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Stop the illegal deportation of Zaman Ahmed Zahin

Dave Stamp | 01.03.2008 21:27 | Migration | Birmingham

On the exact same day that a top US inteliigence officer was reported as noting that the security situation in Afghanistan is deteriorating and that the Karzai regime presently controls less than one third of the country, a Birmingham man was detained at Solihull's Midland Enforcement Unit, with a view to enfoced removal to Afghanistan on Tuesday, March 4th.

Zaman Ahmed Zaman came to the UK from Afghanistan in 2002, when he was
granted leave to remain for one year. He has never had his permission to
work revoked and has been in paid employment for the past 6 years, never
once claiming welfare benefits. He has found many friends in the UK, has
learnt to speak English fluently and has integrated completely into life
in the UK.

When he applied for an extension of this, he was refused. At the appeal hearing, the adjudicator said that he found him to be an entirely credible witness and commended his efforts to support himself and build a new life in the United Kingdom- however, the adjudicator felt that he could go and use his talents in Afghanistan. This was ignoring the fact that Zaman had already worked for several international agencies in Afghanistan- but this had not prevented him from being targeted by both the Taliban and the new government.

He submitted a fresh claim for asylum in January 2007 and has been hoping
for a positive decision so that he can begin to build his future here in
the UK.

Zaman went to sign at the Midlands Enforcement Unit in Solihull on
Thursday, February 29th- the very day on which America's top intelligence
official was quoted as saying that the security situation in Afghanistan
is deteriorating and that President Hamid Karzai's government cotrols less
than one third of the country. On arrival at Solihull, Zaman was advised
that his fresh claim for asylum had been refused and that he was to be
detained, pending deportation to Afghanistan on Tuesday, March 4th.
Neither he nor his legal representative had at that point been notified of
the claim's refusal.

Zaman is presently being held in detention at Manchester International
Airport. His legal representative is attempting to initiate judicial
review proceedings against Zaman's deportation though, with characteristic
inefficiency, the Border and Immigration Agency has failed even to issue
appropriate documentation appertaining to the removal directions.

Despite the abundant evidence of the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan, and the danger to those who are perceived as without political support or who have become ‘Westernised’, the Home Office refuse to believe that Zaman would be in danger if returned to Afghanistan. His solicitors have made fresh representations detailing the danger he faces, and the immense contribution he has made since he has been in the United Kingdom. These have been ignored, along with other evidence he has been able to obtain, and he has been told he will be deported.
Zaman knows that he will have no protection or redress if he is returned to Afghanistan.

Please contact the Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith, (Fax: 020 8760 3132/ from
outside UK+ 44 020 8760 3132) quoting Home Office reference Z1030285,
asking that Zaman be allowed to stay in the UK to live as a productive and
well respected member of the community, rather than deported to a failing
state, as well as Liam Byrne, immigration minister, at

Please also contact Hamburg International Airlines
(, requesting that they withdraw from
assisting the BIA to deport people to death and misery. Please copy all
messages of support to

Dave Stamp
- e-mail:
- Homepage:



03.03.2008 17:28

Zahin has been told today that his flight has been cancelled! His solicitor has submitted Judicial Review proceedings against the Home Office and we are hoping Zaman will be out on bail tomorrow.

Many thanks to everyone who has shown their support.

Dave Stamp
mail e-mail:

Zaman facing deportation AGAIN, March 11th.

08.03.2008 14:45

Despite preventing Zaman's illegal removal last week, he's been detained in Oakington all week . He was moved to Tinsley House near Gatwick today and has now been informed that new removal directions have been set for Tuesday 11th March.

His solicitor is asking for 2k for an injunction to instruct a barrister and prevent the removal. In a particularly Kafkaesque twist, Zaman actually has 7k in his bank account but his bank card has been confiscated by immigration officers at Tinsley House, who are refusing to allow him access to it.

Please contact Liam Byrne and Jacqui Smith to register your disgust at this perversion of justice.

Dave Stamp
mail e-mail:


Display the following 2 comments

  1. British Government's own travel advice — watcher
  2. E-mail address for the CEO of Hamburg — plane spotter