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Pic's from annual death in custody rally

Call for nationwide prayer support for deaths in custody march

UK Deaths in Custody -- Facts, Figures, Suggestions

'The Animals' film screening with Q & A with Victor Schonfeld
Friday 9th NovemberScreen 2, 8pm midlands arts centre (mac)

On only its 3rd night on-air, Channel 4 screened The Animals Film, broadcasting it entirely uninterrupted by any commercial breaks. This remarkable, pioneering and definitive documentary about the exploitation of animals in modern society caused huge shockwaves and received worldwide critical acclaim: Pick-of-the-Week & Pick-of-the-Day in all UK national newspapers, and extensively covered in front-page news and feature stories across the world. 25 years after its release, this controversial classic is still shockingly relevant today in its analysis. With music by Talking Heads and Robert Wyatt.
Free Vegan Food Fair in Kings Heath, B`ham

Birmingham students say no to a 'career in killing'

Turkey’s invasion can lead to catastrophic consequences
Kurdistan (Iraqi Kurdistan) is facing new real threat of invasion from the intolerant and oppressive state of Turkey.Annual Rally & Procession against custody deaths 2007

Food not Bombs and Midlands Vegan Campaign join up in anti-Mcdonalds action

Full Story | 1 addition | 3 comments >>
Mon 22 Oct talk: Moral and legal foundations for the right to the truth on 9/11
In his lectures, Elias will outline the moral and legal foundations for the right to the truth, the obligations of states to thoroughly investigate mass murder, and will illustrate the extent to which US authorities have violated their international obligations to establish the truth about what happened on 11 September 2001.Elias’ empirical approach, devoid of speculation, provides powerful conceptual tools to those who are committed to defend democracy and the rule of civilised law at both the domestic and international level.
Trafalgar Club mugs meet again
Tomorrow night at the plush Ardencote Manor Country Hotel in Claverdon, Warwickshire, the great and the bad who support the British National Party through its Trafalgar Club dining club will tuck into a meal that they hope will be better than the stale sandwiches they were fed last year.Birmingham students take action against RBS

Public meeting & Exhibition celebrating 1857, 1st Indian war against imperialism
Public meeting and Exhibition in Birmingham to celebrate the anti-imperialist struggle of 1857 in south asia.BBC Complaint
Misleading article on BBC TV news this morning (17 Oct) implied that Moseley Road Pools are under threat due to falling swimmer numbers which is not the case. Threat to baths is Birmingham city council seeking to cut back costs of leisure provision and their neglect of the baths over many years has bought about a big repair bill.Crisis of trust in Birmingham City Council

Last week's direct action news from Greece
direct action report 7-15 OctoberCaptainCodeye nazipaedo-loving failed genetic experiment of theBNP in Nottingham
Captain Codeye the result of a failed genetic experiment involving quasimodos sister & a crazy austrian half pint with 1 ball is in Nottingham tuesday,details on transport & protest.
DEADLINE Screening @ The Custard Factory, Birmingham

Report Released on Cottage of Content Future
Birmingham city council have released a report detailing the possibility of the neglected social building known as the Cottage of Content being renovated to serve the local community.Stop Deporting Cameroonians - 2