UK Migration Newswire Archive
Autonomous Bloc penned in again at Mayday rally.
01-05-2006 19:14

Short Audio Reports from London Mayday Interfaith Rally supporting Migrants
01-05-2006 18:41

(nb files are MP3 phone reports)
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Collected Pics of Mayday in London 2006
01-05-2006 18:26

01-05-2006 03:20
Join May Day Virtual Sit-In! All Day Long on May 1st.Bodies On-line and Bodies in the Street Together.

Overview and update on hunger strikes in asylum detention
30-04-2006 23:43
Mainstream press and the home office say the hungerstrikes of asylum seekers in detention are over. I heard today they are not. This is a time that continuing demonstrations and other shows of solidarity with people in detention makes a real difference. I wrote the article below to explain what has been happening. Please keep the pressure up.Report: Tyneside May Day - Asylum Seekers Demand the Right to Work
30-04-2006 16:34

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Mayday Religious Service for Migrant Workers' Rights
30-04-2006 13:07
A mass and rally to support migrant workers will take place in the morning at Westminster Cathedral. It will be supported by the Justice for Cleaners campaign, as well as other union and community initiatives.SOLIDARITY TO THE HUNGER STRIKERS / CLOSE ALL DETENTION CENTERES
30-04-2006 00:18
Today we displayed a banner in Trafalgar Square during the Love Music Hate Racism event, reading ' SOLIDARITY TO THE HUNGER STRIKERS / CLOSE ALL DETENTION CENTERES'. Thousands of people saw it, altough I cannot guarantee they understood. We distributed a leaflet about the hunger strike.Birmingham NoBorders Protest at the Immigration Reporting Centre in Solihull
29-04-2006 12:05

Following a call-out by Birmingham NoBorders earlier this week, some 20 people, including a few asylum seekers, demonstrated yesterday (28 April, 2006) at the West Midlands Immigration Centre in Solihull. The demonstration was in solidarity with the ongoing hunger strikes in various detention centres and to protest against the inhumane treatment of asylum seekers that this place embodies, from asylum seekers’ having to "sign on" every week to "snatch squads" and "dawn raids".
London Mayday Weekend Events Listing
28-04-2006 12:16
Mayday London Weekend Events:Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Asylum Is Not A Crime – Indymedia/No Borders Film Night
28-04-2006 11:22

Did you know that some asylum seekers in the UK have been detained for up to 3 years?
28-04-2006 07:20
THE HUNGER STRIKE HAS NOT ENDED.update - Thursday 27th April
- Serco (For Colnbrook), Press Office: 01344 386 300
- Home Office Press Office: 020 7035 3535
D'oh! BNP goon blows cover..
27-04-2006 16:04
Please forgive re-posted report just this once - this you must see (and pass it on!):More4 News report tonight 8pm hunger strike and detainee beating
27-04-2006 12:34
More4 News tonight will be covering the brutal beating of Haslar detainee following largest recorded immigration detention hunger strike and protests.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Discover the story of Nottingham's first African
26-04-2006 20:49

Colnbrook Hungerstrike Solidarity Page
26-04-2006 16:24
In response to being mistreated by the authorities during a demonstration at the detention centers near Heathrow on 8 April, detainees in Colnbrook detention center started a hunger strike on 10 April 2006. They demanded from the Home Office an end to their detention. Anticipating that their demands would be met, most of them ended their hunger strike on 23 April. Since this anticipation proved wrong, many decided to continue.
On this page, you find a timeline of the events, solidarity actions and reports in the media. For more information or to support the detainees, please contact noborderslondon at
Colnsbrook Hungerstrike - Timeline
25-04-2006 23:55
Detainees in Colnbrook detention center were on hunger strike from 10 to 23 April. Here is a timeline:Update on Detention Centre Hunger Strikes
25-04-2006 23:49
24 April 2006: The hunger strikes in Colnbrook have ended. Meanwhile, on 20 April, around 20 Turkish Kurdish detainees began hunger striking in Harmondsworth. A coalition of Kurdish organisations are planning a campaign of support. Here are some details about the situation in Colnbrook:NUJ Journalist detained at Harmondsworth demo, April 8
25-04-2006 01:09
As many of you are already aware I was detained by police and halted from doing my job on April 8 during the No Borders demonstration.