More than ever, the oil must be ours
Lately, nothing compares to the discoveries made by Petrobras in the pre-salt layer of the Brazilian coast. Maybe it's the last finding of a significant energy source that has its depletion announced for soon. After splendid news, as these are, how to act?
Just like in the beginning. With the same passion and the same radicality of campaign "The oil is ours". If, in the 1950's, when our daily production was 2,300 barrels, the whole country has mobilized in favor of retaining the oil wealth to Brazilians, what to say about today, when, in only four fields, it is estimated that the reserves of pre-salt layer will produce 16 billion barrels?
The Brazilian Pre-Salt Layer is ours!
The exploitation of these reserves by sharing system, as proposed by the government of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, is the adjusted formula to Brazilian people keep sovereignty over the oil in brazilian pre-salt layer, guaranteeing to all citizens the benefits that will result of the extraction and processing of it.
Today, more than 80% of the major producing countries have adopted this system. Why, then, should we choose another way? Why give up the most incredible possibilities to break the shackles of underdevelopment that are offered to Brazilian people?
The appropriation of this immense wealth for a few would be the most serious of crimes, the vilest of treacheries, the most unforgivable of actions committed against Brazilian people. This would mean restoring the bonds of slavery, rebuilding the gallows where Tiradentes was immolated, reenacting the firing squad of Brother Caneca, to recapture and humiliate Zumbi dos Palmares, pulling again the trigger on the breast of Getúlio Vargas.
Therefore, meeting in Curitiba on October the 22th, 2009 in the Seminar "Pre-salt - Brazil in the right way", authorities, unions, associations and political parties that subscribe to this letter express their uncompromising support to the sharing system for the exploration of oil in the pre-salt layer at the Brazilian coast. Likewise, the undersigned support and require that the economic results of this exploration be distributed equally among all Brazilians, without any kind of primacy.
What is ours, is of all of us.