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Where is the Panchem Lama

On 17th May 2007 a candel lit vigil was held for the release of The Panchen Lama in Mc Leod Ganj, Dharamsala, the home of the Dali Lama and Tibetan community in exile.
National Weekend of Action For Refugees / 11 events - 19th May 2007
TCAR call for day of action111. Talking is not working
Whilst here in the UK for the past 10 years, I have had opportunities to study and work at respectable universities and meet many interesting individuals. At the University of Wolverhampton and within its School of Computing and IT, I found myself in an environment that challenged me for all the wrong reasons.Ndagire Oliva MUbira and Andrew Wamala must stay!
A traumatised, multiply raped woman and her 3 year old son are due for deportation to Uganda today.Food and Hospitals Not Bombs - April 28th

Reminder: Oaxaca Indymedia Info-night event with films on wed May 16th
Birmingham Indymedia are hosting a really interesting evening with an Indymedia volunteer (imcista) from Oaxaca tomorrow night (Wednesday May 16th) at Rooty Frooty from 7 pm - 9 pm.More details here:

Reclaim Power film screening Wed 16 May
The group organising the West Midlands Neighbourhood at this years Climate Camp are screening an inspirational film about last years Climate Camp at the Old Moseley Arms, Tindal Street, Wednesday 16th at 7pm.BNP Lose Another Councillor
It appears that Mark Leat the Longton North BNP councillor on Stoke Council has jumped ship.Top eight reasons for U.S. led Iraq occupation
It’s spring of 2007, four years deep into Iraq occupation .Here’s a mature top 8 reasons that combined to trigger this invasion/occupation of what used to be the sovereign nation of Iraq.Brum's May Critical Mass

National Day of Action to defend Assylum Rights May 19th Solihull
HiI contacted the Coventry Peace House recently who said that they are planning to hold a demo on this date, travelling from Coventry to Solihull, several groups are'd be good to meet No Borders and other orgs that support refugees/ assylum seekers/ anti-racists and anti-authoritarians there!
Coach from Birmingham to Enough Demonstration on 9th June
National Demonstration: March and Rally in Trafalgar Square -40 Years of Occupation is Enough!
9th June 2007
Indymedia Oaxaca Info-night comes to Birmingham

An IndyOaxaca compañero who is indigenous to the mixe territory of Oaxaca and an avid community radio, video and print and independent media activist with Indymedia Oaxaca is coming to talk and show films in Birmingham on Wednesday 16th May @ Rooty Frooty at Digbeth's Custard Factory from 7pm - 9pm.
Read more about the Oaxaca Uprising pages on Indymedia UKDismissed for disclosing misconduct
An academic has been dismissed from the School of Computing and ITat the University of Wolverhampton on the grounds of Gross
Misconduct following the use of email and an online blog devoted to
bullying in academia to express criticisms and complaints towards
management and policies within the University.
Women in Yarl's Wood Removal Centre on Hunger Strike
Women in Yarl's Wood Immigration Removal Centre are on hunger strike protesting against SERCO's draconian regime.Full Story | 1 addition | 1 comment >>
Drop Beats Not Bombs 9: You are the carriers of history

Mayday Festival in Wolverhampton

Workers and activists from across the Midlands headed to Wolverhampton on Mayday evening for the 13th Wolverhampton Annual May Day Festival, organised by Wolverhampton May Day Committee. The event was supported by the West Midlands Fire Brigades Union, the West Midlands UNISON and Midlands TUC. The theme was "Keep Wolverhampton a fascist-free zone".
Apart from the tasty Asian food and cheap beers, there were lots of enthusiastic speeches, including those by Yvonne Washbourne from the PCS Union, Dyal Bhagri, president of the Indian Workers’ Association GB and Naeem Malik from the Guantanamo Campaign. There was also some good and uplifting music, including Dave Rogers from the Banner Theatre and Atilla The Stockbroker. And, of course, loads of stalls with all kind of political literature from as many groups and campaigns.
Protest Against ESOL Cuts in Birmingham

The University and College Union (UCU) did a stall in Birmingham city centre on Mayday to protest against government plans to cut free English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes for asylum seekers and refugees. Lots of leaflets were handed out and many signatures were gathered on the "Save ESOL" petition. The event was part of a massive campaign supported by many unions and groups.
They were also joined by members of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), who were protesting against plans to close local blood processing and testing sites around the country and merge them into three "supercentres" in Bristol, Manchester and Colindale. The National Blood Service staff have been in industrial dispute with the management for about a year over these "unworkable reconfiguration plans".
BNP man on firearm charge
A British National Party candidate standing for election to Walsall Council has been charged with possessing an imitation firearm.In Defence of Work Conditions: PCS Strike and Rally in Birmingham

About 70 people turned out today for a rally in Chamberlain square, Birmingham, called and organised by the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS). The event was one of many events up and down the country.
Earlier in the day, groups of workers picketed in various locations as part of a national discontinuous strike on May 1st. The PCS had launched a national campaign in defence of jobs, services, pay and work conditions. Their demands include no compulsory redundancies and relocations; no more outsourcing without consultation and agreement; fair and equal pays and decent work conditions.