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Occupy Birmingham Protest

Gathering at Victoria Square on international protest day 15th October

Birmingham Food Not Bombs is back
Food Not Bombs was very active in Birmingham a number of years ago and last night saw the first meeting of a new revitalised group.Occupy Birmingham on 15th October
On October 15th people from all over the world will take to the streets and squares. There is an event for Birmingham on Saturday at 10am at Victoria Square. More information is available at:
ARK Academy Public Meetings
I live in South Birmingham and am a parent of two primary school-aged children. On 10th October 2010, I attended a public consultation meeting at Kings Norton High School on the proposal to turn it into an ARK academy school. I have to say that it was far worse than I had actually imagined it would be!I had thought that, whilst academies would be a form of privatisation, there would be enough safeguards in place and enough self-restraint by the people running the academies for it to avoid being too radically different from schools as they are currently run. Having heard from the people pushing this academy agenda I now think that is quite naive.
The 1-hour public ‘consultation’ meeting basically consisted of a 30 minutes of an incredibly one-sided sales-pitch given by 4 academy fundamentalists, followed by an attempt to shut down any form of criticism that came from the floor. The academy fundamentalists consisted of the ARK project director, the chair of the governors of Kings Norton High School, the Head Teacher of Kings Norton High School, and another head teacher from an existing ARK school in Birmingham.
Vigil for Jimmy Mubenga
A vigil to mark the one-year anniversary of the death of Jimmy Mubenga.Birmingham Guild Reinstate the Vice President Education Mobilisation!!!
Edd Bauer was arrested on Friday the 16th of September after unfurling a banner at the liberal democrat conference saying “Traitors Not Welcome, Hate Clegg Love NCAFC”. He has been constantly fighting to defend education through grass roots campaigning which he pledged to do in his manifestoOn Tuesday 27th of September Edd Bauer was suspended as the vice president of education “indefinitely”. Stop Fees and Cuts Birmingham are calling for Edd’s reinstatement to his position with immediate effect and are calling for national mobilisation.
MI5 recruiting telephone spies in West Midlands
MI5 will be eavesdropping on the telephone conversations of Arabic speaking people in the West Midlands during the OlympicsProminent Kurdish Activist Assassinated in Syria

TUC March for the Alternative Manchester Oct 2011

Unfortunately they were met by Dr TUC’s quack medicine wagon and patented Labour party elixir
Free coach to UK Uncut Block the Bridge
UK Uncut have called for mass civil disobedience in protest at the Health and Social Care Bill that threatens to destroy the NHS, by blocking Westminster Bridge on Sunday 9th October.There will be a free coach running from Birmingham, contact kerryliz at live co uk to book a space
coach meet at 8:30am, Carrs Lane Church, near Moor Street Train Station
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Project champion spy cameras to be used at Olympics

Ed Bauer bailed after 10 days in prison

Speaking in support of his bail application in court John Hemming MP, a local Liberal Democrat member of parliament for Birmingham Yardley, said:
“Whilst I do not believe he should have put the banner there in the first place, the protest was peaceful and placid and I think it is dis-proportionate to keep him in prison any longer.”
Outside the court over 70 people attended a ‘solidarity’ demonstration. They chanted “free ed bauer” pretty loudly, which could be heard within the court room as the hearing started. Claire Lister, a student at Birmingham University attending the demonstration, said:
“I came here to show my support for Ed being granted bail today. I’m very happy that the magistrate has seen that he is not a danger to the public and there would be no reason to continue his imprisonment for what was basically peaceful protest against the government. He is an important member of the University community and has a lot of support amongst students and staff for the stand he has taken defending our education.”
Michael Chessum, a member of the National Executive Committee of the National Union of Students, commenting on the days events said:
“It is a farce that Ed Bauer has spent over a week in prison for a banner drop, and this can be seen as part of a broader attempt, along with kettles and political charges, to muzzle and intimidate student protest. We are determined not to allow this to stop us from fighting for the right to an education and for a better society.”
There is a press release here:
There are some great pictures of the solidarity demo here (thanks Jon!)
Brum: Photos and report from Action Against ATOS

15 people joined a demonstration in Birmingham on Friday as a part of a national day of action against ATOS, called by Benefit Claimants Fight Back, and supported by a host of disability and welfare campaign and support groups.
In Birmingham, DPAC, Birmingham Against the Cuts, Right to Work and Enable joined together for a lunchtime demonstration outside the building that ATOS use for the Work Capability Assessments (WCAs).
Please help to promote the W. Mids Vegan Festival

Nuclear power station to become target for mass blockade

Solidarity Demonstration for Banner Drop Anti-Cuts Activist
Our view of today's demonstration in Birmingham...No to Road-building

Cops to stop recording ethnicity of stop-and-account subjects
Half of police forces nationwide, including 5 of the 10 forces with the worst record for targeting minorities, are to scrap the recording of the ethnicity of people they pull over under stop-and-account powers. The recording is being scrapped as part of the agenda to cut down police red tape. Of the 43 police forces in England and Wales, 21 are to scrap the recording of ethnicity, including West Midlands, Avon and Somerset, Thames Valley, Sussex and Hertfordshire, all of which already rank among the top 10 forces for targeting minorities. A West Midlands police officer is 7 times more likely to enact a stop-and-account on an Afro-Carribean than a white. [1] [2]Solidarity Protest for banner drop activist remanded in custody