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05-04-2016 21:27

We have a serious responsibility here
to speak fair against the stealing of
innocent life currently going on over
at Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center
in "Comfort Care". They openly,
without apology, deprive vital
medicines, while torturing the
patient with poisons such as with
my mom, Jennie Kinal, now dead as
crime victim to first degree murder.
02-04-2016 17:07

Following yet another absolutely PATHETIC turn-out in a deserted car park near the NEC in Birmingham, the prince of egotistical fascism Tommy "The Tit" Robinson, has officially fallen out of love with with patriotic car parks, today announcing to his fellow sellotaped-mouth sheep that the flaccid Germanic Neo-nazi marching organisation will return to coke and Stella town centre demonstrations starting with a provocative goosestep on Saturday May 28th in Rotherham of all places, the town where repeated far right marches led to the murder of a taxi driver. Now Tommy Tit has decided to return to the nitty-gritty of street fascism on the same day as the NF invade Manchester. The NWI in disarray, the NF demo is very likely to be cancelled.
ENTER STAGE: MILITANT ANTIFA to put a stop to the antics of the wifebeater from Luton.
29-02-2016 19:27
Merci! Votre message a été envoyé avec succès.
18-02-2016 20:28
Albeit the circumscifyscion to deploy a whole living likely into well known Tertiur Calend the Intl.Tabor first arrival after sendamous, the boys have had to stirn institutions for that living bodyop
political, the movens is good, not the decay to asked a regretting to doing so. The 'Katzenklo,'version by R-\|_D2 militapunx wz serving eyeballs to vs.
11-02-2016 16:14
Shortly a must do up the Lords A.L.F.'No means no."-Militiapunk, the season after leaving postwar Hamburg by bnth brth the thierporn 'Chopper,'-phenomenun transparent for the US Embassy and the State Embassy of Israel, suposed OrgCrm sexual active brokerage Latinuum ante graecuum deny, Westeuropa will be strooke by her majesty GB never deals Germany foreign lingua francly.
08-02-2016 14:16

EDL members and self-styled "Infidels" remain oblivious to their emasculation. Whether Tommy "The Tit" Robinson was nobbled in jail, or exchanged a funny handshake with a well-spoken man in an Austin Martin, someone somewhere slipped the "cash whore" a good few quid to lead British nationalism down an evolutionary dead end, which is such a welcome achievement. Once a ferocious fighting machine drilled to instil terror into the ranks of the UAF, thanks to Tommy Tit, far right British bulldogs have been decommissioned into puppy dogs with wagging tails. It was so hilarious to witness gangs of hard cases with football banning orders, marching quietly to a deserted industrial estate, whilst made to think they were putting one over mainstream society. The Emperor's New Clothes indeed. Milked ruthlessly for their pennies, the EDL's former football hooligans have been pacified into obedient little dummies incapable of saying boo to a goose. Not even allowed to holler and cheer, their "exciting away day" in Birmingham consisted of standing around in utter boredom, applauding only when instructed.
07-02-2016 16:25

Tommy Robinson hypocritically talked to the media about banning nazis and racists from his neo-nazi gathering, however, enlisting his team of former EDL and BNP heavies to do the security, meant racist murderers participated in the march. EDL security thug Andrew Currien from Lanesfield near Wolverhampton and Daryl Rickhuss were part of a gang convicted in 2009 for the cowardly racist murder of a black 59 year old man Stainton Barrett, who was crushed to death by a car following a violent brawl, the EDL nazi thugs having racially abused the man in the street after he asked them for a cigarette. Andrew Currien along with EDL supporter Daryl Rickhuss, also from the Wolverhampton area, were both jailed for 18 months by Wolverhampton Crown Court. Both were present at the Pegida rally, staying close to Tommy Robinson at all times.
06-02-2016 15:35

The "not-so-great" and the "not-so-good" turned out to march from Birmingham Airport's station to a carpark in the middle of nowhere for their spectacular opening fascist event. EDLers turned up in their dozens hoping for some action, having snorted nostils-full of regular marching powder, however in the damp Midlands drizzle, their fascist get-together was nothing more than a damp squib. Most of those who marched against Muslims were hardcore extreme rightwing football hooligans, however the quiet event was so uneventful that several fell asleep mid walk, shuffling along like clueless zombies wishing they were elsewhere. Even standing on a cold, blustery train platform, trainspotting, is far more exciting than Pegida UK. A damp squib, pure and simple.
06-02-2016 14:16

