UK Migration Newswire Archive
Thales Protest - Monday 17th November, Stockport (Cheadle)
14-11-2008 13:44
Thales is a French defence company which has been awarded the first contract to build the National Identity Register.
Sanctuary for Constant Moussavou
14-11-2008 08:11

Mean Sea Level : Free London Screening of New Film
13-11-2008 16:11

Sixth attempt to remove Alliance Ngondiop
13-11-2008 15:13

WTO Chief Says Free Trade Plays Small Role in Job Losses: A Critical View
13-11-2008 02:50

Oppose the IOM in Liverpool
12-11-2008 13:48
On Thursday 20th November from 12 noon – 2pm the International Organization for Migration (IOM) are hosting an information / networking meeting at their offices in Liverpool (The Corn Exchange, Fenwick Street, Liverpool, L2 7QL – Reception on the 5th floor).They see this as an opportunity to promote the IOM's "voluntary" return programmes for asylum seekers and refugees who are pushed to return to their "home country".
Tell all refugee organisations and asylum seekers what the IOM is really about, or complain at their offices directly (0151 225 0156).
Solidarity demo with migrants in Calais, London Nov 14th
12-11-2008 13:25
** Solidarity demo with migrants in Calais, outside the French TouristBoard, 300 High Holborn, London - this Friday Nov 14th 1-2pm **
Amey - NPL cleaners interview and public meeting
11-11-2008 12:44

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No Borders / NO2ID / Defy-ID protest against ID Cards for Foreign Nationals
10-11-2008 19:03

The action will take place on Tuesday 25th November, the first day on which foreign nationals will be interrogated and processed onto the Government's Database State. All groups opposed to identity cards, imposition of restrictions on foreign borders etc. are urged to attend.
Deportation to Afghanistan from London and Paris
09-11-2008 22:19
Is there anybody having some onformations about a charter departing from London and going to Paris, then to Kabul?Solidarity with Amey / NPL cleaners at appeal hearing
09-11-2008 13:03
Colombian cleaners sacked by contractor Amey PLC at the government's National Physical Laboratory for 'discrediting the company' held a joint appeal against their collective dismissal on Friday at NPL in Teddington, Middlesex. Together with supporters they mounted a colourful solidarity picket outside, and spoke to many NPL staff as they left work.Don't separate Victor from Monica & Denise
07-11-2008 08:22

"Precarious Work ..." Talk and Discussion, November 16th, 5.30, Pullens Centre
07-11-2008 08:00
Precarious Work and the Struggle for Migrant Workers' RightsA public talk and discussion organised by London NoBorders, Campaign
against Immigration Controls and the Latin American Workers Association
Sunday November 16th, 5.30pm, Pullens Centre, SE17 3AE
Picket of Cardiff Border Agency offices
06-11-2008 18:25

Afghans in Calais to be mass deported on Anglo/French charter flights
06-11-2008 13:51
This is a the latest result of anglo/french cooperation. As both countries sacrifice the lives of their soldiers in a war they cannot win. The victims of that war will be deported back into harm's way without ever exercising their right to asylum. Its worth remembering that its the Dublin 2 convention that gives the green light for thisActivists protest in support of asylum seekers
05-11-2008 12:37

Demonstration against humanitarian crisis in DR Congo
03-11-2008 18:14
Manchester / Saturday 8th November 2008Assemble 11:00am
All Saints
Oxford Road
Manchester M15 6BH
(Manchester University), opposite BBC Manchester
No Borders Network Gathering - next weekend
02-11-2008 12:37
One week to go to the No Borders Network Gathering, Newcastle upon Tyne!Philppines: Labor export policy is anti-women, anti-development
02-11-2008 00:57

Oppose ID cards on 25th November
01-11-2008 18:48