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Vivisection industry suppliers DHL get a hammering at their Tewkesbury depot
DHL's Tewksbury depot (Sequani labs local supplier) had a nasty surprise today when six activists armed with noise making equipment converged on their site once again on the Ashchurch business estate.Daleks to 'exterminate' Debt

This is a brief report with some images. You may use pictures freely, please accredit: Adam Yosef where possible. Thanks.
Cre8, Liber8 & Gyr8 against the G8: 2 events in Brum

In the run up to the G8 summit in Gleneagles Scotland there will be events in Birmingham to raise funds for, awareness and entertainment around resisting the G8 and Beyond!
Media Strategies and Revolving Spin
Should anyone be in shock or awe over the fact that Bush, Blair and Howard still lead their respective governments? What are the results of international exposure regarding the lies they promulgated in relation to the Iraq invasion? It is highly unlikely that any of these leaders would have survived the public outrage generated by these exposures in a historical setting a few decades earlier. But today leaders are comfortable in the knowledge that the public is not as it was and times are not conducive to integrity or public outrage.The media continues to conduct ‘debates’ relating to the lies surrounding the invasion of Iraq when firm evidence (which could support a trial) has already become a matter of public record. The now very partisan mass media entertains its audience with the appearance that justice is a possibility and that righteous indignation may be appeased. However, it has become a saga or serialised for its own sake, a distraction feigning effectiveness. Meanwhile, the powers behind the puppet leaders continue their agenda of action while the ‘debate’ deals with the semantics of previous events.
Rivetting debate to take place this Tuesday 21st June LONDON between ex-MI5 spy David Shayler and arch critic Larry O'Hara of Notes from the Borderland magazineLearning Without Limits – A Call for Autonomous Education
This is a call to build an non-hierarchial/anti-authoritarian/libertarian/autonimous Education Network replacing for some the failed and collapsing system that indoctrinates in capitalist mode - Education With No LimitsAsylum Profiteers 'The Angel Group' sponsor Celebrating Sanctuary in Brum

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Asylum seekers take stand against destitution during refugee week

During last year’s refugee week over 40 people, most of them asylum seekers and refugees, took part in an all-night sleep-out in the grounds of St. Philips Cathedral in protest at the unfair treatment of asylum seekers in Birmingham and throughout the UK.
Organised by Birmingham's Anti-racist Campaign (ARC), the sleep-out was aimed at raising public awareness about the destitution and homelessness thousands of asylum seekers face in the UK because of the government’s immigration policies.
A year later the position is worse, and shows no signs of improving. That is why ARC is organising ASYLUM SLEEP-OUT 2 in the cathedral grounds during refugee week.
Birmingham City Council Dictatorship

Live8, Ebay and misplaced moral outrage

"capitalising on people's misery".
Make the G8 History and Make Poverty History Too!
Bono’s recent statement on behalf of "Live Aid" should help to make the G8 deliver something concrete. He is right to call for people to march to Gleneagles and demand more, because even if this new pledge is delivered - it could deepen the disaster for the poor under current unfair trading rules determined by unelected world regime - the g8.Debt in the news, Africa in the headlines!!!!
What do all the recent announcements really mean for people living on the continent?MOVING FORWARD TOGETHER: event report

The event bought together a number of families and artists including the world renowned poet Benjamin Zephaniah, (who famously refused the OBE), in Birmingham on 27th May 2005 to help launch a major new campaign, and to shine a spotlight on the cases of many other families affected by deaths in police and institutional custody.
Brum Food Not Bombs first public serving

New Labour Cuts Life Long Learning Opportunities as Financial Crisis Deepens.
Cuts in Adult Education are further signs of a deepening financial crisis in the british economy. Should the people take a different approach to the prospect of recession and the consequent reduction in the quality of their lives? Should we just take it on the chin, or defend and fight back?Four animal activists vs 5,000+ cancer research supporters in Worcester

Mass Mobilisation in Bolivia part 4 w/ link to incredible pictures

9th June
Mobilisation in Bolivia

8th June 2005
Mobilisation in Bolivia Part 2

Massive Mobilisation Succeeds in closing parliament and [demanding] nationalisation