Birmingham Newswire Archive
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IWW protests against Total attacks on workers' right to strike

No Angel at Celebrating Sanctuary this year

The Angel Group, the UK's biggest private asylum accommodation provider, has apparently pulled out of sponsoring this year's Celebrating Sanctuary, Corporate Watch has learnt. The 'festival' is Birmingham's version of the national Refugee Week, which is celebrated between 14th and 20th June. Since 2001, Angel had been one of the main sponsors of the event until campaigners started to protest about Celebrating Sanctuary being funded by 'such dodgy asylum profiteers'.
Reel News film night 2nd July

Orange Lodge march in Coventry this Saturday
The Orange Lodge have been given permission to march in Coventry despite the local Irish community voicing its concerns.Finnish Police telling lies to mass media and blocking unwanted web pages outsid
Why Finnish Police is placing web-pages on Finnish Human Rights violations on an abandon list? Why some of these pages can be seen from by using foreign Google engine, but not if one uses 24 Campaign Rally, 4TH July 2009

Mothercare Support Arms Trade

This article shows how Mothercare Plc are trying to ignore the fact that their sponsorship of the Baby Show is helping to fund the global trade in weapons, and that they are fully aware of it.
Liberal values and the promotion of British Islamic rule
An Islamic group, Islam4UK, is presently engaged in a UK Roadshow, entitled "Live Under Shariah". On Saturday 6th June, they came to New Street in Birmingham. As a local, a democrat, and on the left politically, I was intrigued to find out more. I spoke to one of their representatives to determine what was wrong with the UK, and why he thought Islamic rule was the correct prescription. A report for UK Indymedia.Stalls @ Redditch Green Fair, this Saturday

Conference on the abolition of migration control
The Oxford Society for the Abolition of Migration Control invites you to attend a conference on Saturday, 13 June:*Borders and beyond: barriers to migration, their abolition and the role of researchers*
See the Wall of Shame!

Sequani all day demo 15th July 2009
We are always being told that Vivisection labs are 'hotels' and 'holiday camps' for the animals. Obviously we know different. Please join us on a all day demo at sequani labs In Ledbury on Wednesday 15th July 11:00 - 18:00An Injury To One Is An Injury To All!
Leaflet looks at the crisis in Britain and the need for the working class to unite against capitalism and fascism and find own solutions.Hallo Jerusalem - Capital of Arab Culture in Birmingham

Obama Speech: 'Words welcome but action needed'

President Obama has given his first major speech on relations between the United States and the Muslim world.
Tariq Hamid Majid must stay!
Tariq Hamid Majid is the lead singer of the Daholl Kurdish Foundation, who will be performing at next Saturday afternoon's Refugee Week event in Birmingham's Chamberlain Square. His claim for asylum has been refused by the Home office on the demonstrably untrue grounds that it is not believed that he is a professional singer and that, even if that were the case, there is no evidence to suggest that singers are at risk of persecution in Iraq.Troops Out Movement Delegation to Belfast
Troops Out Movement Annual Delegation to BelfastThurs 6th – Sun 9th August 2009
Real-life stories about British people & asylum seekers coming to Sheffield

WHEN: June 18 @ 7:00pm, part of Refugee Week (13 – 21 June 2009)
WHERE: Upper Chapel, Norfolk Street, Sheffield, S1 2JD
Reminder: Anarchist Hip Hop - Birmingham Indymedia fundraiser - this Friday

Drowning Dog and DJ Malatesta: