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Syriza, Podemos, Left Front… May Capital’s Far Left Die!

EU deal with Greece betrayal of OXI
The die has been cast. The Geek prime minister Tsipras, who won the electionsbecause of his promise to make an end to Trojka austerity measures, has capitulated,
accepting the hardest EU deal with Greece ever. Shame on him and his party
Syriza, which has lost every credibility. It's a horrible betrayal of OXI, plunging
the Greek people in still worse misery. People of Greece, fight for Freedom!
Establishment Judge heads UK abuse enquiry

6 July: Join Smash EDO at Elbit Block the Factory mass action

Last summer’s assault on Gaza, which killed over 2,200 Palestinians, was one of the most brutal effects of Israel’s ongoing occupation and colonisation of historic Palestine. The massacre was carried out using drones manufactured by Israeli arms company Elbit Systems. In response, activists occupied Elbit’s factory in Shenstone, causing its operations to grind to a halt and costing Elbit over £100,000.
On 6th July, to mark the first anniversary of the assault on Gaza, groups and campaigners from across the UK are going back to Elbit’s factory to demand that the UK stops arming Israel. Join us for a day of creative action in solidarity with Palestine!
Supporting organisations have endorsed the call and will be there taking collective action to block the factory from making these weapons.
Independence FROM America

HITLER SALUTES AT DUDLEY FAR RIGHT MARCH #antifa #edl @edlnews @misscheeky666

"I have seen the future and it works.” – Critical questions for supporters of th

Understand The Options Available When Facing Mortgage Repossession


I am not Charlie/No to attacks/No solidarity with racism and Islamophobia
Of course there is no justification for the attacks on Charlie Hebdo, whichcosted the lives of twelve people. However, there is no reason at all to show
solidarity with Charlie Hebdo, being racist and Islamophobe.
Yes to condemnation of the attacks, no to Charlie Hebdo hate speech.
I am not Charlie
Leadership Issues at ITUC Continue
ITUC and ILO employee describes double standards at ITUC and ILO. The leadership of these organizations are accused of putting their own interests before those of the workers that they are supposed to help. The ex employee is especially critical of Sharan Burrow.
UKIP RACIST TROLLS - A HUMANE APPROACH @exposing_ukip @slatfascists @edlnews

The Royal Family—32 reasons why they must be required to answer police questions
32 reasons why Mrs and Mr Windsor, Andrew, and Charles, must be compelled to answer police questions for the UK's Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse.York Demo The Guidhall Against Jimmy Saville And Grandma B Abuse November 7th

The cover up of the abuse of grandma b a elderly pensioner in a wheel chair linking this to a Demo about jimmy Saville and the alleged corruption of the city of York officials county of Yorkshire and the police service alleged.

Surveillance Project Exhibited in Nottingham

Nottingham Trent University
Exhibition: 20th September – 4th October

Social centres and 'civil' anarchists
A response to an excellent collection of texts called 'Anarchy Civil or Subversive?' available as a zine via 325.nostate.netUKIP posters in Leicester, vastly improved

WDM campaign launch event - The New Scramble for Africa?
A speaker event to launch our new campaign, targeting the aid-facilitated neo-colonial takeover of the African food system.The Battle For Britain's Children And Their Justice