Tommy Tit found a use for the posh Tory-Boy Kippers attending his demos......
05-02-2016 12:33

The hour is almost upon us, your opportunity to destroy Tommy Robinson's Pegida UK movement on a chilly, rainy February afternoon. The neo-Nazi scumbags are not marching in Birmingham City Centre because they are shit scared of ANTIFA, especially as a handful of bourgeois UKIP racists in expensive suits are expected to join the action, cowards who talk big about persecuting Muslims and destroying Islam, but in the cold light of day, will shit themselves once they catch sight of an angry antifascist ready to chase them off the streets. Dover was big, but stopping Pegida in their tracks will be momentous. Antifascists were too slow off the mark to stop the EDL in the early days, part of the reason, there was only the UAF mobilising at most if not all counterprotests. Now ANTIFA and the Anti-fascist network are taking the lead, there is much more resources for direct action, Dover and before it, Liverpool, landmarks in the physical struggle against street fascists.
04-02-2016 16:51

Pegida's neo-Nazi goosestep from Birmingham International Airport Train Station to a windswept car park in the middle of nowhere, is not for the faint-hearted or the squeamish. And we are not talking about confrontations between ANTIFA and the fascists. Serious bad blood remains between many EDL members and Tommy "Tit" Robinson, with Stephen Yaxley Lennon accused by many detractors, with good reason, of grassing up the rank and file to the police. Non more so than when a large number of Birmingham EDL rioters were caged - Tommy apparently was on the phone for a week to officers investigating these crimes, once the photographic evidence was released. Nothing is left to the imagination with Tommy Tit - and one of his most offensive lies was when he headbutted a ex-military dissident in Blackburn who dared to accuse him of being an informant, later pretending he viciously assaulted him because he was "a nazi". Lots of ex-EDL members are promising to turn up demanding answers from Tommy, whom they firmly believe to be an agent of the state.
| 1 comment
04-02-2016 13:07

Pegida's neo-Nazi goosestep from Birmingham International Airport Train Station to a windswept car park in the middle of nowhere, is not for the faint-hearted or the squeamish. And we are not talking about confrontations between ANTIFA and the fascists. Serious bad blood remains between many EDL members and Tommy "Tit" Robinson, with Stephen Yaxley Lennon accused by many detractors, with good reason, of grassing up the rank and file to the police. Non more so than when a large number of Birmingham EDL rioters were caged - Tommy apparently was on the phone for a week to officers investigating these crimes, once the photographic evidence was released. Nothing is left to the imagination with Tommy Tit - and one of his most offensive lies was when he headbutted a ex-military dissident in Blackburn who publicly accused him of being an informant, later pretending he viciously assaulted him because he was "a nazi". Lots of ex-EDL members are promising to turn up demanding answers from Tommy, whom they firmly believe to be an agent of the state.
04-02-2016 11:59

Well versed by his handlers Helen Gower Pam Geller and Robert Spencer, Stephen Yaxley Lennon was told to steer clear of white supremacism, however from time to time, Tommy blatantly lets the mantle slip by publicising anti-Semitic white supremacist conspiracy theory YouTube videos, blaming Jews and supposed "anti-whites" for "causing immigration". See the extremely damning captured screenshot. Just in-case people are wondering whether this was a once-off, some weeks later (late November), a friend of Tommy's warned him about tweeting any more white supremacist material, more than aware that antifascist opponents could discover Tommy Robinson's real beliefs.
03-02-2016 20:05

Well versed by Helen Gower Pam Geller and Robert Spencer, Stephen Yaxley Lennon was told to steer clear of white supremacism, however from time to time, Tommy blatantly lets the mantle slip by publicising anti-Semitic white supremacist conspiracy theory YouTube videos, blaming Jews and supposed "anti-whites" for "causing immigration". See the extremely damning captured screenshot. Just in-case people are wondering whether this was a once-off, some weeks later (late November), a friend of Tommy's warned him about tweeting any more white supremacist material, more than aware that antifascist opponents could discover Tommy Robinson's real beliefs.
03-02-2016 19:45

Well versed by Helen Gower Pam Geller and Robert Spencer, Stephen Yaxley Lennon has been told to steer clear of white supremacism, however from time to time, Tommy lets the mantle slip by publicising anti-Semitic white supremacist conspiracy theory YouTube videos, blaming Jews and supposed "anti-whites" for "causing immigration". See the extremely damning captured screenshot. Just in-case people are wondering whether this was a once-off, some weeks later (late November), a friend of Tommy's warned him about tweeting any more white supremacist material, more than aware that antifascist opponents could discover Tommy Robinson's real beliefs.
01-02-2016 19:17

