Birmingham Newswire Archive
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Punk night to support the Peace Cycle to Jerusalem.
Saturday 22nd July at the Sumac centre, 245 Gladstone Street, forest Fields, nottingham.(8.00 start), Chimp Biscuit and Skanx (and others) will play help raise money to support the 2006 London to Jerusalem Bike Ride.New War on Want report: Profiting from the Occupation
Our new report reveals how high street names such as Tesco, Sainsbury's, Waitrose, Connex and Caterpillar are implicated in Israel's war crimes against the Palestinian people.Come to the UK Forum for Non-Violence

National Demonstration Against Guantanamo this Saturday 15th July

Mumbai blasts
Mumbai financial district hit by 8 bombs on train/s.MEDIA ALERT: BLAMING THE VICTIM IN GAZA
raditionally, British media reporting of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been heavily biased in favour of the United States’ major ally in the region, Israel. A 2002 Glasgow University Media Group report found that television broadcasters were six times as likely to present Israeli attacks as “retaliating” or in some way hitting back as Palestinian attacks. This caused many viewers to believe that the Palestinians were to blame for the conflict. (Greg Philo and Mike Berry, ‘Bad News from Israel‘;
The Cottage of Content Occupied Social Centre is reclaimed!

The 'Cottage of Content' was used by the local community for social events, a youth club, english lessons for Asylum Seekers, Adult Education and a Yemeni Cultural Centre. Without any consultation with the local community, Birmingham City Council are planning to auction the property off on July 19th for 'commercial use'. They also claim it has 'development potential'.

The occupation of the property, which has been enthusiastically received by local people, seeks to prevent this happening and aims to return the Cottage of Content to community use.
Birmingham Women Fighting Back!

Biohazard demo report from Ledbury

Srebrenica Memorial
On the 11th anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre, in which 8000 men and boys were killed over a 5 year period, the Bosnia and Herzegovina UK Network would like to invite you to a commemorative event.Leaflet for Critical Mass and bike films -Friday 7th July

Critical Mass and bike film night July 7th this friday!
Sick of your exercise bike that goes nowhere? Ride a bike but don’t look like a lycra-clad budget superhero? Sick of nearly getting run over by buses and taxis? Come celebrate our greener and greater method of transport at the monthly Critical Mass bike ride this Friday, 7th July at 6pm outside St. Philips cathedral.8th July: Birmingham City Centre - VIGIL AGAINST ISRAELI WAR CRIMES
With the crisis in Gaza worsening we are protesting in Birmingham:VIGIL AGAINST ISRAELI WAR CRIMES
Saturday 8 July
Between 1pm and 3pm
At the top of New Street by the Victoria Square steps.
Bring Palestinian flags and placards
Pictures from the Palestine Solidarity Demo (30/06/06)

Pictures From NoBorders/ARC Demo (30/06/06)

Party Without Borders

Tinsley House Detention centre Protest 24th June 06

Solihull's Sandford House Reporting centre picket (June)

NoBorders-ARC Picket at Solihull Immigration Centre

Birmingham NoBorders and Birmingham Anti-Racist Campaign held their monthly picket today (30 June) at the Immigration Reporting Centre in Solihull. Once again, they were there to protest against the inhumane treatment of asylum seekers throughout the border regime, from the weekly reporting, snatch squads and dawn raids, to deportation and detention centres.
Besides the usual banners and placards, chanting, noise-making and leafleting, there was also a visual consisting of hand-made 'grave stones', from the ARC vigil last week, bearing the details and stories of asylum seekers who took their own lives while awaiting the Home Office's decision or incarcerated in detention centres. Their names were read out and the stories of some were told.
Just before 2pm, two asylum seekers, handcuffed and accompanied by two police officers, arrived and were 'delivered' to Sandford House, in a live demonstration of what this place is all about. They were dressed in white jump suits and the police were carrying their clothes and stuff in clear plastic bags, presumably because they had been nicked whilst working in a factory or something. Obviously the protesters couldn't do more than angrily shout "Let them go" and "Asylum is not a crime".
Previous pickets: May | April | November 2005
Party Without Borders: NoBorders benefit Gig, Friday 30th June

£2 unwaged £5 waged
*Asylum seekers free. Homeless welcome.