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Cruelty-Free Xmas Fair in Birmingham, Sat 12 Dec

From 10.30am - 3pm at All Sants Church Hall, Kings Heath, Birmingham

Stitched-Up In Honduras - Workers speaker tour - UK

Warwick students disrupt careers fair to protest against arms companies

engineering and technology careers fair attended by a number of arms companies,
including Rolls Royce, DSTL, MBDA, Thales, QinetiQ and BAE Systems.
Xmas Social/Benefit Gig for the IWW - Reading - 12th December

Friends and comrades,
On the evening of the next IWW* BIROC meeting, the Reading IWW branch invite y'all to come on down to the 2009 IWW Xmas Social gig!
Staff and Students Oppose Corporate Education in the University of Birmingham

Veg*n Climate March, Sat 5 Dec `09 in London

Join the march to help bring about the environmental revolution we so desperately need!

Corporate Watch: NDET issues bail conditions designed to prevent protest
Following two house raids in Evesham and Gosport in the early hours of Tuesday 10th November, four animal rights activists were arrested, charged with conspiracy to commit criminal damage and given wide-ranging bail conditions designed specifically to prevent their participation in any facet of animal rights campaigning. The charges are based upon the seizure of a solitary piece of 'evidence' in a raid a year earlier.The raids commenced at 7am when police wearing balaclavas, including members of the National Domestic Extremism Team (NDET), raided two houses. At one address masked police scaled the walls and broke windows, instead of knocking on the door, to gain entry. At the other, 20-30 police burst in brandishing fire extinguishers. From these two raids four people were arrested and later charged with conspiracy to cause criminal damage. The arresting officer was DC Mace, of the NDET London, and the accusations relate to several minor acts of criminal damage in the south of England, claimed by anonymous animal rights activists.
Missing person alert: Ahmed Abdulrahan Mustafa
Appeal for help to find a vulnerable homeless man who has been missing for over 3 weeks.Information requested to make public
My activities among people in prison and hurt by the system frequently render me angry and disgusted by the corruption that seems to proliferate. Terry Allen’s case is one such example and in a recent letter placed in the public domain at his request, he told me -Half day conference on War Crimes in Gaza
Saturday 28th November10.00am to 12.30pm at Carrs Lane Church Centre in Birmingham City Centre.
Registration will start from 9.30am and entry will cost £3
Organised by West Midlands Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Police censorship
in west midlands,a police man decided that he,personally would decide what a cinema should show.Day of the Dead Samhain Celebration REEL NEWS Benefit Sat 31 Oct Brum

More than ever, the oil must be ours

Halloween demo at Sequani this sat!
Just a reminder of the demo opposite Sequani Labs, Bromyard Road, Ledbury, Herfordshire, this Sat 31st Oct, 3pm till late, please feel free to dress up in Halloween costume...Griffin torn apart, but not literally unfortunately
Yesterday, Thursday the 23rd October saw unprecedented protests outside BBC television centres across the country over the planned appearance of the fascist BNP party leader Nick Griffin on the current affairs programme Question Time. Numbers eclipsed even the protests sparked by the BBC's refusal to air a Gaza aid appeal last January. Crowds gathered to hear the usual speeches and chant the usual slogans, but after a car entered the television centre a large crowd surged forward towards the main gates to be met by police. Soon enough the cops were overpowered and pushed aside with officers climbing over the gates to escape. The gates were forced open, officers on the other side struggling to hold them shut. Seconds later the crowd stormed the gates and headed towards the BBC entrance with dozens of activists entering the building. Protestors were seen being dragged outside by security. As the evening wore on the scene became moody with reports of police using CS gas. Inside the television studio the scene was not much calmer.I saw a rather succinct review of Question Time: "Griffin came across as a blithering idiot while the other three politicians acted like a bunch of kids fighting over a bag of sweets, Jack Straw seemed to drop most of his sweets on the floor when asked about immigration. Bonnie Greer was hilarious". This about sums up what happened, but here follows a more in depth analysis.
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Confront the BNP in Herefordshire this Saturday
The BNP will be holding their annual fundraising dinner at the Chase Hotel* in Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire, this Saturday evening.* PLEASE CALL THE CHASE ON 01989 763161 AND LET THEM KNOW WHAT YOU THINK.
* Email them on

Hate comes to Herefordshire
A plush country house hotel in Herefordshire will knowingly host a fundraising dinner for the British National Party, Searchlight can reveal.Vegan Festival & After Party this Saturday
Are you ready for Saturday??!!!The biggest annual vegan festival in the UK (outside of London & Bristol) returns to Wolverhampton and looks set to knock the spots off last year`s event!!