UK Migration Newswire Archive
Westside Gathering, 16th & 17th January 2010
12-01-2010 19:04

Westside may have formed at Cimate Camp, but their activities are ot restricted that process, and last year, in fact, focussed elsewhere.
Around the Campaigns Tuesday 12th January 2009
12-01-2010 12:26
Lydia Besong Released From Yarl's WoodFresh claim for asylum to be considered by UKBA
Supporters of Lydia Besong, the writer and human rights activist threatened with deportation from the UK, have welcomed the UK Border Agency's decision to release her and to consider a fresh claim for asylum.
Anti-Deportation Training - Newcastle 30 Jan
12-01-2010 00:40

Full article | 3 additions | 4 comments
Homeless "Charity" deports Polish Rough sleepers to freeze to their deaths
11-01-2010 23:05
Is your charitable donation helping a final solution to homelessness?Demonstration at Mercure Hotel, Crawley
11-01-2010 20:23
Arora Hotels International Ltd. are trying to gain permission to turn the Mercure Hotel, Crawley in yet another example of cynical, profit-driven opportunism of big companies wanting a slice of the lucrative detention market. This is the latest in a number of protests against the planned conversion.Camden Fascist Pub Gloucester Arms plays "Skrewdriver" nazi music all night
11-01-2010 20:07
The Gloucester Arms Pub on Leighton Road Camden has been the subject of protests following the decision by landlord John Coyne to let neo nazi group the Jobbik party hold meetings there. The Jobbik Party are closely linked to the BNP and have armed members and ties to Serbian paramilitaries and UDA. Locals have complained of hardcore porn and skinhead music played until 6 - 7am.Revolt in Rosarno - immigrants rise up
09-01-2010 10:53
AFRICAN immigrants have risen up in southern Italy in two days of full-out rioting.Calais update - ongoing solidarity work
08-01-2010 12:26
After lots of support over xmas and new year, it's all still going on in Calais. If you're interested in coming over to do some solidarity work, get together with some mates and plan a few days over here. You can call the office to see what's needed. A trip over in February or March would be just as valuable as next week.Immigration Control [Is there a whiff of fascism in the air?]
08-01-2010 08:30
Immigration Control [Is there a whiff of fascism in the air?]A very disturbing debate took place in the house of commons on Wednesday of this week. It follows the publication of a 'Declaration on Immigration' by the 'unbalanced' [as in mentally unbalanced] UK Parliamentary cross-party group on 'balanced' migration, who are calling for a very severe restriction on all immigration to the UK. Lord Carey, former Archbishop of Canterbury is one of the group!
Full debate: House of Commons / 6 Jan 2010 : Column 100WH

Declaration on Immigration '70 million is too many'

Hamburg - Demo by immigration detention centers NYE - Knastdemo Neues Jahr (2009
07-01-2010 23:50
No borders! No person is illegal - Kein mensch ist illegal! Short clip of new year's solidarity demonstration in front of an immigration center in Hamburg into 2010.
Movement #3 - No Borders newsletter
07-01-2010 16:42

Are we in the UK all equal or are some more equal than others?
07-01-2010 08:42
Do you think, those seeking/refused asylum, those without papers and those destitute in the UK, have 'Equality & Human Rights' comparable with UK Nationals?Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Can You Hear Us? Women’s uncensored experiences of detention and deportation
05-01-2010 18:45

Continuing Conflicts that Create Refugees, December 2009
05-01-2010 07:16
Six actual or potential conflict situations around the world deteriorated and none improved in December 2009, according to CrisisWatchDeteriorated Situations: Guinea, Iran, Madagascar, Nepal, Nigeria, Yemen
Download the full report:

Appeal for Calais and update
04-01-2010 10:09
More people are urgently needed in Calais to do solidarity work with migrants dealing with daily police repression.NCADC ~ 2009 in retrospect
04-01-2010 09:53
It's not the 'size of the community in the fight' but the 'size of the fight in the community' that stops deportationsCalais: A Resume of Repression
02-01-2010 15:27
The following is a partial summary of incidents of police harassment against migrants in Calais in December alone, all of which are designed to make life unbearable for those seeking entry to the UK.
Demonstrate Tuesday 5 Jan against Britain's racist immigration laws
31-12-2009 17:01
Start 2010 by showing opposition to Britain's racist immigration laws! In the run-up to the next election as all parties compete for the crown of most 'tough' (ie racist) party, show the current Labour government and all contenders to succeed it that there is support for migrant workers and asylum seekers!Third attempt to remove Yves Yitgna Njitchoua
29-12-2009 08:21

White Christmas operation in Coccaglio 2009
28-12-2009 11:46
Christmas 2009The ''White Christmas'' operation in Coccaglio, aiming the expulsion of all ''illegals'' in the town, is not only a sign of utter racism and xenophobia, it also reveals the inhuman Italian asylumpolicy, which has hardened this year
Therefore it is of great importance to undertake action against as well the White Christmas operation as Italian asylumpolicy in general