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Compromised US Military Considers Nuclear Option
Arab fighters and insurgents have demonstrated to the world that the US is a ‘superpower’ in name only. A poorly armed and trained but highly motivated and dedicated band of fighters has exposed the US military as weak, inept, unskilled, brutal and bereft. From South America to the Himalayas, resistance against capitalist plunder and exploitation signals the inevitable failure of militaristic capitalism. Regardless of all other considerations people today have confirmed that they will fight any aggressor who threatens their homes, families and way of life.UK police arrest stars of award-winning film "The Road to Guantanomo" under the
Citing the "Prevention of Terrorism" act, British Police have arrested and interrogated three of the stars of the award-winning film "The Road to Guantanamo", together with the three ex-Guantanomo detainees on whose story the film is based.tree protest
tree protest started against tesco! go join him!Cuban Cinema Comes to Birmingham

24/02/06 Lucia
26/02/06 Madagascar
03/03/06 Nada
05/03/06 Waiting List
09/03/06 Portrait of Teresa
26/03/06 Strawberry & Chocolate
30/03/06 House Swap
10/04/06 Suite Havana
For more information about Cuba, visit

A programme of films is attached below as a pdf file.
What U Shoutin' 'Bout'?

Suppression of the right to protest at Sequani animal testing labs
Over the last month, peaceful and law abiding demonstrations against vivisection in Ledbury, Herefordshire have come under the hammer courtesy of Blairs' police state.*Demonstrations outside the Sequani animal testing lab in Ledbury, Herefordshire have spanned over the last 22 years.
West Midlands Anarchists-Minutes 10/02/06
Minutes from the latest meeting held by West Midlands Anarchists groupStop the Oxford Animal Lab - Take Action!!

NCADC - Must Stay!
National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns (NCADC)NCADC went bust on Saturday the 4th of February when all funding for the full time staff and running costs of all offices came to an end. With immediate effect we have to announce the closure of NCADC's North East & Scotland office on Tuesday 28th February and barring a miracle the closure of the North West Office in Manchester will follow at the end of March and complete closure of NCADC in May.
Food Not Bombs this Saturday 11th February

Free food will be served to homeless people and anyone else who wants to come along, or even get involved.
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Andrew Patrick Kirk has been sentenced to an outrageous three months in prison. He is autistic. Those of us who have campaigned with him are worried he will not be able to cope inside prison.Permanent War
US Secretary of Defence, Donald Rumsfeld, recently announced the ‘war on terror’ would be re-named “the long war”; this announcement has not surprised analysts who are aware that neo-con ideologues and strategists follow the Straussian (and perverted Trotskyist) doctrine of permanent war. Some interpret this as nostalgia for the ‘good old days’ of the Cold War in which a clearly defined enemy (communist bogeymen) kept the nation on permanent alert and amenable to the powers of the time.LET IT BE KNOWN - Propagandized stupider than the fates will allow
Let it be known, that the senior management national newsreducers of CBC and CNN, know full well, they would rather
watch American Soldiers die as the thieving bad guys, than to
defend God's America by reporting that the demon enemy George
W. Bush, and his business partner General Ahmad, committed
the terrorist acts of 9/11, along with Rumsfeld, Rice, Cheney,
and Myers.
How did Yuasa Workers in Birmingham lose out?
How did Yuasa workers lose out on the same employment, higher education and training opportunities as MG Rover workers?Brum's February Critical Mass Gains Momentum

Here are some photos of Brum’s February Critical Mass.
Report: Live Exports Day of Action in Worcestershire
04.02.06Massive support from the public as the NSA and NBA are shamed over live exports in Worcestershire.
David Cameron Spins Faster than the Tornado

Coinciding with the Tory party’s latest efforts to market itself as a party concerned with social justice and urban regeneration, neo-Tory leader David Cameron MP paid a second visit on 20th January, 2006, to the Tornado-hit area of Balsall Heath in South Birmingham. On the face of it, it seems Cameron had been invited by local resident Rohan Green, who claims to have approached Cameron during his last visit to Birmingham during the Tory leadership campaign last November. The last time Eton-educated Cameron came to Birmingham, he spoke about promoting Conservatism in urban constituencies and using the voluntary sector and social enterprise rather than the state to tackle deprivation and promote social justice. Cameron’s visit to Birchwood Road and Alder Road was ironically preceded by a visit to St. Paul’s School in Balsall Heath, which is currently faced with imminent closure by his Tory-led City Council. The fact that this visit was also filmed for the Conservative Party reveals something about the real intentions Cameron and Brum’s Tory-led Council have for the still-recovering inner city area hit by the 2005 Tornado.
'Naming the Dead' Vigil in Birmingham 1st Feb 2006

Speakers included the mother of a soldier from Tamworth who was killed in Iraq.