UK Migration Newswire Archive
Iceland whale slaughter program:
29-05-2007 09:19

Sea Shepherd, the Whales' Navy,
is the only organization whose mission is to uphold and enforce international conservation regulations on the high seas. We are sending our ship the Farley Mowat and a crew of volunteers to create an international incident over Iceland's refusal to comply with global protection regulations.
Nottingham Refugee Week 2007 - 16th–24th June
29-05-2007 09:09
Refugee Week is a UK wide festival that celebrates the great contribution made by refugees to UK life and promotes understanding of why people become refugees. Every year hundreds of arts, cultural and educational events are organised across the UK.Not going to the G8? Come to No Borders G8 migration night - June 8th
28-05-2007 22:21

Rampart, 5-7 Rampart St, off Commercial Road, E1
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An Invitation To The Gatwick No Border Camp 2007
25-05-2007 22:47
No Borders – No Nations – No PrisonsFrom 19th to 24th September 07 we will gather at Gatwick Airport for
the first No Border Camp in the UK. This camp will be a chance to work
together to try and stop the building of a new detention centre, and to
gather ideas for how to build up the fight against the system of
migration controls.
If you think these Pictures are disturbing, pass them on…
25-05-2007 06:47

Anarchists intervene in National Day of Action to Defend Asylum Rights
24-05-2007 16:11
Anarchists in Coventry supported a demo.and march to the Midlands Enforcement Unit in Solihull on 19th May.Mr & Mrs Hodge, New Labour, Asylum Seekers and Migrants
24-05-2007 15:28
One aspect of the recent Hodge affair which has not received attention is the fact that Margaret's husband, Henry, is involved in immigration decision making."Sham" marriage controls breach human rights, rules Court of Appeal
23-05-2007 14:26
The Court of Appeal today ruled against the HomeSecretary to uphold the right of non-European
nationals who are in genuine relationships to
marry in the UK irrespective of immigration
UK Asylum Statistics: 1st Quarter Jan/Feb/March 2007
23-05-2007 12:30
The Home Office published today their quarterly bulletin on Asylum
statistics for January, February and March 2007, in that period:
200 more families benefited from the 'Family ILR Exercise'
Removals dipped 17% in the first 3 months of this year compared with
the last 3 months of 2006 and 32% compared with the same period last
Report: 19 May Asylum Rights March Glasgow
23-05-2007 00:17
The 19th May saw RCG comrades join asylum-seekers and supporters in Glasgow taking to the streets once more to demand equal rights, an end to deportations and the right to work for all.Protest to prevent deportation of mother and baby to Cameroon
21-05-2007 19:35

Newcastle Report on May 19th Day of Action for Asylum Rights
20-05-2007 17:09

No Borders Nottingham 'National Day of Action on Asylum Rights'
19-05-2007 22:46

A stall was arranged, leaflets handed out, questions answered ........
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National Day of Action for Asylum Seekers in Nottingham
19-05-2007 17:40

Report: National Day of Action for Refugees
19-05-2007 17:00
Today, around 150 people marched for asylum seekers' rights and against deportations.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
No one is illegal, stop deportations
18-05-2007 17:15

New migrant detention camp in Evros, Greece
17-05-2007 00:14

Map of detention centers on the greek side of greco-turkish border.
National Weekend of Action For Refugees / 11 events - 19th May 2007
16-05-2007 21:21
TCAR call for day of actionNdagire Oliva MUbira and Andrew Wamala must stay!
16-05-2007 13:55
A traumatised, multiply raped woman and her 3 year old son are due for deportation to Uganda today.