UK Migration Newswire Archive
e day Hassanat Aliyu and her daughters deported late Saturday night
11-03-2013 01:11

‘My children do not know where they are, we can’t stay in Nigeria. Why has the British government treated us like this?’ Hassanat speaking from Nigeria.
Protest on International Women's Day against the deportation of Hassanat
08-03-2013 20:27

Outside Cardiff Mags court tomorrow (Monday)
17-02-2013 12:57

Solidarity with friends of Saleh family arrestees.
07-02-2013 23:56
UKBA raid disrupted by Anti Raids Network
05-02-2013 18:38
February 2nd: UKBA raid West African Restaurant, Old Kent Road, near Elephant and band playing south London
02-02-2013 23:04
Welsh pro-UKBA punk band "No Choice" are playing at the Grosvenor next week:
Mobile fingerprint scanners: what everyone needs to know
01-02-2013 00:32
The rolling out of mobile fingerprint scanner surveillance by the British police will have very serious and widespread implications. Nicked from, this article deals with your rights in the face of an identity check using these devices.Cowardly EDL Try To Disrupt Manchester Anti-fascist Gig #EDL @TheRamanShackle
31-01-2013 03:35

EDL /SDL/WDL Members Join The BFF For Half Price With Discount Code #edl #sdl
29-01-2013 12:48

[choucha] refugee protests in tunisia
28-01-2013 11:41

About 100 rejected asylum seekers from the refugee camp in Choucha are currently protesting in the Tunisian capital.
Capita gets bigger slice of UK immigration cake, chokes on first bites
26-01-2013 17:42
Thousands of migrants received threatening text messages over the Christmas holiday telling them they did not have the right to be in the UK and should leave the country immediately. But many of them reportedly had valid visas, leaves to remain or even British passports. The texts were sent on behalf of the immigration authorities by the outsourcing giant Capita under a new £30 million contract to trace and contact 'overstayers'. Was this the first of to-be-expected cock-ups in this new 'bounty hunters' venture, or is it the shape of things to come as Capita and other private companies take over the immigration and asylum 'market'? Corporate Watch takes a look.Dutch activist Joke Kaviaar sentenced to four months in prison for incitement
22-01-2013 19:17

No Borders anarchist Joke Kaviaar comes out fighting against incitement trial
07-01-2013 00:10

New Year's Day solidarity action at London Detention Centre
04-01-2013 20:47

Migrants can be held for many years for the "crime" of crossing a border, and for most of those there for the long-term, are there with no end to their detention in sight.
January 1st has also become the date that many are given as a date of birth when no records exist. January the 1st is therefore many migrant's official 'birthday', and a solidarity action was organised on this day with people from different networks meeting in the afternoon and heading to Harmondsworth Detention centre to make noise and express solidarity with those inside.
Cardiff French embassy is target over police repression as busy month is topped
23-12-2012 22:25

Several activists decided to use International Migrants Day this week to respond to a call-out from French activists for actions outside French Embassies and Consulates in solidarity with a recent day of action that aimed to highlight the continued state repression against sans-papier, Roma, the homeless and anti-airport activists in France despite a change of government to a party that spoke out against such actions before they were in power.
Barnardos shop locked shut in Oxford
22-12-2012 10:51
This morning the doors of the barnardos shop in East Oxford seemed to have been locked shut.Exeter Picturehouse cinemas targeted in new campaign against Barnardo's / Cedars
19-12-2012 06:23

Out Of The Rubble - Fundraiser
16-12-2012 23:29

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URGENT: Dawn raid on family in Glasgow - Protest tomorrow!
02-12-2012 15:20
Mazhar Hussain, his wife Uzma and their daughters, 15 year old Khudaijah, 13 year old Areej and their 4 year old son Shahmer were arrested in their house in Glasgow this morning by UKBA Immigration Enforcement Officers.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
URGENT: Christine must stay!
26-11-2012 19:47