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Sequani trial update
4.10pm Jury and defendants sent home until Monday 12th May @ 10.00am court 9 Birmingham crown court.No verdict was given today.
Today May 9th marks the 2nd anniversary of the police raids on animal activists homes.
Defendants have been on bail now for 2 years to this day.
Indymedia Birmingham hosts Smash EDO's On the Verge

Indymedia Birmingham yesterday hosted SchMovies' new film, On The Verge, which follows the story of the Smash EDO successful campaign. The screening in the Rainbow Warehouse, Digbeth, was the 43rd in the campaign's national tour, which began last March. Unlike previous screenings [ 1 | 2 ], there was no police harassment this time or attempts to suppress the film. With more than 50 people present, the screening and discussions were followed by DJ's, vegan food and beer until midnight.
Redditch Green Fair 2008

West Midlands IWW celebrate Mayday in Birmingham

Kurdish protest at the Syrian Embassy in London

Tax Credit Casualties
Representatives of Tax Credit Casualties announce Westminster DaySupport Sequani Six Letter
A Letter of Thanks, to the Supporters of the Sequani Six:
For a Proletarian, Class Struggle May Day!

Birmingham Trades Council: International Workers Day, Sat 3rd May
Birmingham Trades Union Council invites you to celebrate2008 INTERNATIONAL WORKERS DAY
Sat 3rd May 1- 5pm
Transport and General Workers Union Centre
211 Broad Street Birmingham B15 1AY
Many Nations ~ One People
This year’s theme has been prompted by the rampart racism currently in the media and mainstream politics
Birmingham Screening of Schnews' 'On the Verge' - the film they tried to ban

From Brighton to Baghdad Smash EDO and SCHmovies presents..
'On The Verge' Shutting Down The Bomb Builders
7:30pm Thursday 8th May @ The Rainbow Warehouse, on Adderley Street, Digbeth, Birmingham - just down the road from the Rainbow Pub.
Free Entry - Donations Welcome
Foie Gras off the Menu at a 4th Birmingham Restaurant

UoB Friends of Palestine first Event!

Sequani 6 trial coming to an end (Part 2)
The historic trial of 6 brave animal activists fighting sec.145 of the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 at Birmingham crown court which has lasted 4 months thus far has suffered yet another set back.Further Strike Action at Shelter
Details of further dates of industrial action at Homlessness charity Shelter.Workers Memorial Day in Birmingham

The Sequani Six say thanks for the support
A Letter of Thanks, to the Supporters of the Sequani SixWorkers Memorial Day Pre event

Zimbabwean benefit on SAT 3RD MAY

Sat 3rd May, Coach and horses bar, 162 Mary Street, Balsall Heath, B12 9RJ
2pm - late. £3/£6 inc. food
Films 3 - 5, discussion 5 -6, food and live music, DJs from 8pm
Pictures of Birmingham's Strike Rally