UK Migration Newswire Archive
Oct 7, 2006: Report from Hamburg
07-10-2006 23:47
Short Report about the Northern German Demonstration on the 7th of October in Hamburg.Oct7 Migrants March: London's Demo Photos
07-10-2006 20:16

Below there's a selection of pics that aims o show this diversity
October 7 - Migrant Actions in Hamburg
07-10-2006 19:35
Short Report about the Northern German Demonstration on the 7th of October in HamburgFull article | 2 additions | 2 comments
Oct 7 Brussels: Reclaim the Streets celebrates migrants day of action
07-10-2006 16:11
In Brussels, the Oct 7 action day for migrants rights was celebrated by several demos, one of them a Reclaim the Streets party, another one by sans papiers from Congo - Congolese against Borders.
The party people stated in their call: In a world where everything needs to be authorised, where public space is privatised and controlled, where nothing can happen anymore... let's take our instruments, our disguises, our knowledge of partying, good food and the granny (if she is nice)... and let-s take back the street for a wild and spontaneous party.
Here is a quick report from that party.
For more check CeMAB in [fr]: timeline | report | call from the new squat
Vienna Oct 7 March
07-10-2006 15:17
A relatively big march took place in Vienna today as part of the Oct 7 actions against migration controls [call]. It followed 2 other smaller actions in the city centre today (see report in German). Bellow is a timeline of the events.Oct7 Migrants March: London Timeline
07-10-2006 11:27
In this article, we are collecting news on what happens in London during the "Transnational Day of Action Against Migration Controls".Demo at Detention Center in Bologna, Italy, 6 october.
06-10-2006 22:33
Bologna, Italy, 6 october.In Bologna,today a large delegation of anti-racist and autonomous activists from social centers TPO and Crash waited several hours outside of the detention center (CPT) of the city for the Ministerial Commision led by UN ambassador De Mistura and made up of representative of various Italian NGOs and associations (Anci; Caritas;ACLI; FCEI; ARCI; ASGI; CIR) that are working with the ministry of internal affairs, to study and report on the conditions of the detention centers.
Polish police block Chechen refugees from protest
06-10-2006 21:53
Update, 22:30: The bus of refugees returned to Lublin escorted by the police. One policeman is in the bus, and the bus is escorted by a police car. (source:, 6 Oct 2006. A bus carrying Chechen refugees from Lublin to a demonstration against immigration policies in Warsaw was stopped by the Polish police around 15:00 (Polish time) today. In response, the demonstrators decided to block the Bureau of Deportation Affairs and Foreigners in Warsaw, where the demo was being held. The passengers, with their children, are still being held 7 hours on, and it seems that 3 of them are going to be deported. Below is a timeline of the events.
Kenny Peter's Inquest Points to Asylum Failures
06-10-2006 13:48
On 15 September, an inquest found that yet another asylum seeker had taken his life in detention. Unusually, in such cases, in addition to a self-harm verdict, the jury also listed the numerous ways in which the system, supposed to care for vulnerable detainees, had failed to do so.Benmira Family belong to Leeds
06-10-2006 05:34

05-10-2006 18:28
Photography, Installation and video on events surrounding the detention of asylum seekers at DungavelPREVIEW:
Sunday 8th Oct 2006, 4.00pm @ Street Level Gallery,
48 King Street, Glasgow
Featuring media activists Camcorder Guerrillas and
Photo-journalist Robin Taudevin
Exhibition runs from Wed 11th to Fri 27th Oct. Free . All Welcome
Migrant Stories from Europe's Southernmost Frontier
05-10-2006 13:30

Immigration Removal Centres (£1,230 per week, per detainee)
05-10-2006 11:55
How much does it costs to keep an innocent man, woman or child locked up?ARC's Ceremony in Birmingham on Oct 7
04-10-2006 17:28
As part of the Transnational Day of Action Against Migration Control, Birmingham Anti-Racist Campaign is planning an action on 7 October in Birmingham city centre, where we will hold a ceremony, with tombstones and a coffin, to acknowledge the destitution, detention and death of asylum seekers in this country and through this country's increasing deportation to other countries where imprisonment/death is imminent.Meet at Chamberlain Square at 1:30 on 7 October.
Glasgow - Asylum Seeker Action Prevents Removal
04-10-2006 17:10
Swift action and a balcony protest prevented the Home Office from detaining a family in Cardonald this morning. After a 5 hour balcony protest, Cem Coban was taken from the flat by Police officers. The families outside blocked the van from leaving.Solidarity with asylum seekers in London
04-10-2006 10:53
People from Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!, Africans Getting Involved and the Kanyama Must Stay Campaign demonstrated outside Communications House on Tuesday 4 October."Appalling" Yarl's Wood report published today
04-10-2006 07:28
Medical Justice response to the publication on the 4th October of the "Inquiry into the quality of healthcare at Yarl's Wood immigration removal centre" by HM Inspector of Prisons.Press Conference
12.00 noon Wednesday 4th October
Outside the Home Office - 2 Marsham Street, London, SW1P 4DF
Crossing Borders- A new Transnational Newsletter Project
03-10-2006 23:48
The first edition of Crossing Borders is now published to coincide with the October 7th Day of Action For Migrants & Refugees. At the moment 'Crossing Borders' is available in 5 different languages, though we hope to have more soon. To get the newsletter, got to
download the .pdf files from the links on the page and print them out.
Caritas Sony - dawn raided this morning
02-10-2006 21:21
Caritas Sony (24) and her two children (2 and 4 months) were dawn raided this morning, and are currently being detained in Dungavel prior to deportation.October 7th Social Benefit at Rampart's London
02-10-2006 12:42