UK Migration Newswire Archive
Kemi Ayinde-pregnant mother given new removal directions
05-07-2008 19:19
After British Airways declined to allow failed asylum seeker 24 year Kemi Ayinde to fly last Tuesday, the Home Office will again attempt to remove her and her familyStop Forced Removals/ Deportation of Zimbabweans
05-07-2008 13:54

OpenSpace launch - 15 July
04-07-2008 18:42
Come along to the launch of OpenSpaceTuesday 15 July – everyone welcome!
Address:NO:ID Gallery, 26 Calvert Avenue
London EC2 7JP
Nearest Tube: Old Street
Dissident Island Tonight - A bit of a G8 special
04-07-2008 17:21

Unity Care Keeps Asylum Seeking Children in Poverty
04-07-2008 07:10

Article 8 Right to Family life - strengthened by Law Lords
03-07-2008 11:39
If you have sought leave to remain in the UK on Article 8 grounds, have been refused on the grounds that it would be 'proportionate' for you to leave the UK and a make the application from abroad and the Home Office are enforcing that decision;Revenge of the Subaltern
03-07-2008 09:04
Zimbabwean writer Mavuso Dingani reflects on the recent pogroms in South Africa.Please help Bridget O'Koro and Osaivibie
03-07-2008 07:32

IOM's new Birmingham office
03-07-2008 01:07

Let's tell them they are not welcome here, in Birmingham, or anywhere else!
Fitwatch at G8 Protests
02-07-2008 22:13

5th July - London Fete Against the G8 - 12pm - Croydon Central, North End, Close to the entrance of Whitgift ShoppingCentre
Ban the beggars
02-07-2008 18:26
In our western societies where the rich are becoming richer because they will not even share the crumbs from their wealth no one should be surprised that the town of Assisi, home of St Francis, the saint of the poor, has banned all beggars from its churches and streets.Another attempt to remove Rebecca Lutayakamya and Darren
02-07-2008 16:24

Three Families Pass their Fly by dates
02-07-2008 16:10
Three families due to be removed in the last two days are still here but it was hectic and for all three families it went right to the wire.All were taken from Yarl's Wood and arrived at Heathrow airport; only one family was actually put on a plane.
International Congolese Day Demonstration, London 30 June
01-07-2008 16:26

Pictures (C) 2008, Peter Marshall. All rights reserved.
Pedro Fernando: 20 Months in detention - 20 months too long
01-07-2008 13:29

londonfete reveals the "Plan C from Outer Space" (Croydon July 5th)
01-07-2008 11:51

For Freedom of Movement and Freedom To Protest!
On the 5th of July 2008, people all around the world will protest
against the G8 summit 2008 in Japan. Globalisation has created huge
movements of people to the centres of capitalism. However whilst capital
- money and commodities - has been granted ever-expanding
freedom of movement, the movement of workers as migrants is subject to
increasingly complex and brutal systems of control.
We are calling for a protest against the UK Border Agency.
It is time to join forces, for freedom of movement, the freedom to
protest and equal rights for all !
Mindy's mega blockade team block deportation centre
01-07-2008 07:35
Sat June 28th- Merksplas (Belgium)A team of 20 refugee activist lead by belgian superhero Mega Mindy (known from kids tv in belgium) blocked the entrance to the deportation centre of Merksplas.
With this action they want to protest against the inhumane imprisonment of refugees, even children, who did nothing wrong but fleeing misery.
URGENT update on imminent deportation of pregnant mother and family
30-06-2008 22:27
Kemi Ayinde, who is due to be forcibly removed TUESDAY 1 JULY, was taken into hospital today from Yarlswood detention centreChagos Islanders Picket House of Lords
30-06-2008 22:13

Pictures (C) Peter Marshall, 2008. All rights reserved.
CHAGOS: UK Highest Courts deciding merits of cleansing UK citizens!
30-06-2008 13:55
Apparently the House of Lords are supposed to be deciding on the merits of the British government appealing against a lower court decision which granted British citizens the right to return to their homes.