Birmingham Newswire Archive
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Tues 28th March. Mass Strike in Britain and General Strike in France.
Tuesday 28th March 2006 will see 1.5 Million workers strike to defend pensions. On the same day there will be a General Strike in France as part of the uprising against the CPE.Full Story | 7 additions | 7 comments >>
Sainsbury's discrimination against law abiding teenagers
Sainsbury’s store in Oswestry, Shropshire, UK has taken the decision to put a blanket ban on all children wearing The Marches School uniform.New Detention Centre at Gatwick Airport
A new detention centre is to be built at Gatwick Airport to replace the Oakington centre, in Cambridgeshire, which is due to be closed this September.Anti Nuclear Power Protest - Derby 25th March

SOS Your Help is Needed: Edgbaston Reservoir Development
SOS… Your help is urgently needed!! Edgbaston Reservoir is an oasis of nature in a fast moving city, enjoyed by all the people of Birmingham. It’s used for sailing, surfing, rowing, running, local school sports, and as an area of relaxation and recreation for all who need to escape inner city life. A deal has been 'cut' with a private developer to allow them to build two four storey high blocks of flats on the banks of this site. Local residents were lied to by the Council about dates for objections to be raised, The Planning Committee also voted not to view the site before granting permission for 90 homes..? The circumstances surrounding the 'deal' are interesting. The Land is currently leased to the developer!! The more houses they are allowed to build, the more profits for them. That is obvious. However what isn’t so obvious is that Birmingham City Council intend to sell the land to the developer at a later date. Clearly, because they have planning for so many flats. The developer is willing to pay more to Birmingham City Council. Please read the information below... I hope that you will support the fight against this. Whatever that involves! The existing building is now empty!! It’s a great site and you would have the support of local residents!! Please contact me at
Tony Blair Too Afraid to Come to Brum

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World Day for Lab Animals - Sat 22nd April - coach transport

Indymedia needs YOU
The global indymedia network is the work of hundreds of volunteers on many different levels, from the people who read the articles are speak to other people about what they read, the reporters who post their photos, video or first hand accounts, to the admins who check posts for breech of open posting guidelines, and the techies maintain the servers and develop the software....Full Story | 2 additions | 6 comments >>
Food Not Bombs Event Against the War this Saturday 18th March in City Centre

Join the unwelcome for Mr. Blair at Matthew Boulton College this Thursday 16th
Tony Blair is visiting Mathew Boulton College tomorrow (Thursday 16th March 2006), there will be an unwelcome for him from various groups and individuals including the MB2 (Mathew Boulton two), who are two students who were suspended for daring to publish a student newsletter asking for rights to establish student societies. The unwelcome is planned for 13:00 Hours (1pm) at Mathew Boulton College Jenners Road, Birmingham.A Warm Welcome for Mr Blair
Tony Blair is to visit Birmingham this thursday (16th), lets ensure he gets a warm welcome from the residents of bidding for M1 widening contract
here is a list of the contractors bidding for the M1 widening contract 1 junction 25 - 28.Newchurch campaigners in court
Four animal rights campaigners are due to appear at Nottingham Crown Court on Monday 6th March.Black Horse Finance & Capital Bank Leisure, A Family’s Picket at NEC Boat Show

An Open Letter to Clare Short re Hizb ut-Tahrir from Peter Tatchell
Clair Short MP is urged not to host the rightwing Islamic supremacist, anti-democratic organisation, Hizb ut Tahrir.Watercycling The Palm islands of Dubai

Fairtrade Fortnight launch party in Birmingham
Party to kick-off Fairtrade Fortnight in Birmingham, and forge links in the Birmingham poltical community. Takes place on Friday, 3rd March, from 7pm, at Cafe One, on Birmingham's Broad Street.Full Story | 1 addition | 10 comments >>
Critical Mass this Friday - Meet 6pm @ St.Philips Cathedral