UK Migration Newswire Archive
Iranian teenager faces death penalty after losing his asylum claim
06-03-2008 12:15
A gay teenager who sought sanctuary in Britain when his boyfriend was executed by the Iranian authorities now faces the same fate after losing his legal battle for's official: cops are wankers!
05-03-2008 21:34
The court case against a No Borders activist arrested for saying 'wankers' was laughed out of court this week.Liberty wins permisson to seek public inquiry in Harmondsworth conditions
05-03-2008 11:46
Liberty has won permission to seek a public inquiry over the "shameful" conditions it says foreign nationals were held in at a west London immigration detention centre.The human rights pressure group contends that vulnerable detainees were left in overcrowded, flooded cells without food or water while fires burned during a riot at Harmondsworth in November 2006.
Vulnerable young woman faces deportation to Burundi tomorrow - urgent action ne
04-03-2008 15:06

Jumoke, Elizabeth and Daniella have been 'Snatched' again
04-03-2008 06:55

Lincoln Mzezewa belongs to Leeds!
03-03-2008 22:26

Noise picket of detention profiteers: photos
03-03-2008 20:11

See the original story here

Harmondsworth public inquiry challenge - tomorrow 4 March 2008
03-03-2008 17:25
A demonstration will be held outside the Court of Appeal as it prepares to hear a case brought by Liberty asking for a judicial review of the government's refusal to hold a public inquiry into the disturbance at Harmondsworth in November 2006.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Exposed: company that will expand Manchester detention centre
03-03-2008 17:00

Demonstrate Against Deportations to Cameroon
03-03-2008 14:58
This demonstration is a prompt response to recent killings in Cameroon orchestrated by the dictatorial regime of Paul Biya. The situation in Cameroon is not safe at all and is expected to become worse during the coming days.Zaman Ahmed belongs to Birmingham
03-03-2008 09:14

Sankofa Foundation in Crisis
03-03-2008 01:48
Amidst the recent disintegration of the ASBO project the Sankofa Foundation has been suffering and surviving, but now the end may be in sight for our Burns Street office.Sankofa therapist Miriam Hollis recently wrote this message asking for help, which can also be read on the Sankofa blog -
Full article | 2 additions | 2 comments
Stop the illegal deportation of Zaman Ahmed Zahin
01-03-2008 21:27
On the exact same day that a top US inteliigence officer was reported as noting that the security situation in Afghanistan is deteriorating and that the Karzai regime presently controls less than one third of the country, a Birmingham man was detained at Solihull's Midland Enforcement Unit, with a view to enfoced removal to Afghanistan on Tuesday, March 4th.No Borders Benefit at RampART 1 tomorrow night!
29-02-2008 20:26
No Borders Benefit, Saturday 1st March, from 7pm, RampART 1We celebrate the struggle for social spaces and for freedom of movement with another No Borders benefit party on Sat 1st March (7pm til late). Refreshments, films, info stall, and - of course - good music.
NoBorders Benefit March 1st/ reminder
29-02-2008 19:05
RampART did not get permission to appeal, eviciton may be more reason to resist + celebrate!Around the Campaigns Friday 29th February 2008
29-02-2008 12:37

Am sure all the campaigning had a lot to do with it!
Human rights hypocrisy over Simon Mann
29-02-2008 12:31
Questions raised over the treatment of mercenary Simon Mann by the government of Equatorial Guinea do not reflect British policy, finds Rob Ray for Freedom newspaperHarmondsworth public inquiry hearing 4 March 2008
29-02-2008 11:01
A demonstration will be held outside the Court of Appeal as it prepares to hear a case brought by Liberty asking for a judicial review of the government's refusal to hold a public inquiry into the disturbance at Harmondsworth in November 2006.Harmondsworth disturbance, demand for a public inquiry hearing
29-02-2008 10:07
A demonstration will be held outside the Court of Appeal as it prepares to hear a case brought by Liberty asking for a judicial review of the government's refusal to hold a public inquiry into the disturbance at Harmondsworth in November 2006.Around the Campaigns Friday 29th February 2008
29-02-2008 10:03
Saddiq Family Detained after Dawn Raid in LeedsThe Saddiq family are from Karachi in Pakistan. They fled to the UK in 2005 because Saleem suffered persecution due to active membership of a minority political party.
Helen & Alistair Itanje:
I really wish every body could understand that Millbank is a torture chamber, the conditions there are more inhuman than that of a detention centre. I really feel somebody have to do something to stop them from treating asylum seekers in the way that they do, I really do wish they could be exposed.
Editors note: There is a new Home Office scheme, 'Alternative to Detention' being piloted at Millbank induction centre, run by Migrant Helpline