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We Won.... Kenneth Foster Death Sentence Commuted

Object to Sequani planning application

Team Tibet - documentary film

Filmed August 2007 in McLeod Ganj and Delhi, it asks: Why did they flee Tibet? What is the situation in Tibet under Chinese occupation? What are their hopes for the future of their country, people and cultures? And What about the 2008 games?
No deportations to DRC – Birmingham's demo

Christian Aid hostility at B`ham `Cut the Carbon` march

September 30 Target Practice for Compostables.
Old Fruit and veg overflowing from your compost bin? Overwhelmed with flour and eggs? The redoubtable Evening Post informs us of s olution to your problems...Judge halts DR Congo deportations
A High Court judge has order a halt to deportations of failed asylum seekers to the Democratic Republic of Congo.Veggie/vegans to educate climate marchers in Brum

XL's cage rattled
XL Airways has threatened the National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns (NCADC) with legal action following the publication of an article on NCADC's website implying that XL might be operating a charter flight scheduled for 30 August to 'remove' a number of failed asylum seekers to DR Congo. The charter airline had their legal representatives serve the campaigning organisation with a Notice of Intent, dated 15 August 2007, threatening to seek an injunction against NCADC if they did not remove "any mention of [their] client" from the concerned article by the end of Friday, June 17th.
A number of Congolese detainees had received Removal Directions for Thursday, 30 August, stipulating Flight Number PVT616 and Operation Castor, the operational name given to a previous charter flight, operated by XL, which carried 38 Congolese deportees last February.
Actions against the 30th August 'charter flight'
Once again, a number of rejected Congolese asylum seekers are being deported on a charter flight on 30th August. Actions planned to try and stop that so far include:Manchester, Newcastle, Glasgow and Cardiff
Tuesday 28th August 2007 - 12:00 noon
Here's some background:

Old stuff:

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What's the Home Office motive for trying to remove so many to the DR Congo now?
Over the last week a number of refused asylum seekers from DR Congo, have been rounded up and detained and have been given, "removal directions" for Thursday 30th August on flight number PVT616 [A 'Charter flight]. Others have "removal directions" for Monday 20th August.Next No Border Camp Meeting
The fourth meeting in a campaign opposed to the construction of a new immigration detention centre at GatwickWest Midlanders join Camp for Climate Action
Activists from across the West Midlands have established a neighborhood at the Camp for Climate Action taking place at Heathrow airport in protest at the unsustainable development of civil aviation infrastructure in the UK, specifically the expansion of Heathrow airport itself by the construction of a third runway.EXECUTION ALERT: Kenneth Foster scheduled to die 30th August 07

Help free queer refugee Ali Humayun from Sydney's Villawood detention centre.

Attack on IWW Solidarity March in Providence, RI-Support Needed!

Roughly 30-40 wobblies and supporters (including Providence and Boston SDSers) were marching towards Jackie's Galaxy in North Providence when the police began following them en mass. They told the marches to move to the sidewalk, while this was initially ignored, the marchers listened to the police and began slowly moving to the sidewalk.
The police then surrounded the marchers in their squad cars and began getting out. With the police in full force, they began attacking the marchers, one fellow worker, Alex Svoboda, was pinned down by the police during her arrest and suffered a broken and dislocated leg and ruptured blood vessel in the knee. These injuries will require at least two surgeries and extensive rehab and even then may not completely repair the damage. Jason, another wob, was arrested in during the police' attack. Ashley, a supporter from Boston, was also severely maced during the attack, suffered chemical burns and required medical treatment.
Death row conviction overturned

all credits: BBC News -
Jessica & Favour Edebiri -another attempt to remove them

No Nukes Stall in Oswestry for Nagasaki Day