Birmingham Newswire Archive
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Birmingham cops and 'community types' behind racist, illegal 'Project Champion'
Here are the names of those responsible for implementing one of the most racist uses of public money in British history. The multi-million pound 'project champion' in which CCTV cameras were erected in Muslim areas where there was zero evidence that anybody in the area was a terrorist. The residents were being targeted simply for their colour and for their Muslim faith.Paul Lewis wrote about 6 articles for the Guardian.

Take Control – this weekend!
Taking Control West Midlands gathering, this weekend in Birmingham.Redditch Green Fair 2011 - Sat 4th June

Autonomy for the UK

On 1st May 2011 the UK Indymedia Network forked into two autonomous projects, running two different websites, UK Indymedia and Be The Media. Also, a snapshot of the UK Indymedia site as it existed on the date of the the fork was created as an archive.
There was a consensus in the UK Indymedia Network that the project needed to fork, so that Indymedia members with different views could all work on developments they were happy with rather than come into constant conflict. An agreement was made in December to implement the fork on May 1st but the agreement broke down at the eleventh hour. Mayday believed that part of the agreement was that their collective was to have globally recognised Independent Media Centre status at the time of the fork. Be The Media had interpreted this differently and did not see it this way. The consensus that had been thrashed some 4 months before had now snapped and activists, being activists, took action. Be The Media started implementing the changes to the site shortly after midnight on May 1st. Mayday saw what was happening, considered the blocks to have been ignored [1] and felt that if this proceeded it would have in effect shut down the UK Newswire. After several hours of discussion and consideration they agreed they couldn't let it proceed like this and so, in the early hours of May 1st, sleepless techies migrated the entire web site to a new server, thus effecting the fork on the agreed date but not in the way originally planned.
Birmingham: May Day International Worker's day

May Day celebrates International Workers Day and is marked traditionally when the Trade Union Movement gathers with the community to celebrate our achievements and to commit ourselves to achieving economic and social justice for all.
Birmingham TUC worked together with Birmingham Against the Cuts and invited trades unionists, students and the public to join this demonstration to stop the cuts and fight for an alternative based on our needs, not bankers greed!
DPAC was there with our stall and banner at the start at St Philips Cathedral – we were to march through part of the city centre to Victoria Sq where there were speeches. I joined Matt, Linda and Paul there to hand out leaflets and chat to the people there. It was a lively crowd and people seemed genuinely interested to stop and chat and to take up handouts. There was a UKuncut group dressed up in white body suits with black tipped markings – they said the body stockings were what the UKuncut people (Fortnum and Mason Solidarity Bloc) had to wear after the Fortnum and Mason event in London, 26th march. Next to our stall was the Confronting Anti Muslim Hatred stall. There was also an anti war stall.
Ode to IMC UK: keep it going....

Connexions Strike Birmingham

Britain's Left Defeats Itself Again.
On November 30th 1999 thousands of anti-capitalist/globalisation activists gathered in Seattle, USA to protest against and successfully shut down a meeting of the World Trade Organisation (WTO). A large part of their grievance was that the WTO was effectively operating in secret with no reporting of the decisions it was making and the effect those decisions were having across the world. So by way of a solution a group of activists set up the Independent Media Centre or "Indymedia" for short. The idea was create a network of un-moderated, open publishing websites so people from all over the world could share news about the decisions being made in the name of globalisation and the actions that were being taken to protest against them. The Independent Media Centre was probably one of the most successful ideas to come out of the Seattle protests and there are now 180 Indymedia sites across the world in places as diverse as Japan, Israel, Kenya and Burma making Indymedia the blueprint for the sort of "Citizen Journalism" that's become so fashionable recently.Connexions Strike on Wed May 4th

Three banks in Birmingham sabotaged on Mayday action
Last night a group of activists sabotaged three banks on the High Street in Harborne, Birmingham.Bin Laden dead - real target Pakistan
Don't be fooled. Bin Laden's been dead for years. The real target is Pakistan. THere have been some major changes going on in the relationship between Pakistan and the US.Stop these attacks on our right to protest - defend the Fortnum 145
STOP THESE ATTACKS ON OUR RIGHT TO PROTESTProtest outside the hearing of Fortnum & Mason anti-cuts occupiers
MONDAY 9th MAY, 9am
70 Horseferry Road, London SW1P 2AX
Called by Defend The Right To Protest, in support of the Fortnum145 defendants campaign - - details at end, below
On 26 March, around 140 people were arrested and detained for taking part in the occupation of Fortnum & Mason to highlight tax avoidance. Their protest was peaceful, as documented by eyewitness reports and video footage. They were told by police that they were free to leave – but as soon as the protestors left the building they were arrested. The occupiers now face charges of aggravated trespass and the possibility of a prison sentence.
Birmingham Mayday Protest, Aggressive removal of UKuncut protest 30/04/11
Fortnum and Mason Solidarity Bloc off Birmingham Mayday demo organised by Birmingham against the cuts

watch the action here

The Attempt to Shutdown UK Indymedia

Some people involved with UK Indymedia have been talking about shutting down the UK IMC site for years [1], for a variety of reasons; an openly declared disillusionment with the original model of open publishing and wanting to move to pre-moderated newswires which don't allow comments on articles [2], a dislike of the political content that is carried on the UK site [3]; a desire to see the traffic, which the UK site gets, redirected to regional IMC sites [4] and perhaps other motivations. Those wanting the site shutdown have also blocked improvements being made to the UK Indymedia site [5].
However the activists who have been maintaining the UK IMC site are still committed to running a UK-wide Indymedia open newswire and are not prepared to see the UK Indymedia site shutdown. They believe that the UK Indymedia newswire provides a valuable service for articles and comments and it should be maintained. These activists are also committed to running UK Indymedia in a transparent and open manner and in the spirit of the initial Independent Media Centre. Prior to the UK Indymedia Network meeting in Bradford in December 2010 this group of IMC UK admins applied to the global New IMC process as an autonomous collective with a wish to continue running the UK Indymedia site. Clearly the UK Indymedia site isn't a New IMC, it's been going for a decade (the early IMC UK story is covered in the BeTheMedia article about the impending shutdown), the application was made to make it clear that there was a group of activists who were running and wanted to continue running, the IMC UK site, but with autonomy from the activists running the other Indymedia sites in the UK. The activists running the other Indymedia sites in the UK wanted to take the domain away from the UK Indymedia site and point it to the BeTheMedia site (at the time it was, it has subsequently been renamed).
Workers’ Memorial Day Thursday 28th April 2011
Workers' Memorial Day is to remember all those killed at or by work, & to strengthen our resolve to reduce risks and protect people from injury in the workplace.Online Petition: Fair pay for Royal cleaners
Cleaners working for the Royal Household in London are paid £6.45 per hour even though the London Living Wage is set at £7.85. Cleaners in the House of Commons and House of Lords are paid at the rate of the London Living wage.Cut Cake Not Services Guerrilla Picnic
A group of local Telford residents will be hosting a guerrilla picnic themed 'Cake Not Cuts' at the Telford Town Park Amphitheatre on Monday 1st May from midday onwards.English Defence League Major Security Breach

*We kindly request News and Media organisations to reference this Indy Media article if they intend to use the information provided.