operated by XL, which carried 38 Congolese deportees last February.
Benefit meal for Congo Support Project
20-08-2007 20:44
Monday 27 August, Benefit Meal at 1 in 12 Club, Albion Street, Bradford, from 6.00pm. Find out about situation in Congo, meet members of Congo Support Project, plan solidarity actions and have a lovely meal by donation with all profits to Congo Support Project. Unfortunately the cafe is on the 3rd floor and the 1in12 Club is not accessible, but we'll do our best to help with your access needs. No dogs, it's a cafe, innit.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Actions against the 30th August 'charter flight'
20-08-2007 11:19
Once again, a number of rejected Congolese asylum seekers are being deported on a charter flight on 30th August. Actions planned to try and stop that so far include:Manchester, Newcastle, Glasgow and Cardiff
Tuesday 28th August 2007 - 12:00 noon
Here's some background:

Old stuff:

Lesbian facing Deportation to Iran needs your Support
20-08-2007 10:15
Pegah Emambakhsh (40) is a lesbian Iranian woman. She risks of beeing sentenced to death by the judges of the Islamic Republic of Iran because of her homosexuality. She took refuge in Sheffied, Great Britain, where she sought political asylum. This right was denied her for unconvincing reasons,among which the fact that she cannot prove she is a lesbian.
Gatwick No Border Camp Meeting V
20-08-2007 09:02

Actions at the Ukraine No Border Camp
18-08-2007 22:52
Yesterday was the day of action at the Ukraine No Border Camp. Near the camp are two immigration prisons where people trying to enter the EU are incarcerated. After hearing about the conditions inside the Pavshinov camp, some participants of the No Border camp decided to pay these prisons a visit. These were the first demonstrations against these prisons in the area.Alabama 3 play to raise money for No Border Camp!
18-08-2007 21:42
At a gig next Friday in South London...Full article | 2 additions | 1 comment
Photos from XL Airways Office Occupation - Friday 17th
18-08-2007 10:50

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Campaigners Occupy XL Airways Offices in Crawley
17-08-2007 15:49
16:30 Friday 17th August 2007Ten campaigners have just occupied the offices of XL Airways, a private charter company based in Crawley. One person is locked on inside the building and others are inside leafleting workers.
No Borders Camp Meeting 4
17-08-2007 12:48
The next meeting of a campaign to oppose the construction of a new immigration detention centre at GatwickWhat's the Home Office motive for trying to remove so many to the DR Congo now?
17-08-2007 12:23
Over the last week a number of refused asylum seekers from DR Congo, have been rounded up and detained and have been given, "removal directions" for Thursday 30th August on flight number PVT616 [A 'Charter flight]. Others have "removal directions" for Monday 20th August.Next No Border Camp Meeting
17-08-2007 12:23
The fourth meeting in a campaign opposed to the construction of a new immigration detention centre at GatwickTrip from Climate Camp to detention centres nearby
17-08-2007 11:51
Something very sinister is happening in your back garden...Want to find out more? A 'guided tour' of the nearby detention centres (prisons for migrants) can be organised on request from the Climate Camp!
Interested? Call 07933 309853