NCADC went bust on Saturday the 4th of February when all funding for the full time staff and running costs of all offices came to an end. With immediate effect we have to announce the closure of NCADC's North East & Scotland office on Tuesday 28th February and barring a miracle the closure of the North West Office in Manchester will follow at the end of March and complete closure of NCADC in May.
The Community Fund has been our main funder for the last 6 years. Together with other funders such as Barrow Cadbury, the Churches Commission for Racial Justice, Joseph Rowntree, Network for Social Change, Hilden Charitable Fund, Comic Relief, Allen Lane Trust and the Leigh Trust they have enabled NCADC to provide a highly professional service to a group of people who are becoming increasingly vulnerable. NCADC have been open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year since it was founded in 1995.
NCADC is the only Non Government Organization (NGO) with a mandate to oppose deportations. Many, many hundreds if not thousands of 'failed asylum seekers' who were facing deportation now live legally in the UK because NCADC provided them with the knowledge to campaign against their deportation.
However, just as those facing deportation have very few people to whom they can turn for support, NCADC has fewer and fewer organisations to which it can turn for financial support. This is either because some of these organisations mentioned above are facing their own difficulties, or because, in an increasingly hostile climate, NCADC represents too much of a risk. There are few who will not be aware of the appalling attacks in the press and from the Home Office that followed our last grant from the Community Fund, and that continues up to the present.
Charity Commission rules can severely restrict any criticism of government policies or organizing actions against those policies. For the last three years NCADC have had to tone down criticism of the Home Office as funders threatened to withdraw funding where they thought our opinions would conflict with the Charity Commission rules or their own guidelines. 99% of funders will only give money to registered charities. NCADC cannot/will not register as a charity because of the constraints that being a registered charity would impose As a result, and unless we find a benefactor/s soon, and we have little hope of this, NCADC will have to let its staff go and close all offices. We will once more become a campaigning organisation dependent on the goodwill of volunteers. NCADC are facing economic deportation. Those facing detention and deportation need NCADC more than ever. Once before in 2002, when in crisis after The Daily Mail publicly attacked NCADC and the Community Fund suspended our grant, NCADC appealed to its supporters for help. Then the goodwill of donors (Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit £10,000, Anon £5,000, Anon £2,000, Network for Social Change £2,220, CCRJ £2,000, £50,000 from individuals) carried us through until the Community Fund's grant was released.
This time the situation is much graver, this is not an interim difficulty it is a terminal condition; unless we can find a source of constant funding NCADC will go to the wall. We have no one left to turn to but yourselves; only You can provide NCADC with the secure funding it needs to continue fighting.
With thanks,
Christian Kiwewa Chair of NCADC
What you can do to help!
Standing orders are the only way forward for NCADC. Are you willing to commit £5 a month (or more) to NCADC? We have attached a Standing Order mandate, if you are so minded fill it in, sign it and return to NCADC
Or a one off donation, make a cheque out and post to NCADC, (do not send cash)
Donate online info:

Hold a workplace collection: If NCADC is known in your workplace take a hat around. (If you cannot open the attachments, just send an email to

110 Hamstead Road
Birmingham B20 2QS

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