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Injustice Screening in support of the Mikey Powell Campaign for Justice May 27

(Mikey Powell died on September 7, 2003, in police custody in Handsworth, Birmingham)
Donate Against the G8!
Please post this information as widely as possible!NATIONAL NOISE DEMO @ EDO IN BRIGHTON.
If your against the Invasion of Iraq, If your against the Occupation of Iraq, If your against the killing of 100,000 Iraqis by U$ and British forces, If your against attacks of Civil Liberties, then come down to Brighton, Defend the Right to Protest and support the Smash Edo Campaign!The AUT boycott and the rights of Israelis and Palestinians.
Attempts to overturn the recent AUT boycott of Haifa University and Bar Ilan University, focus on the rights of Israelis at the cost of the rights of Palestinians. The ICj ruling on the Apartheid wall has come to nowt, now academics fight to ignore the Palestinian call for a boycott.Direct action defies fascist ASBOs in Derby

Palestine Film Festival: 1st - 4th May @ the mac

1st May Sun Arna's Children+short 8.00pm (1h 20m+9m)
2nd May Mon Hopefully for the Best 8.00pm (42m)
3rd May Tue In the 9th Month 8.00pm (1h 46m)
4th May Wed Ford Transit 8.45pm (1h 20m)
All the films will be screened at the Midlands Art Centre (mac)
The mac is in Cannon Hill Park, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B12 9QH. Tel: 0121 440 3838
Directions: From the city centre take one of the buses 45,45A,47,47A get off at Pershore Road / Edgbaston Road walk left through Edgbaston rd then turn right
Never Mind the Ballots

May Day, 2005
United Kingdom
MG Rover gravy train
Every cloud has a silver lining. For some it was gold-plated.Sequani vivisection labs Herefordshire - Supplier update 04/05

Longbridge and St Modwens
The collapse of MG Rover, the last remaining British car company, has left many facing financial ruin, and yet in addition to the Phoenix Four, who appear to have milked the company for millions, one company, St Modwens the Destroyer, has done very nicely out of the collapse of MG Rover.This is Camp Xray - An evening responding to injustice

Birmingham Indymedia goes live on May 1st with the aim of promoting grassroots, non-corporate and non-commercial coverage of important social and political issues.
On bank holiday Monday May 2nd, at the Custard Factory Birmingham, the kollective in association with the Birmingham Guantanamo Campaign [ Report ] and the South Asian Alliance will be screening 'This is Camp Xray' along with some short films. There will also be music provided by DESERT GROOVE DJs + INQLAB COLLECTIVE plus infostalls all on the theme of responding to injustice.
6.30 - 11PM (THEATRE DOORS 6.30PM, MUSIC AND BAR 8-11PM)National action against Caterpillar 16.4.05 Birmingham

The national action against Caterpillar, which consisted of a protest motorcade past Caterpillar finance in Solihull and a rally in Birmingham city centre, was supported by national PSC (Palestinian Solidarity Campaign) & others. People joined in from Leicester, Coventry, Wales, Preston, Liverpool, Exeter etc.
At long last, action is being taken nationally and internationally to stop Caterpillars exports, from the USA to Israel, of bulldozers for aggressive usage against Palestinian civilians, in the occupied territories.
Two main events for the day 1) A Protest Motorcade 2) A Palestine Rally
Impact of superstores on local retailers

Palestinian union backs boycott motions at AUT Council
Press Release - for immediate releasePalestinian union backs boycott motions at AUT Council
The Palestinian sister union of the Association of University Teachers has issued an Open Letter to the AUT Executive and Council calling for unambiguous boycott of Israeli universities.
"Mock Auction" for MG Rover on Ebay

MG Rover: A Modest Proposal
MG Rover's collapse exposes the ugly face ofcapitalism. Occupation to form a co-operative
is the only libertarian socialist solution
Nice G8 picture