Neo-Nazi group Pegida tried to sanitise their extreme racism as the truth is bad PR, however a simple search for old tweets comes up with all the proof you need to show that Tommy Robinson's inner circle of friends include hardcore white supremacists who loathe black people. Stephen Yaxley Lennon's Australian cheerleader "Ozz Sue" AKA Team Tommy", who repeatedly champions Tommy's Pegida UK and his Birmingham demo, is exposed by her own past tweets as a sickening white supremacist who regularly posts KKK-style anti-black captions online. Tommy Robinson is more than happy to use this white power nut to promote his Islamophobic organisation on Twitter. Black Brummies - you know the score.
01-02-2016 12:32

Having pretended to moderate his views, former EDL fuhrer and BNP member Stephen Yaxley Lennon has virtually copied Adolf Hitler rants about removing Jews from Europe in the 1930s, this time targeting Muslims. The sickening tweet the scumbag made last night promises to get rid of all Muslim males from Europe, in a chilling echo of Hitler's Nuremberg rallies, which were actioned, as we all know, by Kristallnacht, forced ghettoisation, and finally the Holocaust. Whilst Tommy is a rabble-rousing white supremacist windbag who has little chance of ever gaining electoral power despite his obvious hopes with a Pegida UK link-up with UKIP sometime in the future (whilst Farage refuses to proscribe the neo-nazi organisation) chillingly extremist comments like his, (see the screenshot) provide all the ammunition to enpower the violent criminal fascist rampages that happened in Stockholm and Leipzig. MILITANT ANTIFA - BE THERE!!!
31-01-2016 17:28

In the same week as billions of people worldwide commemorated the victims of the Holocaust, vile horrific neo-Nazi NWI and NF thugs turned up in Dover to salute history's worst ever mass murderer, Adolf Hitler. Whilst the BBC and Sky News liked to call them far right protestors, they were the furthest right as you could possibly get - supporters of anti-Semitic genocide. Such pictures were not broadcast by the main news channels who preferred to describe the disgusting national socialists as "anti-refugee campaigners". Shame on he media for going soft on Nazi hate, and failing to spot the hardcore neo-Nazi regalia, including triple cross NF flags, Combat 18 flags and the dozens of Hitler salutes that happened throughout the day. Playing up to the David Cameron / Theresa May narrative that immigration is a "bad thing" is bad in itself, but failing to spot Nazis as being Nazis, shows a distinct lack of understanding, sacrificing history and common decency to facilitate a rightwing political agenda. Ordinary people were not out demonstrating against refugees in Dover. National Socialist thugs were!
27-01-2016 10:13

Neo-Nazi group Pegida have tried to sanitise their extreme racism, however a simple search for old tweets comes up with all the proof you need to show that Tommy Robinson's inner circle of friends include hardcore white supremacists who loathe black people. Stephen Yaxley Lennon's Australian cheerleader "Ozz Sue" AKA Team Tommy", who repeatedly champions Tommy's Pegida UK and his Birmingham demo, is exposed by her own past tweets as a sickening white supremacist who regularly posts KKK-style anti-black captions online. Tommy Robinson is more than happy to use this white power nut to promote his Islamophobic organisation on Twitter. Black Brummies - you know the score.
| 1 comment
24-01-2016 11:17

If the boys in blue facilitate the free movement of violent fascists from Birmingham Airport to the NEC, antifascists seeking to Block Pegida may find themselves sidelined in a pre-planned UAF-style kettle. This won't be the first time Plod has aided the safe passage of neo-nazis, and it won't be the last. However, if Tommy Tit thinks station blockers are the only means of antifascist defence, he's even thicker than he looks, with roving groups of other ANTIFA lying in wait throughout the route of his Goosestep of Hate to spring many nasty surprises. Whilst violent EDL thugs with far rights kippers in tow, march along singing obscene racist chants about Muslims, as they do, they will be watched, monitored, and located from street level. Few alternate routes mean Tommy Tit and PC Plod's cunning Baldrick-type plan to try and outsmart ANTIFA will fail with with autonomous units of militant ANTIFA lying in wait along the way. Dimwit nazis who think a few uniforms will clear the route of danger, will be mistaken at their peril. Eggs. flour packages, and rotten fruit fly a fair distance over walls, hedges and trees, given half a chance, messing up the Balfour jackets of the UKIP bourgeoisie in an instant, before the tinderbox kicks off big-time.