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UAF Finished?
Searchlight magazine has announced it is pulling out of UAF. This leaves only the SWP, George Galloway and a load of Ken's cronies to pocket the cash the Trade Unions throw at them.Transport to Scotland still available
Seats are still available on a Midlands coach to the G8 summit protests. If you really care about the many problems caused by corporate greed, get yourself up to Scotland and let Bush & Blair know what you think of their policies!!Infernal Noise Brigade Rocked Decoy!

Rhythms & Noise
Those of you who missed the gig at the rampART last night missed a real treat. While somewhat disorganised to say the least, the first performance on their UK tour up to Scotland by Infernal Noise Brigade, Filastine and The Lost Film FesT was undoubtedly well worth braving the tropical heat in the pack rampART hall. Joining the US marching band for this gig only were Londons own Rhthyms of Resistance who gave a spirited performance, pretty much the best I've ever heard them. Many people were looking forward to experiencing some kind of 'battle of the band' or back to back dual between the Rhthyms and INB but the way it turned out was simply two sets with a break in between. It would have been awsome to have had both bands play together - perhaps something for Scotland?The rampART was packed and hot as hell with people spilling out into the street and the roof garden to catch some air and cool off. Thankfully there was food and cold drink to hand throughout the night. By the time it ended, the floor was soaking wet, not from spilled beer but from the sweat dripping from the performers.
If you get the chance, catch one of their gigs on the way up north. You can also support their expenses as they travel to Scotland on the (10 mpg) Big Red Bus of Human Shields to Bahgdad fame - costing a cool £200 per day to hire.
Birmingham University's investment in the Arms Trade
New Campaign Against Arms Trade figures regarding shares held by Birmingham University.Did you know that your university heavily invests in the arms trade?
Figures accurate at time of writing (June 2005).
Skip Bikes first meeting!
Dedicated bike heads met up for the first time today to discuss SKIP BIKES: a new bike project aiming to get more people in the saddle, promote environmentality / ethicality and to share skills. Plus anything else yous can think of! Next meeting early July. All welcome.AR activist arrested outside Thomas Cook in Worcester

Animal activist arrested for not giving over her name to filth during a Gateway to Hell demo outside Thomas Cook in Worcester.
Brighton Processin against Caterkiller

Last week’s week of action against CATerpillar took in nottingham, Derbyshire and Solihull and ended with a procession through the streets of Brighton on Saturday in protest against High Street Stores selling CAT footwear and clothing.
Anglican Church Council in Nottingham :: Caterpillar, Zimbabwe,& Gays

Get On the Buses to Edinburgh
UB40 will join an open topped Route Master (London) bus in Birminghamat 11.30am in Centenary Square on Tuesday destined for Edinburgh.
The bus is promoting the G8 rally that is taking place in Edinburgh
this Saturday. when thousands of Birmingham campaigners are expected
to help ring the city in a human white band.
Al Asria dancers have arrived - Merlin theatre 28/29 June!

Inside the Murky World of Make Poverty History
Make Poverty History would seem an unprecedented success story. Uniting trade unions, charities, NGOs and a stellar-cast of celebrities, its cause is dominating media coverage while the campaign's white wristband is being worn the world over. So why, as the G8 summit approaches, are leading members briefing against each other to the press and African social movements saying ‘nothing about us, without us'? Stuart Hodkinson investigates.Rupert Murdoch's son-in-law in charge of Live8 publicity
Tony Blair's and Peter Mandelson's friend, Murdoch's son-in-law, is Geldof's spin doctor: corporate public relations consultant Matthew Freud in charge of Live8 Ltd. adds more weight to the accusations that Live8 is a mere publicity stunt by the rich and powerful to distract from the real issues of global capitalism and the extreme poverty it increasingly causes.Mini-Festival This tHURSDAY!
Mini Festival in Birmingham, featuring Food Not Bombs, Filastine, Persons Unknown, LOst Film Fest and the Infernal Noise Brigade. One night only!Infernal Noise Brigade/LostFilm Fest/Filastine on tour in the UK

National Conference on Civil Liberties and Anti Terrrorist Measures Nationally a
Birmingham Guantanamo Campaign has called a conference of all activists nationally to discuss the threats to our civil liberties and the anti terror measures and their impact on our abilities to oppose repressive measures and regimes internationally.Borders at the G8

G8 countries spearhead the world system of borders; a system which renders many people illegal and which leaves all of us divided. Restrictions on our movement, restrictions on our right to work, restrictions on our right to receive medical treatment or legal aid or any other social benefit are all standard. What's more these restrictions are largely based on the arbitrary notion of nationality and on its ugly twin: race.
[Groups opposing borders and/or campaigning on immigration issues: No Border Network | No one is Illegal | Make Borders History | Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers | National Coalition of Anti-Deporation Campaigns]
[Opposing borders at the G8: Make Borders History tour (July 3, Glasgow)]
Redditch Council fishing plans spark protest

Birmingham City Council to cut asylum support funding
In a less than welcome beginning to this year's Refugee Week, workers atBirmingham's Asylum Support and Immigration resource team (ASIRT) have learnt that of a recommendation going forward to Councillor John Lines, City Council Member for Housing, that the organisation's application for grant renewal be refused.