UK Migration Newswire Archive
UAF Make Themselves Look Stupid
13-11-2012 13:19

Just posted on the UAF website is a leaflet asking people to tactically vote in this Thursday's PCC elections to stop the BNP candidate Simon Darby in Stoke.

Barnados under regular pressure in Oxford
09-11-2012 23:20
Campaigners have been picketing and leafletting at the Barnados store in Oxford fairly regularly, in protest at their collusion with the migration-control system, specifically detention of children.You lock up kids you get locked out
08-11-2012 17:32
On the night of the 7th November 2012, unknown activists superglued the locks of Barnardo's shop in Cardiff and left a message to protest against the cooperation of Barnardo s with Cedars detention who are not even refraining from locking up children in their detention center.The action was probably part of the action day against Barnardo s that was held today in different places all over UK.
Reminder: join the action against Barnardo's today!
08-11-2012 00:06

Solidarity across prison walls: Harmondsworth demo for Prince
07-11-2012 12:58

Sole Survivor of Tragic Sea Crossing Blames Police for Deaths of Migrants
05-11-2012 16:23
No Borders Morocco interview sole survivor of tragic sinking of boats in Straits of Gibraltar on 28.10.12. Full transcript available at along with mp3 of interview in French with English and Wolof translationCall out for days of Propaganda and Action for Piotr Silajev!
05-11-2012 14:51
From Barcelona we are making a call out for international days of propaganda and action to support our compañero Piotr Silajev on the days of 19th-21st of November.STOP THE KILLING: Noise Demo @ Harmondsworth IRC Tues 6th Nov
03-11-2012 13:31
Noise demo @ Harmondsworth Immigration Removal Centre, Tuesday 6th November 2012 @ 1.30pmREMEMBER THE DEAD - JUSTICE FOR THE LIVING - END IMMIGRATION DETENTION NOW!
Meet at the main entrance to Harmondsworth and Colnbrook IRCs, West Drayton UB7 0HB
Day of action against Barnardo’s – 8 Nov
03-11-2012 12:42

Following a series of documented assaults on migrant families held in Cedars, the appalling treatment of the Saleh family, and the damning HM Inspector of Prison's report last month, anti-detention campaigners are calling on all concerned groups and individuals to join us in an intensive day of action to ratchet up the campaign against Barnardo's involvement in child detention.
Ghanaian Detainees Statement - Death of Prince Ofosu
03-11-2012 09:27
Another Death of a Detainee in Harmondsworth IRCManagement at Harmondsworth IRC posted a notice yon Tuesday 30th October 2012, informing detainees of a "Death of a resident" saying no more than "we regret to inform you of the death of a resident” No further details were given, no name/nationality and manner of fatality. Home Office when asked about the death, confirmed there had been a death but as their want, refused point blank to give any details whatsoever.
Death of a Detainee in Harmondsworth
01-11-2012 12:31
UK migration prisons have claimed yet another victim.Report of protest outside North Shields Immigration Reporting Centre - 24/10/12
30-10-2012 14:27
On Wednesday 24th October 2012 Raul Ally and his supporters held a protest to demand justice for Raul and an end to immigration detention and all deportations. See video footage of the protest at:
Next organising meeting: End Detention! Stop Deportations! Fight back against all forms of racism! Saturday 3rd November, 3.30pm,Gateshead Leisure Centre NE8 4JA
Refugee Hunger Strike Berlin
28-10-2012 10:52
A description of the last weeks events in Berlin and Germany from refugee and asylum seekers against the racist system of immigration policy in Europe.They are fighting against deportation, for freedom of movement, for the closure of refugee camps, for the dignity and better living conditions of refugees in Germany.
International Appeal for Delta Squat & anarchist immigrant Gustavo Quiroga
24-10-2012 12:48
Thessaloniki, Greece, urgent appeal for international support with delta squat and imprisoned anarchist immigrant Gustavo QuirogaShroukie's family LATEST: coach blocked for 5 hours, fingers crossed ...
24-10-2012 08:46

Tamil death flight LATEST: lots of people off flight, news still coming in ...
23-10-2012 16:06
UKBA did not try to get a deportation coach past protestors at Harmondsworth and Colnbrook migration prisons today. News is coming in of many successful injunctions throughout the day (no number confirmed yet) to get individuals off the flight. However some may have flown from other detention centres.Cardiff "punk" is UKBA thug
23-10-2012 11:05

Stop the charter flight of death: action details for tomorrow
22-10-2012 10:49

(Nearest stations West Drayton, Hatton Cross, Uxbridge; call 07512 516926 for directions on the day.)
STOP charter flight to Sri Lanka, Tue 23rd October
19-10-2012 18:30
Stop charters to death!Protest @ 10am, Tuesday 23rd October, Harmondsworth & Colnbrook detention centres near Heathrow
Cardiff Family Brutally Arrested and Face Illegal Deportation
19-10-2012 11:16

A UK Border Agency immigration raid, Dont let them spilt up the El-Attar family!
In the early hours of Yesterday morning, Fariman Saleh and her two children we're brutally dragged from their beds, handcuffed and taken to Heathrow Airport to be deported, All infront of the eyes of her eldest daughter, Shrouk El-Attar.
Video of raid:

The Family were due to appear before a Judge in November to decide on their Asylum Seeker application and status.
The incident has sparked outrage and massive response in the community at the actions of the UK Boarder Agency in Cardiff and other areas, and have spoken out against the families right to a fair trial and to stop a potentially illegal deportation.
Hundreds of people have contacted their MP's, Local News Desks, created Viral videos, Signed Petitions and created a facebook page in a bid to hopefully stop the deportation proceedings
It is a Human Right to stand a fair trial. The events of yesterday morning deprived Mrs Saleh and her children of that right, dignity, and worst of all treated brutally and unremorsefully by the state she sought refuge, safety and Sanctuary in.
If deported tomorrow, The Family may face 'honour-killing',
torture, rape and even death. They are in grave danger.