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Emergency protest against Israel's attacks on Gaza
There will be an emergency protest against Israel's attacks on Palestinians, tomorrow, Friday 30th June from 4pm - 6pm at the ramp on New Street.Brum Indymedia 'Walmart' Screening: Thursday 29th June

American MD's Cooperate In Torture at Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib
MD complicity with torture at Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, in Afghanistan and other illegal CIA prisons around the world..signing off on sleep deprivation, culling medical literature
for torture technique, etc.
Sheffield Indymedia's "Summer of Truth" Film Festival

These films have never been seen on TV or screened in the cinema.
One of the central themes of many of the films is the proposition that the attacks in New York and Washington on 11th September 2001 were actually an inside job organised by elements within the US administration in order to win public support for an offensive war to gain control of oil resources in the Middle East.
The films are screening every Sunday evening in July at SIF (Sheffield Independent Film) on Brown Street, entry is a suggested donation of £1 and there will be time for discussion about the issues raised in the films after each screening.
The titles, times and further information about the screenings follow, there is more details on the Sheffield Indymedia web site including links to download many of the films:

The films were due to be screened at the Matilda Social Centre but have had to be moved to SIF due to the eviction, more details on this story:

Please send any enquiries about the screenings to:

Full Story | 1 addition | 3 comments >>
Birmingham Guantanamo Campaign airport vigil, 24 June 2006

on the A45 outside Birmingham International Airport to "demand action
to put a stop to the CIA's torture flights"
The Campaign for a Boycott of Apartheid Israel Gathers Momentum
Boycott Israeli Goods National Day of ActionFull Story | 6 additions | 3 comments >>
Close Down Sandford House Reporting Centre!

There is a regular monthly protest on the last friday of the month at Solihull's Home Office Reporting Centre from 12pm - 2pm, called by Birmingham Noborders and Birmingham's Anti-Racist Campaign - details of the protest are below.
The music in the report is by Vince and the percussion by John. You can hear this song along with others including film, poetry, discussion and live bands at the Birmingham Noborders benefit on the evening of the monthly demo at Sandford House - Friday 30th June, 8pm - 2am at the Spotted Dog in Digbeth Birmingham.
In the interview she describes how she was snatched and abused by yellow jacketed 'escorts' whilst signing at Sandford House and subsequently taken to the immigration prison that is Yarlswood detention centre.
She tells of her experiences in Yarlswood and the unimaginable state of limbo thousands of Refugees experience whilst awaiting a decision from the Home Office. She also tells of the horror of a young woman who was forcibly deported whilst naked from Yarlswood and who was filmed by the detention centre staff. The Home Office later denied they had abused and filmed the detainee.
Please come and show your anger and disgust at the Border Regime on Friday 30th June at Solihull's Home Office Reporting Centre.
Boycott Israeli Goods - National Day of Action - 24 June 2006
Boycott Israeli Goods - National Day of Action - 24 June 2006Sequani 'Biohazard' Demo - Ledbury - 08.07.06

"Infectious agents that present a risk or potential risk to the health
of humans or other animals, either directly through infection or
indirectly through damage to the environment."
"Remember the Dead, Justice for the Living" Vigil

On 20th June, 2006, the Birmingham Anti-Racist Campaign (ARC) staged a vigil in the grounds of St. Philip's Cathedral in Birmingham to "commemorate those asylum seekers who took their own lives while awaiting the Home Office's decision or incarcerated in detention centres, and to pledge our determination to campaign for justice for the living."
Using 34 hand-made "stone graves", which bore the details and stories of asylum seekers who have died recently, the vigil managed to eloquently tell of the shameful asylum system that sometimes drives its victims to such depth of despair that they take their own lives, many of them because they would rather be dead than be sent back to the countries they had fled.
Related: call-out and flyer | list of documented refugee deaths throughout Fortress Europe | previous sleep-outs: 2005 | 2004
Big noise to hit Britain's immigration reporting centres this Thursday

Pathfinder exposed by Corporate Watch
John Prescott's government department may have vanished, but the wrecking ball he has set in motion is still poised to demolish thousands of homes across Northern England and the Midlands - there's far too much money involved to let this one go.Birmingham NoBorders and The Angel Group at Celebrating Sanctuary

Last Saturday, 17th June, saw the main events of Celebrating Sanctuary, Birmingham's version of Refugee Week. Throughout the day, Victoria Square was buzzing with events and activities, although significantly less than previous years. There was also an open-air concert in Chamberlain Square in the afternoon, with live refugee bands from different parts of the world.
Having postponed a guided tour of Birmingham's border regime that was supposed to take place on that same day, Birmingham NoBorders chose to do some leafleting to "tell people the truth about the event," as one of the activists put it. The leaflet, of which hundreds of copies were given away, exposed ‘The Angel Group’ and criticised Celebrating Sanctuary for, among other things, being funded by asylum profiteers.
End Torture Flights Action on Saturday 24th June
"People kidnapped by the US are being shuttled around the world forinterrogation, often to places where torture is practiced – and the US
administration doesn’t deny it. This is called extraordinary rendition”
Rahimi Family Must Stay! - Public Meeting

How boring a fish bowl is for a fish!
How scary and dark a grave is for a living and breathing boy!
How ugly detention is for a child!
Hand cuffs, iron locks, closed doors, fences
I was just six years old.
I felt great sorrow, as I had been doing very well at school And they
didn't permit me to go to school
when they took me to Yarlswood prison
For what crime? I don't know.
We came from a far land
with exhausted feet,
to this strange land
I want to smell calming flowers,
I want to search for secure moments,
I wish that I could fly!
Birmingham Guantanamo Campaign vigil, 17 June 2006

Vigil: Remember the dead, Justice for the living

Tuesday 20 June, 5pm to 9pm at the Cathedral Square, Colmore Row.