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Benefit Gig for Vegan Prisoners in Birmingham

Buy Nothing Day – 24th November 2007
The last Saturday of November sees International Buy Nothing Day taking place in many corners of the globe; particularly the affluent corners!James Yee, wrongly imprisoned Guantánamo chaplain, on UK tour
James Yee, a US Army Captain and the Muslim chaplain for the Guantanamo detainees in 2002-03, was, astonishingly, imprisoned as a spy and held for 76 days before being released without charge. After leaving the army, he wrote a book about his experiences, and is visiting the UK for a speaking tour.Chancellor of Bradford University jailed under Anti-Terrorism Laws!!
Imran Khan, Chancellor of Bradford University, ex-cricketer-turned-politician, was handed over to the the Pakistan junta's police by Islamist students last week and now has been jailed under anti-terrorism laws. He started a hunger strike today, 19th Nov 2007. Support Bradford University's petition and campaign to free him. Support those imprisoned under the current de facto Martial Law. Support the people of Pakistan to be free!Sign the petition to No10 against custody deaths

Family of Paul Coker React to CPS decision not to Prosecute Police Officers

Thursday, November 15, 2007
By the family of Paul Coker
'Hands Off Iraqi Oil' speaker tour - Monday 19th Nov - University of Birmingham
The 'Hands off Iraqi Oil' speaker tour comes to Lecture Theatre G33, School of Education, University of Birmingham on Monday 19th November @ 6pm.England's Core Cities make Climate Pledge

Government must now strengthen climate bill says Friends of the Earth
Thought-crime conviction
Samina Malik has been convicted of thinking or writing unacceptable things under the Terrorism Act 2000. This invasion of the mind by the authorities and the courts is yet another example of the annihilation of civil liberties. Whilst Georgians and lawyers in Pakistan rise up to challenge their governments why is it that we are so accepting of the assault on our freedoms.Challenging the Boundaries: A Single State in Palestine/Israel - 17/18 November
We would like to draw your attention to an innovative approach to the resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Challenging the Boundaries: A Single State in Palestine/Israel will be explicitly addressing the fundamental causes of the conflict by examining an idea that is generating more widespread interest than ever – a single state for all in the area.Distribution of free food to become illegal in London
London Councils, which represents the 33 local authorities in London has prepared a private bill, the tenth "London Local Authorities Bill" which will make the distribution of free food and refreshments anywhere in London an offence. The bill is to be put in front of Parliament on the 27th November 2007.Full Story | 2 additions | 2 comments >>
Birmingham students take a second swipe at BAE Systems

Full Story | 1 addition | 4 comments >>
Film on Indian Special Economic Zones and talk
Hello friends,Brum Anti-SEZ campaign, a campaign against sweat shops in developing countries, is showing a film on resistance to Special Economic Zones (management-speak
for legalised sweat shops) at the MAC on 11th Nov at 7.30-9.00pm. Film (which runs for about 40 minutes) will be followed by a short talk and discussion. Also attached is a leaflet about the event and campaign here.
See you there.
Protest Against The Military Dictatorship In Pakistan
THURSDAY 8 NOVEMBER 2007, 12.30 – 1.30 pmPakistani Consulate
2/26 Constitution Hill, Birmingham B19 3LH
Protest against the military dictatorship in Pakistan
A protest against the military dictator of Pakistan Gen. Pervez Musharraf's decision to impose martial law (in the name of emergency) has been organised by the South Asian Alliance. Following is the press release issued by the Alliance. Please do try to come to the protest and register our support for Pakistani people's struggle against the "pro-west" tyrant.Webster Tarpley's Hoax: The Kennebunkport Warning
He's touring the UK, supposedly helping 9/11 Truth, but watch out--the man has a history of spreading disinformation....if you're planning to go to Tarpley's Guy Fawkes/911 speech read this first, and demand answers.Full Story | 1 addition | 3 comments >>