UK Migration Newswire Archive
Blockade of North Shields Immigration Reporting Centre
19-12-2007 12:11
press release from the blockadeFull article | 3 additions | 3 comments
On The Ground - Calais, France: Migration, Immigration, Starvation
18-12-2007 17:18

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London Home Office HQ Blockaded by Refugee Support Groups
18-12-2007 14:30

No Borders 'Dawn Raid' action also in Manchester
18-12-2007 11:20
This press release was send to the local media this morning...Full article | 7 additions | 6 comments
“No Borders” Activists Prevent “Dawn Raids” on Children
18-12-2007 05:59
Simultaneous No Borders blockades preventing dawn raids today.Jane Mary Mutetsi belongs to Nottingham
17-12-2007 13:52

Monday 17th December - Campsfield IRC another disturbance in progress
17-12-2007 07:28
I have just had a call (5:37 am) from a detainee in Blue Block at Campsfield Immigration Removal Centre (IRC), Kidlington, Oxford, describing a disturbance developing there AT THIS MOMENT.Resisiting deporation/ some families released
14-12-2007 18:48
Back in their Home Towns - Aliyeva & Adediwura FamiliesMaud Lennard - 7 attempts to remove, Still here, Still resisting
Public Meeting: How Safe is Sudan? The Case for Asylum
12-12-2007 17:14
The saga of Gillian Gibbons and the teddy bear showed how dangerous the Sudanese Government/military/judiciary can be. Darfuri asylum seekers in the UK are in real danger from the Home Office and the Sudanese GovernmentPolicy on Asylum Seekers is ‘harsh and coercive’
10-12-2007 15:32
A national citizens’ enquiry into the UK asylum system heard evidence of the desperate measures taken by asylum seekers denied benefits and prevented from working under asylum rules- often forced to sleep rough, raid bins or work illegally just to survive.Angel Group - up to their dirty tricks again.
08-12-2007 15:57
30 people joined a demonstration outside the offices of Angel group on Friday morning calling for its closure. The protest was organised by The United Refugee Organisation and supported by Leeds No Borders and a number of refugee community organisations. Angel Group make massive profits providing accommodation for asylum seekers. Their management responded with their usual charm and professionalism.Solidarity with the Harmondsworth 4 - Public Meeting Dec 11th
05-12-2007 21:49
A Public Meetingcalled by No Borders London.
7pm, Tuesday 11th December,
at the Institute of Race Relations,
2-6 Leeke Street, London WC1X 9HS
(near Kings Cross)
In November 2006 detainees at Harmondsworth immigration detention centre
protested against conditions inside the centre and their treatment by
the guards. The centre was damaged and the detainees were moved to
other detention centres and prisons.
A Unique Place.
05-12-2007 15:05

Northern Anti-Racist March January 19th 2008
04-12-2007 21:25

Small World Kitchen *Friday @ Sumac* African food by refugee forum Women's Group
02-12-2007 14:59

Full details plus flyers/posters at:
Cost will be by a recommended donation.
stop the deportation of journalist kemal kutan to turkey
01-12-2007 03:27
A progressive journalist and activist held in Germany is under threat of extradition to Turkey where he would face an uncertain fate...Jahongir Sidikov's deportation has been postponed
30-11-2007 20:45

The latest entry on his case from Craig Murray's blog is reproduced below.
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Detention profiteers shut down for the day!
30-11-2007 19:56
How many activists does it take to shut down the UK head offices of a multinational corporation?Jahongir Sidikov: Facing Deportation this Evening - Still Time to Stop It
28-11-2007 01:00

See also:

New Films from South Lebanon
27-11-2007 18:57
The anarchist film collective "a-films" announces three new videos from South Lebanon. In October 2007, a-films did video workshops in Bourj ash-Shamali Refugee Camp and the village of Siddiqine.