Birmingham Newswire Archive
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No-one is illegal! protest in Birmingham city centre
About 50 people gathered together in the centre of Birmingham to mark the E.S.F. day of action in support of refugees and migrants. This protest was organised in a matter of weeks after Birminghams A.R.C. (Anti-Racist Campaign) conference in support of migrant worker’s rights and forging links with the trade union movement.Full Story | 2 additions | 4 comments >>
Birmingham: European No Borders Day of Action - April 2nd, 12pm
European Day of Action against Refugee Detention and for Migrant RightsAgainst racism
For freedom of movement
For the right to stay and work
12 noon Saturday 2nd April 2005 Birmingham Bull Ring centre
St Modwens the destroyer
St Modwens the destroyer, through a front company KPI and in collusion with the local council, has managed to trash Farnborough town centre. St Modwens is now proposing to do the same in collusion with the local council to the century old Queens Market at Upton Park in East London.Caterpillar "Defence" 16/3 - photo and report.

Trading Freedom and the G8 screening in Brum Tuesday 22nd March

Open Letter to STWC from Political Association of Iranian Refugees
Iranian refugee group criticises STWC for refusing to give platform to voices equally critical of US imperialism and the stutus quo in Iran.Rachel Corrie anniversary memorial at Caterpillar, Solihull: report and pics

In Memory of Rachel Corrie: Caterpillar Defence under siege

Human rights protestors have this morning returned to Caterpillar Defence Industries armed with War on Want’s “Caterpillar: The Alernative Report”. The gates all around the factory are shut and no traffic is being permitted to leave or enter the factory. The human rights protestors are currently reading the War on Want alternative report on Caterpillar through the gates to employees and security. Caterpillar Defence industries is effectively under siege this morning.
Injustice benefit screening - Birmingham: Sat 19th March 2005
Benefit Screening of the powerful film banned by Channel 4 and the BBC+ Q&A event with families & filmmakers + live hip hop, poetry & sounds and music.
Saturday 19th March 2005 (Film starts at 7.30pm - music till late)
Coach & Horses, 162 Mary Street, Balsall Heath, Birmingham B12.
Bus: 35 or 50
Rachel Corrie anniversary memorial at Caterpillar, Solihull - 16th March 2005
PRESS RELEASE FROM WEST MIDLANDS PALESTINE SOLIDARITY CAMPAIGNLocal campaigners for Palestine intend to lay a wreath to commemorate a student activist at the offices of the company implicated in her death.
Prevention of Terrorism Bill: Lobby of Birmingham MP’s - 5th March

Khalid Mahmood (Perry Barr) Scheduled for 12:00 5th March 2005 (His surgery continues until 2.00 p.m. )
Rookery Road School
Rookery Road (off Soho Road)
Gisela Stuart (Edgbaston) Scheduled for 9.30 a.m. 5th March 2005 (Her surgery at this address starts at 9.00 a.m. and continues until 10.30 a.m.
Quinborne Community Centre
Ridgacre Road
Banner Theatre's 30th Anniversary Celebration

In Birmingham on 8-9 April 2005 Banner will be celebrating 30 years of
creating hard-hitting documentary theatre with and for community and trade
union audiences.
As you may know, Banner has based its work on key issues of our time,
ranging from fights to prevent closure and privatisation of major
industries, like coal, steel and public utilities, through to struggles
against racism, sexism and imperialism. To date the company has created over 30 major documentaries, numerous cassettes and CDs, plus hundreds of songs and street theatre productions.
pathfinder schemes
In the name of urban renewal, creating sustainable communities, social cleansing on a vast scale is being pushed through unchallenged.Interview with Gareth Peirce: onTorture
An interview with British human rights lawyer Gareth Peirce. IMC UK should be doing interviews like and video of the interview is at
Birmingham Stop the War meeting notes
Some notes on the Birmingham Stop the War meeting (Jan28th) and a critical look at how the movement could make its struggle a more effective one.Photos from DIY Culture in Birmingham

DIY Culture Weekend has begun in Birmingham
DIY Culture has begun in Birmingham. Hosted by the Nursery Social Centre Collective, DIY Culture is a long weekend of events and workshops aiming to foster the technical skills and intellectual defenses necessary to confront capitalism and sow the seeds of a better world within the shell of the old.Caterkiller cause the real criminal damage
An activist was given a 12 month conditional discharge for criminal damage and ordered to pay £364 costs at Solihull magistrates yesterday for 'scuffing' a Caterkiller boss' comapny car. The activist was involved in a protest in June last year against Caterkiller's sale of D9, D10 and D11 armoured bulldozers to the Israeli military.Update on Brum Social Centre and Santa Resistance