UK Migration Newswire Archive
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Police Mar Peaceful Protest Against DRC Deportations in Solihull
13-04-2007 14:52
Over 200 people protested on Thursday, 12 April, at the immigration reporting centre in Solihull, near Birmingham, against deportations to the Democratic Republic of Congo. The peaceful protest was marred by a large police presence and was penned into Sandford House's car park. But protesters then broke off and blockaded the road for about 2 hours. Two people were arrested, one also assaulted by an aggressive cop. They were released later on but only because their fellow protesters, in an empowering show of solidarity, refused to leave the site before they were released.Below is a detailed report of what happened.
Over 250 DR Congolese on Anti-Deportation demo in Birmingham
13-04-2007 00:13

Solihull Protest Against Deportations to DRC
12-04-2007 23:45

There was a large and heavy-handed police presence and the protest was penned, twice, into the car park after protesters refused to stay in the tiny designated area on the grounds of Sandford House. Protesters, however, broke off after a while and blockaded the road for about 2 hours. Two people were arrested, one also assaulted by an aggressive cop. They were released later on but only because their fellow protesters, in an empowering show of solidarity, refused to leave the site before they were released.
Asylum Rights: national day of action in defence of asylum rights on 19th May!
12-04-2007 23:13
Tyneside Community Action for Refugees (TCAR) calls on all those opposed to the current attacks on asylum seekers to join us in a national day of action in defence of asylum rights on Saturday 19th May.Full article | 2 additions | 4 comments
Protest against deportations to DRC
12-04-2007 22:41

19th May - National Day of Action to Defend Asylum Rights
12-04-2007 21:58
Together we are stronger! Join us in a national day of action in defence of asylum rights on 19th May!DRC Deportations Demo (April 12)
12-04-2007 20:55

12-04-2007 15:24
A BNP candidate has been barred from standing for Kirklees because he works for the council.
Auty Faces New Probe Over Song
12-04-2007 15:20
The Yorkshire Evening Post can reveal a new inquiry into the activities of Kirklees Council’s Coun Colin Auty (BNP, Dewsbury East) could begin shortly.Home Office frivolous attitude to Article 8 'the right to family life' can be ch
12-04-2007 05:12

Gina--A journalist detain in Yarls wood
11-04-2007 21:56
Her name is Gina Khachatryan and she is being held with her husband VAHAN and daughter ELEN. The Home Office officials took them from Blandford Road, Salford in the early hours of Easter Monday, 9th April. They closed off the street and gave them 30 minutes to pack a few clothes. They are to be deported on Friday at 10.50 on flight KM101 to Malta, then on to Moscow and ArmeniaDeportations by charter flights February 2007
11-04-2007 13:21
Figures obtained by the National Colaition of Anti Deportation Campaigns under the Freedon of Information Act.NINE DEMONSTRATIONS 12th APRIL 2007 NO MORE DEPORTATIONS TO DR CONGO
11-04-2007 12:41
On 12th April 2007, there will be a "directions hearing"for the CountryGuidance tribunal on the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). After this the date for the full hearing will be established. We need to be out in force on 12th April, and on any
subsequent tribunal dates, to show our solidarity with the legal team
defending the cause of Congolese asylum seekers and to protest against
further deportations to DRC.
Who really ended slavery?
11-04-2007 08:34
200 years since the abolition of the slave tradeWho really ended slavery?
Speakers Paul Gilroy, Weyman Bennett
The 200th anniversary of the abolition of the British slave trade has rightly initiated a discussion not simply about the wrongs that slavery brought on millions of Black people, but also about its economic role and how it was abolished.
Birmingham, like many other cities, has both its heroes and villains. The supply of the manacles to the trade is a horrific memory, while those who campaigned against it are to be celebrated.
This public meeting will look at 2 critical elements.
Firstly the role that the slave trade played in financing, and providing the stimulus for, the industrial revolution. Many of the great industrialists of the time were financed by money coming directly from the slave trade.
Secondly, and an element that is far too often forgotten, the role of the slaves themselves in destroying slavery. The rebellion of the slaves in Haiti was the beginning of the end for slavery. The British dominion of Jamaica saw its own uprising by slaves. In Britain freed slaves played an important part in the campaign to abolish the trade, alongside the likes of William Wilberforce MP.
Meeting details:
Wednesday 11th April 7pm
Afro-Caribbean Millennium Centre, 339 Dudley Rd , Winson Green
Urgent Help needed for victim of trafficking and child prostitution
11-04-2007 08:19

Immigrants: 50,000 March for Immigration Reform
10-04-2007 19:07
More than 50,000 immigrants and immigrant rights advocates filled the streets of Downtown Los Angeles on Saturday, April 7, 2007, to rally support for fair legislation for immigrants; and to protest against the recent White House plan that will further restrict the rights of immigrants across America. The March and rally was one of the largest in recent months and it further demonstrated the growing momentum of the immigration rights movement.Urgent response needed for [name removed as requested by subject]
10-04-2007 16:49
[Name removed as requested by subject] a national of Kenya and her husband were forced to leave Kenya in 1990 as her husband was Ugandan and at the time Ugandans were being persecuted in Kenya. [Name removed] and her husband fled to Swaziland. Unfortunately [name removed]'s husband passed away. The Swaziland Authorities started making life very difficult for [Name removed] to carry on working there. She left for the UK in 2003 hoping to be able to work and provide for herself.[PICTURE AND SAMPLE LETTERS REMOVED AS REQUESTED BY SUBJECT]
Anti-deportation protest stall - Saturday 14th April
10-04-2007 12:01
Anti-racist activists from NWASDG and Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! will be holding another anti-deportation protest and stall on Saturday 14 April from 12.00pm on Market Street in Manchester city centre.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Opening Action Prison Boats Zaandam, NL
09-04-2007 14:43

Ismet Hyseni - Back in the Wars
09-04-2007 12:39