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The Communist Party of the Philippines and the Khmer Rouge

Stop Forced closure of University of East London (UEL)
Dear friendsthe University of East London (UEL) was supposed to host an alternative summit on April 1st in the context of the upcoming G20 meeting on April 2nd. Following the media and police hype about possible disruptions to the city, the University withdrew its support for the alternative summit.
NCADC News Service Tuesday 31st March 2009
[Failed asylum seekers are not entitled to free treatment - but hospitals can make up their own minds on whether to treat them if they have no money]G20 - The Put People First march London - Saturday 28th March

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Yarrr Matey! 2 - Palestine benefit gig for ISM next Saturday night!

Live funk, ska, dubstep, reggae, jungle, and breaks across two dancefloors, and films about the occupation of Palestine.
Keep Alpha Mbodi and his family safe in Sheffield

Sequani Demonstration 18th April. Confirmed
Demonstration at JRF and Sequani Labs'World Day' @ Sequani
Demo at JRF and Sequani labs in Ledbury.G20 Map - Squaring Up to the Square Mile - Easily printable versions
Get your maps here! Get your maps here! - Map of the Square Mile
Technological gremlins and exhaustion have been banished and more easily printable versions of the maps of the Square Mile and the ExCeL Centre have now been sorted. A3 is the best size for the Square Mile map, so for those without A3 printers, there are two A4 versions you can print out and stick together with old-fashioned sticky tape. The map is downloadable as a JPEG or PDF in A4, A3 and split A3 versions, in black and white or colour.
Here's the full map: Version for printing to A3 - JPG | Version for printing to A3 - PDF | Version for printing to A4 - JPG | Version for printing to A4 - PDF
However, it's best to print an A3 map on two A4 sheets and tape them together:
Here's the two parts in colour: Part One Colour PDF | Part One Colour JPG | Part Two Colour PDF | Part Two Colour JPG
And here they are in greyscale: Part One Greyscale PDF | Part One Greyscale JPG | Part Two Greyscale PDF| Part Two Greyscale JPG
And here's the map of the ExCeL centre: Excel Map PDF | Excel Map JPG
Finally, here's a Button/Banner to embed and link to the map.
JNC squatters fight illegal eviction attempt by cricket club.
Warwickshire County Cricket Ground staff and contractors force entry into Social Justice Centre squat.Around the Campaigns Wednesday 25th March 2009
Sandrine Mbuyi Ntambwe, Still here, Still fighting"Sandrine was already on the plane; a late successful injunction got her off the flight and returned to Yarl's Wood. She is not to be removed from the jurisdiction of the UK pending the oral hearing of her application for permission for judicial review refused on papers on 13th March 2009.
Main countries of destination for asylum seekers in 2008
United States (49,000), Canada (36,900), France (35,200), Italy (31,200) and the United Kingdom (30,500)Stop the BNP Fundraiser Today!
17.30 Nottingham Station18.30 Sutton Parkway Station
19.00 Sutton ASDA, by the Council offices
Phone/Text 07932 417 506
Second attempt to remove Sandrine Mbuyi Ntambwe

European countries get infected by the "Greek revolutionary virus".

May Day 2009 in Nottingham (Sat May 2nd, Brewhouse Yard)

Demonstration @ Yarl's Wood Saturday March 21st 2009

36 people have been in immigration detention for more than two years, 72 more than 18 months, 128 more than one year.