The group were inspired by local demonstrations such as Shropshire Fights Back march held in Shrewsbury on XXXX where more than 1000 people marched through Shrewsbury against government cuts and the closure of local schools and also the larger London March For The Alternative on the 26th March. they decided that they wanted their voices to be heard in Telford.
Nursery worker Leanne Manthenga said "The current government spending cuts are already damaging public services in Telford including children's services and the NHS. The poorer you are, the more you lose, but these are political choices, not economic necessity. There are alternatives. Of course the recession did huge damage to our economy, but these deep, rapid cuts are not the best way to solve our problems, and may well make them worse. No-one voted for them. We must let our local MPs and councillors know that we are unhappy about these cuts and will not let our services be taken away from us."
"This is an open event and everyone is welcome. Please come along and discuss your views and ideas, or just enjoy a picnic with us. We'd love for you to join us and bring along some cake!"
The group would also like to invite anyone bringing banners or placards.
For more information join the Facebook group: