UK Migration Newswire Archive
Autonomous rear Entrances to Fortress Europe?!
01-10-2006 18:39
This discussion paper comes from nolager Bremen, it is about the debate about the different concepts of “Fortress Europe” and “Autonomy of Migration”. In Germany, there is an extensive discussion which of the concepts is more suitable to describe the current situation concerning ‘flight, migration and migration politics’.October 7th Social Benefit at Rampart's London
30-09-2006 23:11

Nearest Tubes: Whitechapel, Shadwell, Aldgate East
Busses,15, 100
Asylum Seeker documentary - Ahlam's Story
30-09-2006 00:37
Ahlam Souidi speaks frankly about her time as an asylum seeker in Maryhill, Glasgow. Her family are at the moment threatened with deportation back to a country, Algeria, where they face grave danger.Defend Halima and Bailey Jr. PROTEST! 2ND OCTOBER!
29-09-2006 00:38

Demonstrate at Communications House! Tuesday 3 October
28-09-2006 11:55
Support asylum seekers in LondonRally for asylum seekers - Glasgow 07.10.06
27-09-2006 14:50

BNP trouble makers get it wrong again.
26-09-2006 15:31
BNP try to blaim murder on Asians... AgainLast frontier of Latinoamerica
25-09-2006 13:45
The region of frontier between United States and Mexico is a "limbo" without rules, where thousands of Latins American smash their dreams and illusions, often paying with their own life."Voluntary Removal Notices": The New Dawn Raids?
24-09-2006 21:03
Forced removal of "failed" asylum seekers was in the headlines again last week when a couple sought sanctuary in a Glasgow church. It comes as a wave of "Voluntary Removal Notices" where people, mostly vulnerable families, are asked to report to Glasgow airport and deport themselves.Driven to desperate measures: 221 asylum seekers and migrants have died...
24-09-2006 11:33
221 asylum seekers and migrants have died either in the UK or attempting to reach the UK in the past seventeen yearsOctober 7 - Transnational Day of Action for Migrants & Refugees
24-09-2006 10:42
Presstatement/ statement To all social movements!From Warsaw in Poland to Nouakchott in Mauretania
7th of October 06: Transnational Actionday against migration-control
'Failed' Asylum Seeker's Suicide Note: 'I Can't Go Back. I'd Rather Die'
21-09-2006 14:03
Ethiopian engineer Abiy Abebe was found hanged in Liverpool just hours after his application was rejected. At his inquest yesterday, the sickening nature of the UK asylum system was laid bare as Abiy's suicide note was read out to the court.Home Office Enforcement
20-09-2006 12:17
The National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns has placed on its website Home office texts relevant to rules/guidance on how the Home Office enforce immigration controls.Though the information below is relevant at time of posting, it may change. So please check with solicitor/case worker before using. The contents of this message should under no circumstances be seen as 'Immigration advice'.
All the information below can be accessed at

7 Oct 06: Transnational Day of Action Against Migration Controls
20-09-2006 12:05
One year after the escalations in Ceuta and Melilla, a broad network of migration-related initiatives call for freedom of movement in a transnational day of action. In dozens of cities in Europe and also in Africa, manifestations and demonstrations are in preparation for 7th of October.To organize such a day of migration-related actions was decided at the European Social Forum in May 2006, when about 15,000 people from different social movements met in Athens.
Bugs Bunny Belongs to Glasgow
19-09-2006 15:10
Bugs Bunny Belongs to GlasgowLet this rabbit live in Scotland in Peace!
If the following wasn't true, it would be unbelievable!
Support asylum seekers in London – demonstrate at Communications House !
18-09-2006 11:03
REGULAR MONTHLY DEMOS NOW ON TUESDAYS (not Mondays)October 7th: Migrants on the march for their rights in London
16-09-2006 21:38
Coming out of the shadowsOctober 7th: International Day of Action on Migrant Rights
No Deportations to Zimbabwe Pictures
16-09-2006 21:16

Solidarity protest outside Glasgow Immigration Centre tomorrow
15-09-2006 14:36
Support asylum seeker families who have to report at the Glasgow Immigration centre at Festival Court, Brand Street (near to the Cessnock Underground station) Families are required to report here weekly or monthly and can be detained without warning and taken to detention centres. Thanks to weekly protests earlier this year, families reporting on Saturdays now only have to report once a month. Tommorrow is when the families are due to report in September.The 'writing on the wall' comes in different sizes
15-09-2006 11:50
The walls of the Immigration Service Midlands Reporting Centre are decorated with 28 large notices offering asylum seekers monetary inducements to leave the UK, including free travel.However there are only three very small notices informing them that they are entitled to travel expenses when they are required to attend the reporting centre. One of the attending asylum seekers asked management at the centre, why the notices for travel expenses were so small and was told, "It is not in the interests of the Home Office to make them bigger".