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The EDL In Stoke
The English Defence League is holding a demo in Stoke today which, whilst inevitably causing disruption, will get support from the Stoke football firm the Naughty 40 and associated hooligans, unaffiliated youths looking for trouble and BNP supporters in one of their key areas.Iran: The teacher trade unionist still at risk of being executed
Farzad Kamangar,who is accused of acting against the security of the country, remains in Evin Prison, despite what his lawyer says is a total lack of evidence against him.
India: State and Corporates Hand in Glove -PUBLIC MEETING
Please join for an evening of presentations and discussions on some of the prominent struggles against the State-Corporate nexus in India
Tuesday 26 January 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Room G2, SOAS, London
Bloody Sunday Film & Discussion Today Wed 20th
Public MeetingBloody Sunday Video and Discussion
TONIGHT - WED 20TH JAN 2010 7.30pm
Please be prompt as the film is an hour long
Stop the EDL in Stoke - 23rd January

Haiti Disaster Capitalism Alert: Stop Them Before They Shock Again

Racism against asians from a large company
I would like to publice the way in which a large company treats Asians. There have been 3 separate issues of serious Racial Discrimination/Harassment by this company which led to Asian employees leaving the company.Splitting The BNP Vote? By 'Malatesta'
the BNP is facing a financially tough general election and now the NF & UKIP could split their vote.Public Meeting on Bloody Sunday
Please be prompt as the Film is an hour long
Viva Palestine convoy - George Galloway deported from Egypt
According to the 'Viva Palestine' spokeswoman, the convoy had been arrested at the Rafah crossing point - plain clothed officers identified Galloway and police bundled him into a vehicle and drove off before putting him on a plane back to London.
University of Gloucestershire website launches new Student Information page.
As the protest against job cuts grows at the University of Gloucestershire a new Student Information page is launched.Obituary - Frances Mary Blake
Frances-Mary Blake 1939 - 2009Reseacher and Writer on the Irish Civil War. Campaigner for British Withdrawal from Ireland. Supporter of Irish Political Prisoners and their families. Activist on Human Rights & Justice generally
Filipino journalists remember 'Maguindanao massacre'

ZAMBOANGA CITY, Philippines – Dozens of journalists held a prayer rally Wednesday in Zamboanga City to remember and seek justice for the brutal slayings of 57 people, among them at least 30 journalists massacred last month in Maguindanao province in the southern Philippines.
Are we serious? the shambles in Copenhagen
A personal account of the failure of the protests in Copenhagen. It's all too easy to blame that nasty "police repression" for the lack of fizz of the demos in Denmark -- but were the protests ever serious?Barbarism begins at home. Anarchists agains the family
Family as another Modern institution to be destroyed since it proves unable to be resignified. Merry Xmas.Hereford Heckler #11 now out!
The December/January issue of the Hereford Heckler (bulletin of the Hereford Solidarity League) is out now...Anticapitalist Revolutionary rock band Rage Against the Machine make Xmas No 1

The EDL, the BNP and Stoke by ‘Malatesta’
The EDL, the BNP and the possible co-operation of local football firm ‘the Naughty Forty’ has serious public order implications at the January demonstration in Stoke.Jury Find Police Restraint Killed Mikey Powell
Damning narrative verdict returned at inquest.The jury at the inquest into the controversial death in police custody in 2003 of Michael Lloyd Powell (known as Mikey) today returned a damning narrative verdict and found that the way that he was restrained resulted in his death from positional asphyxia (see below).
University Struggles Update