UK Migration Newswire Archive
Camp Inski - International Anti-G8-Camping at the Baltic Sea (Aug 06)
02-06-2006 11:26

There is an english translation of the "First Call" here... Please read how to contact the camp working group and how to get involved.
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News of the World rounds up 'Illegal' migrants
01-06-2006 16:24
Yesterday News of the World 'Fake Sheik' reporter Mazher Mahmood and colleagues entrapped 66 undocumented workers and delivered them to Colnbrook Immigration Removal Center.Please join us in - A Show of Solidarity
31-05-2006 22:31
Saturday 3rd June 1.00-3.00 pmEnd of New Street - opposite the Bull/ outside Waterstones.
Join Birmingham Anti Racist Campaign (ARC) in a protest against deportations and the inhumane treatment of asylum seekers. We hope all those campaigning against deportation and in defence of refugees, asylum seekers and migrant workers will join us. All refugee and asylum seekers groups are welcome.
Bring placards, petitions, leaflets.
Don't deport Elizabeth:Support Ugandan lesbian with 3 days until deportation
31-05-2006 10:29
Elizabeth is now booked onto a flight to Uganda on Friday 2nd June - she is unlikely to survive on return.We have just three days to convince the Immigration Minister to stop her deportation and to convine KLM not to fly her. We CAN do this by making lots of noise and making a general nuisance of ourselves.
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Asylum seekers stage successful Glasgow protest
31-05-2006 01:05
Over 100 asylum seekers and their supporters gathered on saturday 27th of May in the city centre of Glasgow to highlight the ongoing racist attacks which are being carried out by the Labour government, demanding the right to work and an immediate end to dawn raids.New refugee coalition in Manchester!
30-05-2006 14:35
A new organisation, the North West Asylum Seekers Defence Group (NWASDG), has been formed.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Immigration Reporting Centres: National Update and Call-out
28-05-2006 14:09

Norway: Afghan refugees on hungerstrike
28-05-2006 08:23
after a demo on 22 of may, afghan refugees are escalating with a hungerstrike their protests against the decision of the norwegian government for their immediate deportaton to afghanistan.Immigration policies are creating mental illness
24-05-2006 11:32
At a meeting in Oxford Town Hall this evening, on the mental-health consequences of UK immigration policy, the following statement was passed unanimously:'Alternatives' Public Meeting in Telford on June 10th
23-05-2006 19:15
Local peace group, Wrekin Stop War, are inviting people from across Shropshire (and beyond) to attend a public meeting exploring themes connected to peace and the planet.Immigration Minister Tony McNulty Sacked
23-05-2006 08:46
Tony McNulty - the Minister for Immigration - has been sacked, he joins Charles Clarke, both were dismissed because their conduct was seen as not conducive to the 'Government's' public good.On 14th November 1971 the 'Fairsky' left Bremerhaven bound for Australia.
21-05-2006 10:08
On board were a number of German and British migrants heading for Australia on an assisted £10 passage. It was to be a tragic voyage.Slightly tear gazed - the Athens European Social Forum
20-05-2006 18:08

asylum seekers struggle, cyprus, edited-updated
20-05-2006 14:19
chronology of events, observations and commentaryAsyslum Seekers Seeking Justice not Hand-Outs
20-05-2006 07:04
A brief tale of how a hard-working man is systematically stripped of his dignity by the system in order to soften him up for deportation .PETITION AGAINST CHOSEN IMMIGRATION IN FRANCE
19-05-2006 10:54
A new law is about to pass in France which will legalise so-called "chosen immigration"... In a move that terrifyingly reminds us of slaves having their teeth checked to see whether they were fit for the new world, candidates to immgraiton will now have to demonstrate that they can be profitable for the economy.Dublin Afghan Hunger Strikers Surrounded by cops
19-05-2006 10:21
Latest news from the ongoing hunger strike by 40 Afghan "failed" asylum seekers is that this morning the cops have surrounded the Church in which they are in sanctuary.solidarity action with dublin hungers strikers 19th and 20th
18-05-2006 23:20
see www.indymedia.ie20 afghani asylum seekers in dublin, on hunger and fluid strike in occupied cathedral, resisting deportation.
Small victory for squatters in Bakai community, Almaty, Kazakhstan
18-05-2006 17:24
Bakai squatter evictions and home demolition successfully beaten back for today. Court orders 120 homes to be destroyed in Shanyrak communities nearby. A general assembly at Bakai votes to send support to Shanyrak.